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Sometimes the realm of MagicDuel can be seen outside the game. Sometimes it’s fun to piece scenes of the realm from separate photos.  The theme of this quest is collage. Simply snap a few photos in Real Life, create a collage of your favorite MD scene out of them and post them on this thread.





Photoshop editing allowed.

No using MD screenshots.

Have fun! :)





1st: 2 gc + 10 SC + 4 wookie points
2nd: 1 gc + 5Sc + 3 wookie points
3rd: 10 sc + 2 wookie points
Others  1 wookie point for participating




This quest is open until the end of the festival.



Due to only one person participating, Ungod gets 1 wookie point.

Edited by Lintara
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I don't know if this will be a valid entry, because I had to tinker around that scrap dragon (so it's not really a collage), but there was no other way to do it. All photos are mine.

(this is not my favorite scene, but it must be someone's)


And, hey, there's another collage quest around!

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