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The House of Liquid Dust

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Glor, I've read about, and if you'll recall from the prologue, the liquid dust forms together to create incredibly powerful shades. I believe its power originates from Necro, and that's how it replenishes itself. Kind of like a power house on the outside of Necro so the shades can exist off their land. This also leads me to the conclusion that when Jack Willow came to the House, the shades came upon him and sucked him into oblivion/necro, which he may have known and sought since he once combatted with Necro so fiercely, and may have wanted to return to that.

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Then it seems the House is an outpost and the dust is an enhancer for the shades. The Shade Sentinel seemed to want to disassociate himself with the shades from the House, but it is obvious that the shades outside of Necrovion are stronger than those that can be recruited within.

This leads me to the conclusion that there must be a connection between Necrovion and the house of Liquid Dust, a tunnel of some sort... A back door.

It seems that Jack Willow must have known this and entered the house looking for it, but whether he found his way there through the dust and shades is unclear. If he did, something very powerful must wait on the other side. If not, then his bones lie there, covered in dust.

Unfortunately, even these "answers," and I use the term loosely, do not answer the reason for the asking in the first place...

*What is Liquid Dust?

We have two possible conclusions as to where Jack Willow went, but we don't know yet how to enter the house. It seems the mark on the wall of the twice-crossed spiral may be related, but how?

How did the House become an Outpost? How was the link to Necrovion established? Did the Shades create the link, or did the link allow the shades to come? Which came first?

I will remain at the house looking for the answers... searching for the truth.

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Glordamar this may be important in your search!

Glordamar, gathering from the knowledge out and about in these forums,... shades originated from growing death marrow, that started to grow in sages field which is now called NECROVION... from what i am assuming liquid dust... makes shades... DEATHMARROW... makes shades... from what im assuming liquid dust is DEATH MARROW dun dun dun!

Oh yeah i remember what was running in my head ten minutes ago when you raised the topic what is this link with necrovion... HERE WE GO!>>> First of all... This is DEATH MARROW (most porbably) and it came during the time before the war when the rulers of the beserkers both Daniel Raven and GABRIEL WIND agreed to put an end to this new threat "in hope of finding new land" so it must have originated during the time of the war...

But to get to know the real secret of liquid dust it must first be established if and whether the house of liquid dust came was filled with its dust before or after when the shades came from death marrow...

From my perspective the handiwork of this HOUSE OF LIQUID DUST closely resembles that of the handywork of the buildings in marbe dale park, suggesting it was definitely man made no more than a few centuries ago... Looking back at Jack willows apprentice his apprentice was also trained in BLACKSMITHING SKILLS therefor jack willow might have had some kind of HOUSE BUILDING SKILLS and maybe he or GABRIEL WIND or someone of their friends in there time of growing up built this to seek a place to stay together but im not sure or this part but the above im pretty certain

Also you MISSED ONE WHOLE POINT... what has this got to do with MARIND BELL!... omg i have to stop here i think i found something its in my head im going to talk to king manu or so... OMG LOL I SEE A LINK

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WARNING: This copied pm contains descriptions of areas in Necrovion, which may be considered spoiler if you would rather have no idea of what it is like until you have access to it, if you haven't gotten into there already. I considered screenshots but decided not to post any for this same reason.

I spoke with GlorDamar a bit, and he requested that I investigate Necrovion for any signs of a connection to The House of Liquid Dust. Since I always like to gain knowledge myself, I agreed. The following is a copy of a pm to him, with my thoughts on the discoveries I made.


I've taken a quick look to try spot things of interest. You believe that there is a tunnel or connection of some sort with the House of Liquid Dust to Necrovion, which may very well be. This presents the dilemma, however, that we can't get into the Caves of Torment nor Deathmarrow, which are parts of Necrovion. However, there are a few possibilities I saw in the parts I can access.

At first I was looking for gaping holes, a literal tunnel. The first one I came upon was the Well of Tears. I sort of wonder what fills it.. tears, perhaps? It makes me think of the liquid dark drops the Shade Sentinel spoke of. But maybe it is hollow, and you can climb down it.

There is a hole in a tree in the Island of Seclusion. Actually, there are a couple of trees with holes. For instance, there is one in the Trial of Agony.. the gaping holes resemble eyes and mouths of a gnarled tree. And then there is the large barren tree in Accursed Growth, which reminds me of RavenHold. The thing that caught my eye about this tree is that the whole looks like something you could enter, and not like a building as I would imagine for the Accursed tree.

There is, of course, the cave-like entrance in Demented Path, quite noticeable. Interestingly, it is a hole in a wall of brick that is of discernable width, and yet, we can't see the end of the wall or scenery behind it through that hole. Maybe it's just the position of the sun, and the overhang creating a shadow that obscure it, but this leads me to surmise that it continues on, perhaps through the hill/cliff behind it, if there is one. It's a bit hard to tell. In any case, it looks considerably odd. Looking at the map, I believe it may lead to the Caves of Torment.

Looking at the area again, I spotted what seemed to be a wisp of darkness, or a black tentacle on the right side of the hole in the wall. I couldn't really discern whether it was coming out from the ground or if it was just floating in the air, but it doesn't resemble a weed to me. What could it be, and mean? I continued down the path, coming to the Demented Ascent. I looked back at the wall, and as best as I can tell, there is no terrain backing the wall of bricks up. Where, then, does that hole lead? It gives me the shivers.

The House of Tainted Times.. the name? It has a certain parallelism with The House of Liquid Dust. I don't know if it means anything, but that suggests the two may be connected. After all, who says the connection has to be a literal tunnel? I remember the Shade saying that something terrible happened at the House of Liquid Dust, causing shades to congregate there. Or does he mean causing liquid dust to congregate there, forming shades? I wouldn't know.

But whose house is this one? The house itself has four archs on its lower level leading inside, and what I presume to be six arch-windows on the second level. I can't go in, for some reason which I cannot describe. Plaster seems to peel away to reveal bricks underneath, and a foundation of stone tiles (I'm not familiar with masonry). On each side, there seems to be a tower. The right one's top has crumbled away, but looking at the left, there is a clock on the front face. It has a flat roof, which stands four pillars and an arched awning, resembling a gazebo on a tower.

That's all I could note, for now. I could probably provide more apt description (screenshots), but that would take time. Please tell me if you'd like them. You may choose to post this in your topic (I just found) on the forums, if you'd like. By the way.. the head, could it not be Willow's?

Ren and others seems to disagree with me, but I don't think Willow is necessarily dead. Shades can turn humans to their own uses, and we've heard of how humans become crazed/shade-like in surroundings of shades. Personally, I think that Willow might've become a shade himself, forgetting all his memories. For instance, did you note that the Shade Sentinel was called a "Dead King"? This was noted by Wodin when the topic was brought up.

Also, on a side note, there is a shade in the beginning of the story which gives you a cube. From my understanding, this becomes the Wooden Room within you meet Marind. I have met a shade who offers "power" in return for the same cube.. if you take the latter to stand for the rest of the shades, does this mean that the one shade in the beginning was dissenting? Breaking with the will of the shades and Necrovion in general, which seems to be so connected? Who is this shade, then? Could he be related to Willow? [i think he might actually be Willow :)]

About the symbol on the wall. I don't have records of any revelation I had back then (in the beginning), and my memory fails me. But if we could have a quote, I believe it had to do with the power of a cross being able to cut matter in a spiral, like wind. Could this also cut "darkness" or shades? Say, Liquid Dust? I think something like this was suggested by Yami no Sakura, Ren and Shade Melke to the Knator Commander, but I'm not sure.

Some things to consider.

EDIT: yeah, Ren is complaining that he doesn't think that Willow isn't dead, so I'm putting a disclaimer. I never said he thought that, just like it seemed like it to me :D

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Glaistig sometimes they know secrets but they are not allowed to tell you, thats why they just tell you they dont think so and dont say anything else lol you could never know it, but i will tell you one thing because you seem to write alot of things about the background but here goes... dude the house of liquid dust could be in that cube or not but im not sure if it is but this is it>>> SPOILER ALERT(if its true) when u enter the room in the beginning for the first time it smells of wood... thats the masonry of the house of liquid dust thats number one. NO 2. it has death marrow (liquid dust) spawning everywhere and with that stuff everywhere and that certainly gives you the feeling of eternal darkness... NO3. its defintely the closest place for eternal darkness from where you are...

NOW then i can tell you that this will have some lead to how marind bell died.. first of all at the beginning SHE WAS WIH YOU IN THE HOUSE OF LIQUID DUST... AND GUESS WOT... jack willow entered it a short while ago and he never returned JACK WILLOW - MARIND CONNECTION (in shades and death point of view) i know some more but im a littl tired i will catch you later...

oh yeh the house was man made ^_^

MAYBE JUST MAYBE if its crazy enough it might just work

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Here's the Spiral cross thing part:

When the spyral pushes the crossed lines, the lines start moving but that is not what the symbol said. Nevertheless, the symbol was the other way around. The lines where cuting the spyral. If a moving spyral is cut by the lines, the movement and the spyral itslef will be nulled. If used, this technique can "cut" wind. A weapon used to cut wind is indeed something unusual and powerful. But can it stop straight wind or just whirlwinds? If it indeed works even the vortex of Liquid Dust creatures could be stopped and that being of hatred will never banish you n places like this one again... If it indeed works... In the distance, the three white dots appear once more. You can hardly notice them. You cauciously move towards them and, as you are near enough to distinguish their shape, a black veil suddenly covers your eyes, you slip and hit your head.

Also Ren says that the couplet on the Willow's walk suggests that Willow is not dead or it might be a pun on the Willow tree there.

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First of all, I make some researchers in the story mode, and can tell you, that the place where you met Marind - that small cube.

At Carnaval you can enter in the tent and got in other reality for several minutes, and will be aborted out, if you enter again, you can see thousands of small wooden boxes, quotation: "In the tent's light the Wood seems to be transparent, you can see your palm through the object. You realize that inside the Box are three candles and a silhouette lying down"

Second. I will agree with version that shade, that give Wooden box - Jack or maybe even Gabriel (i will agree with him death only when we find his grave). I interested in that old gates of Marind Bell. "Wind’s Gate was part of the original design and the contrast between it and the rest of the park’s fence and overall architecture is obvious." In the story mode i find this:

You admire the Iron gates and then you look at the Wood box once more. You feel that they were all made by the same hand and you wonder what it means."

That's why the possibility about theory Shade - Jack Willow 95%, Shade-Gabriel Wind - 4%, Shade - another person -1%.

Sorry for my bad english :D I will continue research the story mode and will get all 16 ends from second chapter. That shade wanted from us to save Marind (she really nuts!) from wooden box, and we will try our best)

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Maybe Jack Willow has gone mad and wanted to build some machine that would had increase his power. That device needed energy that come from Necrovion and it would had explain location of the house. It might have some tunnel or connection with Necrovion. Something went wrong and Jack is trapped now, while machine still works and produces liquid dust - staff that might be very dangerous. We really need to make an expedition to enter the house and investigate what is inside.

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just as a warning, you say the stuff inside(liquid dust) maybe dangerous, and you want to go inside? it's like sticking your head in a wasp nest to see if you'll get stung

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Note №1 - Device for protection

First of all I need device, that will protect me. This thing already was mentioned by Sol - that Spiral Cross. This Spiral Cross have strong connection with old windmill. Need find the way to inspect that building. I will keep thinking about that device...

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Note №1 - Device that protect liquid dust

First of all I need device, that will protect me. This thing already was mentioned by Sol - that Spiral Cross. This Spiral Cross have strong connection with old windmill. Need find the way to inspect that building. I will keep thinking about that device...

I believe you are correct about the spiral being cut by the cross and its relation to the windmill. Unfortunately, at this time, there is no way to enter the house of liquid dust or access the windmill.

That being said, I have camped out at the house of liquid dust for many days, and I would be willing to do so again. I will join you when I can.

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Ooh... Ren... Hiding something?

Hmm... Maybe you'll have to do something in order to get in the house. For example, when we tried to contact the Angiens we let out our heat and replied by shooting out beams of something into thr air.

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Hmm... Maybe you'll have to do something in order to get in the house. For example, when we tried to contact the Angiens we let out our heat and replied by shooting out beams of something into thr air.

It's not a bad idea... What can we do to cause a change. I don't think heat will do it this time... what else can we do?

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*Paper rumpled and you can see spots of blood*

Note №2-Ritual with liquid dust

Not able to work, ' cause of that deadly contest, but try write down some of my thinks...

If I will be not able to enter in that house, there is another way, to get to J.W. In order to come in our world, he make the ritual with liquid dust - that deadly dance... That dance emit sounds of swords clashing

at terrible speeds, still against steel...(need think about that!) When J.W. came out from tunnel of liquid shades, they have stopped they dancing - ritual was ended.

So if you need J.W. you need to make the ritual with liquid dust - make the tunnel to other side....

But how we can do it, and, if we make that ritual, how we we return?

I must find the answe... Oh man... *spots of blood on paper, text suddenly ended

P.S.'Cause of that crazy contest, was forced to go away from house of liquid dust, tomorrow enter in loreroot or take part in contest, when it will be quietly again return to that house....

Have another six notes, I will edit them and write down here... That's all for now.

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*Paper rumpled and you can see spots of blood*

Note №2-Ritual with liquid dust

Not able to work, ' cause of that deadly contest, but try write down some of my thinks...

If I will be not able to enter in that house, there is another way, to get to J.W. In order to come in our world, he make the ritual with liquid dust - that deadly dance... That dance emit sounds of swords clashing

at terrible speeds, still against steel...(need think about that!) When J.W. came out from tunnel of liquid shades, they have stopped they dancing - ritual was ended.

So if you need J.W. you need to make the ritual with liquid dust - make the tunnel to other side....

But how we can do it, and, if we make that ritual, how we we return?

I must find the answe... Oh man... *spots of blood on paper, text suddenly ended

P.S.'Cause of that crazy contest, was forced to go away from house of liquid dust, tomorrow enter in loreroot or take part in contest, when it will be quietly again return to that house....

Have another six notes, I will edit them and write down here... That's all for now.

Hmm... The part about how we return, you know the shades might like sacrifices right? So I think if one person is willing to sacrifice their life by entering and never returning maybe will trigger something?

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Note №3 - Ritual with liquid dust (page 2)

As I know, shades the result of unbalance... If I will be able somehow turn balance near the house with liquid dust to darkness (or light), maybe i will summon shades in this way. But we must remember, that shades from house of liquid dust and from Necrovion can have some difference... So this sort of ritual - unbalance maybe not be able to work. Second problem - even if I can summon the shade, how I will control them?

So first stage of ritual - summon the shades.

I have now only three principles - light, darkness and balance. Yes, they not very developed, but I can try to summon small amount of shades and not only for rituals... ' Cause J.W. use them for personal shades, so and I can use them... But don't know how to control him.

Maybe this theory will work

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remeber to have back up to save you if you summon to many

sorry for any bad spelling

That's a good idea stormrunner. I propose that as soon as the heads contest is over we all congregate at the house of liquid dust and do what we can to summon the shades. In the mean time, keep the theories coming.

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You're going to summon the shades... I can see Manu's sense of humor...You'll try it and all of a sudden all the members of the Necro Alliance will appear there... XD

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You're going to summon the shades... I can see Manu's sense of humor...You'll try it and all of a sudden all the members of the Necro Alliance will appear there... XD

Actually, that wouldn't be all bad. They wouldn't get to hide behind their little walls then.

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