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Heat Stones for you and MD's B-Day

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Hello All


This year for MD's B-Day i am providing heat stones for those in need


These heat stones will be for the following


  • Day host's 
  • Quest maker's
  • Rewards 
  • sponsorship




To obtain these heat stones for your quest/rewards/day all you need to do is send me a pm with a reason of what you need the stones for and an estimate on how many you will need.

I will be passing out the heat stones to the people who asked for them a few days before MD's B-Day starts.


You do not need to pay for any of these stones as they are for the people of MD for its birthday. 


Currently only two people are receiving heat stones for their quests/ day. I would really like to see more people needing the heat whether it be for rewards or to help run your quest/day



Again a BIG thank you to lintara and magohi who has been helping make these stones and also a BIG thank you to whom ever has helped/ helping her . Without her this would not be possible for me to do.




Get your heat stones reserved now before none are left :)


Happy B-Day people of MD

Edited by blackrider
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  • 3 weeks later...

To all players in MD if you are a day host or if you are running a quest and i promised you heat stones for your day/quest , Please come to Oaks fort in loreroot. 

All day host may come as well and they will also receive heat stones as well.

The players who have asked me to make them some ahead of time can now come and get their promised stones.


Please note that these stone were made for MD's bday so they are for everyone. The people these stone are given to are for whatever use they want. 

Happy bday to all you MDers


Also A big thank you to lintara and magohi and whoever else helped lintara. Without their help these stone wouldnt had been plentiful 

Edited by blackrider
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  • 2 weeks later...

Since only a Few people Have asked for heat stones for there day/ quests and i have many many stones left i will be giving everyone participating in any event or quest a heat stone ad day. I may or may not give more. All in all every one will get atleast one heat stone a day

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  • 2 weeks later...

200+ heat stones were handed out this year for the BDay. A big Thank you once again to Lintara and magohi for working hard to make all these stones for the bday. I also thank anyone who helped them both. 


Now that 200+ heat stones are flooded into the market i will focus on making more heat stones for later events. By the end of this year (XMas) I will try to have 1k+ heat stones flooded into the market . 


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