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start in Island pop up bug


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Ok, since I was curious to see what have there, I passed the 1st scene, then on 2nd I try to attack other players just to see what happen (even without creatures) so all the pop up shows:

*100 won fights

*100 lost fights

*500 honor

and of course the print to show I have not any of them...

100 wins.PNG

01 500.PNG


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I'm having a similar issue.

On my first attack, it showed me that I won 100 fights, then lost 100, then gained 100 honor.


Then the next 2 times it told me I didn't have enough vitality, and I would get banned if I kept trying an illegal action... 

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  • Root Admin
12 hours ago, Schpoo said:

I'm having a similar issue.

On my first attack, it showed me that I won 100 fights, then lost 100, then gained 100 honor.


Then the next 2 times it told me I didn't have enough vitality, and I would get banned if I kept trying an illegal action... 

Thanks for reporting that, I will look into the top issue.

The bottom is probably because you tried to attack again before the cooldown. Its important to report these illegal messages as some of them will ban you automatically (but these are the more dangerous ones and not this one). Reporting them means we can unban you quickly  enough.


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  • 4 years later...

I'm having a hard time imagining how you would launch an attack with no creatures.  Couldn't set a ritual....?

Maybe they mean they attacked a newbie that has no creatures.  I can easily start an alt, but there are no MP3's there to spar with.  Need 2 to tango.  If somebody wants to join me, I can use my domain to confirm their alt - no cost.

I have had an alt spar with another character on the island, with creatures, and it seemed normal.   Killed shades and it was normal.

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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