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Final Torch Contest Idea


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This is my final suggestion for MD, and it is, of course, for Torch Contest.

Instead of being dead, vanquished soldiers are "Fallen". They get a tag saying "Fallen of (land they fought for)" and cannot fight, move, cast spells or use items. Necrovion fallen would have the tag "Fallen of NV", Golemus would be "Fallen of GG", and so on.

Each Land would have a Ruler Item that functions as a leash or the spell used to summon the warriors from that land, which is able to drag all of the Fallen of that land to the user's location.

New resources would be created with each land having its own type. Names off the top of my head would be Necrovion Essence for Necrovion, Loreroot Essence for Loreroot, and so on. Each land would have a gathering tool that is only able to harvest the essence specific to that land.

These resources could be combined in a cauldron to create an item capable of bringing back a Fallen warrior. Creating this item would require four of one land's resource AND one from any other land.

Tools and resources would only be able to be picked up while the torch contest is active, and all tools and harvested resources would disappear when it ended.

If this is not taken into consideration it will be my final offering, but there are countless ways this framework could be built on if it is.


I appreciate that I'm not up to date on how torch contest is working currently, so this is no longer fits just let me know.


If anyone would like clarification on any point please ask.


EDIT: The idea is for people who aren't fighting in Torch Contest to have a place in it, by supporting those who are.

Edited by Jester
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Hi Jes :)


I am split when it comes to this idea. On the one hand, I really like it because it implies a necessity for activity in order to be revived and resume playing, rather than just sitting there until the revive timer hits.


However, at the same time, this could put certain players at such a disadvantage it would make TC impossible to play for them.


Here are my issues with this idea. Keep in mind, overall I like it, but there are a few points that I believe would need to be addressed:

  1. What happens if the ruler falls? If he/she won't be able to use items, the algorithm seems to fall apart. My solution would be that the ruler should not participate in the TC directly.
  2. Since each land has a tool that is only capable of harvesting essence from its own land, then the fifth essence required for crafting the item would have to be acquired by trading?
  3. Crafted item can only be used to revive a single citizen? I'd suggest it having a lifetime of... 15-30 mins or something, rather than limited uses. 

Overall, with the current population of MD, this would (IMO) require more players than we actually have to work in a nice, streamlined manner. It makes small "guerrilla" type teams unreasonable to have, and limits the potential tactics that could be had. It does however make things more interesting in the sense that revival would be a less "sit and wait" type of process, but I think this particular algorithm is not suitable for MD's current population, and even more for the number of people who actually take part in the TC. Think that the ruler must be online 24/7, essentially, or people can't get revived at all for the duration of the TC. Also, what about people from NML or new players? They're unlikely to know who to go to, or exactly what's going on.


TL;DR - I like the concept, but I think this particular solution would need some adjustments to be suitable for implementation :)

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Hi Jes :)


I am split when it comes to this idea. On the one hand, I really like it because it implies a necessity for activity in order to be revived and resume playing, rather than just sitting there until the revive timer hits.


However, at the same time, this could put certain players at such a disadvantage it would make TC impossible to play for them.


Here are my issues with this idea. Keep in mind, overall I like it, but there are a few points that I believe would need to be addressed:

  1. What happens if the ruler falls? If he/she won't be able to use items, the algorithm seems to fall apart. My solution would be that the ruler should not participate in the TC directly.
  2. Since each land has a tool that is only capable of harvesting essence from its own land, then the fifth essence required for crafting the item would have to be acquired by trading?
  3. Crafted item can only be used to revive a single citizen? I'd suggest it having a lifetime of... 15-30 mins or something, rather than limited uses. 

Overall, with the current population of MD, this would (IMO) require more players than we actually have to work in a nice, streamlined manner. It makes small "guerrilla" type teams unreasonable to have, and limits the potential tactics that could be had. It does however make things more interesting in the sense that revival would be a less "sit and wait" type of process, but I think this particular algorithm is not suitable for MD's current population, and even more for the number of people who actually take part in the TC. Think that the ruler must be online 24/7, essentially, or people can't get revived at all for the duration of the TC. Also, what about people from NML or new players? They're unlikely to know who to go to, or exactly what's going on.


TL;DR - I like the concept, but I think this particular solution would need some adjustments to be suitable for implementation :)



1. Ruler Item, meaning the Land Ruler could pass it to someone who wasn't involved in the battle (also it could be possible to let people who can't use items still trade them to others).


2. Yes, I was thinking of a something like a Prisoner of War exchange, hehe. 


3. Anyone from the land can harvest, I was thinking that the people who weren't fighting would be backing up the fighters by harvesting the resources and reviving them when the time came.


The idea behind this whole thing was letting people who weren't participating in torch contest directly still be able to help out their land, getting more people involved. Just because you don't want to pick up a torch and battle, doesn't mean you don't want to do something to help the home team, ha. Guerrilla teams seem particularly suited for this in my opinion as they would have even more people able to get items to revive them while they snuck into enemy territory.



You don't necessarily need a name change for death to implement such an idea.


Its not a name change for death, it would have to be a completely separate system (admittedly with a lot of similarities). Though on second thought, you make an excellent point... perhaps just giving people who die in torch contest the tag would be enough, but I don't know.



Well, I've been inspired to participate or at least observe this coming torch contest to refine this idea and others. I remain utterly convinced that resources and the torch contest are a perfect fit. 

Edited by Jester
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