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Dexter and Golemus

Blackshade Rider

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Hello my fellow golemans. We have a vote in the land to let Dexter join us. I am making this post because he said he hasn't been validated in the forum yet so he cannot post.


I have spoke with him a bit and he seems like he would fit in with us. I want all golemans to make a vote on this and let us know your view points.


Grido.........I will have him find you in game so you guys can talk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vote pole has been ended,,, i have been talking with grido and my friend raider about my joining golemus land,, i have been told that i will get answer soon but still nothing, i em posting this post for grido to see since i mosty play on night so i cant meat him ingame... i would like you to know that i em still interesed in joining so if we need to speak again just say when...Dexter

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