Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted February 17, 2017 Root Admin Report Posted February 17, 2017 For all that didn;t make it to the meeting, here is the full log. This meeting is very important for the future of md, as you will realize if you read it. I might accept new peope in, if you fully read this, and if you present your intention quick enough (before i will start doing changes related to this). Those interested should send me a pm in game, short and to the point, telling me what they understood from the meeting, and how involved they are prepared to be, and their contact email. Try to fit all this in my 400 chars reply limit. For everyone else, it is a read that will explain in depth the upcoming changes. ----------- [17/02/17 22:04] :[Spell] I summon you here Zleiphneir,Nimrodel,Eon,Ungod,No one,Lintara,Blackshade Rider [17/02/17 22:04] Blackshade Rider:Yay back at the first landing [17/02/17 22:04] Nimrodel:Ooh [17/02/17 22:04] Lintara: *looks around* Nice! [17/02/17 22:05] Eon:Demon, you move here. I'll keep the Throne room. [17/02/17 22:05] Muratus del Mur:don't use the boat [17/02/17 22:05] :[Spell] I summon you here Burns,dst [17/02/17 22:05] Ungod:NICE PLACE, YES [17/02/17 22:05] Ungod:oops [17/02/17 22:05] Nimrodel:What about the arrow.. Can I click it? [17/02/17 22:06] Blackshade Rider:To all here just so you know this was the first landing here on the island [17/02/17 22:06] Burns:Why do you get an arrow? [17/02/17 22:06] Lintara:Sunfire wants to come too [17/02/17 22:06] Ungod: (at work, hope i can stay connected throughout) [17/02/17 22:06] dst:thank you [17/02/17 22:06] :[Spell] I summon you here *Sunfire*,Fang Archbane [17/02/17 22:06] Nimrodel:Because I have a map *grins smugly* [17/02/17 22:07] :[Spell] The power of me compels you Fang Archbane [17/02/17 22:07] Blackshade Rider:I also have a map. You need a map to move here on gateway [17/02/17 22:07] Muratus del Mur:i dectivated the arrow, but even if somehow yours still works, don't use it [17/02/17 22:07] Nimrodel:okay... [17/02/17 22:07] Blackshade Rider:Ok [17/02/17 22:07] Nimrodel:Lol.. [17/02/17 22:07] Nimrodel:Why silvertongue fang? [17/02/17 22:08] :[Spell] The power of me compels you Nimrodel [17/02/17 22:08] Ungod:lol [17/02/17 22:08] Muratus del Mur:lets wait a moment maybe there are others that wish to join [17/02/17 22:08] Nimrodel:Oऄ•• [17/02/17 22:08] Ungod:now i should say...why silvertongue nim?' [17/02/17 22:08] Lintara:Sunfire needs another bring in [17/02/17 22:08] Nimrodel:ѠऄᎩ ގilѵଽℜ ᴌoղᎶuଽ mଽ? [17/02/17 22:09] Eon:Better question: who's going to give me more silver tongue spells? [17/02/17 22:09] Ungod:well... [17/02/17 22:09] Lintara:Thank you [17/02/17 22:09] Ungod:no one [17/02/17 22:10] Muratus del Mur:if you somehow leave the conference you can return only at the announced hours (17:20 next) [17/02/17 22:10] *Sunfire*:thank you [17/02/17 22:10] Nimrodel:Oऄ ѡଽll ⁝ӡ [17/02/17 22:10] :No one passed Rainbow candy to Sunfire [17/02/17 22:10] :No one passed Rainbow candy to Sunfire [17/02/17 22:10] :No one passed Rainbow candy to Sunfire [17/02/17 22:10] Nimrodel:Ͼaղ I Ꮆଽᴌ a fଽѡ caղdiଽގ ᴌoo ղo oղଽ? ᗰu ଽluގ aℜଽ ऄuղᎶℜଽऄ [17/02/17 22:10] Nimrodel:i ऄaѵଽ ᴌѡo• [17/02/17 22:10] Eon:I will return whenever I please [17/02/17 22:11] :No one passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel [17/02/17 22:11] Eon:WHat powerful thing do you have to show me, Demon? [17/02/17 22:11] :No one passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel [17/02/17 22:11] Nimrodel:Tऄaղk Ꭹou ⁝D [17/02/17 22:11] :Lintara passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel [17/02/17 22:11] :No one passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel [17/02/17 22:11] Eon:Or did you bring us all here just to show me off? [17/02/17 22:11] :Lintara passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel [17/02/17 22:11] :⁂ގᴌѥkގ ᴌo Buℜղގ⁂ [17/02/17 22:11] Nimrodel:Ooऄ• Tऄaղkގ ԼINlIN ⁝D [17/02/17 22:11] :Zleiphneir raises an eyebrow [17/02/17 22:11] Muratus del Mur:Welcome to the Gateway Island [17/02/17 22:11] :No one passed Rainbow candy to Lintara [17/02/17 22:11] Lintara: *chuckles* You're welcome [17/02/17 22:11] :No one passed Rainbow candy to Lintara [17/02/17 22:11] :No one passed Rainbow candy to Lintara [17/02/17 22:12] Lintara:Thanks No one, but no need [17/02/17 22:12] No one:i'm done [17/02/17 22:12] Ungod:thx [17/02/17 22:12] Nimrodel:I ގᴌill ղଽଽd ᘖ moℜଽ caղdiଽގ &Ꮆᴌ;&Ꮆᴌ; [17/02/17 22:12] :⁂Siᴌގ ղଽ〤ᴌ ᴌo Ⱬ⁂ [17/02/17 22:12] :Lintara passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel [17/02/17 22:12] :Lintara passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel [17/02/17 22:12] Nimrodel:Tऄaᴌގ iᴌ• Tऄaղk Ꭹou ⁝D [17/02/17 22:12] Muratus del Mur:This meeting has as purpose to discuss a bit about how i envision md gameplay, how the gateway should function, but also how this affects everything else [17/02/17 22:12] Eon:Is this where that coward Knator Commander ran off to? [17/02/17 22:12] :Zleiphneir gives Nim a wink [17/02/17 22:12] Muratus del Mur:If you can't speak normally you better don't pls [17/02/17 22:13] :⁂ѡiղkގ back aᴌ Ⱬlଽiթऄղଽiℜ ղoᴌ kղoѡiղᎶ ѡऄᎩ ѡऄᎩ ऄଽ ѡiղkଽd⁂ [17/02/17 22:13] Muratus del Mur:Ok, so..i realize its not the best time for everyone, but you will see why i don't want ALL people in md present at this [17/02/17 22:14] Muratus del Mur:i will try to focus the main ideas in the first part, so that those of you that can't stay too long still get the ideea [17/02/17 22:15] Muratus del Mur:The gateway is a new land..well its not new, its actually as old as all the rest, but its the latest one released as you know [17/02/17 22:15] Muratus del Mur:it has a very precise meaning , but we won't discuss that now [17/02/17 22:15] Muratus del Mur:I am trying to find my words, its a bit difficult, not sure why [17/02/17 22:16] :The gateway, is a different land. [17/02/17 22:16] :Ungod cheers for mur [17/02/17 22:16] :Its not like the others, so throw away all your preconcieved ideas [17/02/17 22:16] Fang Archbane:drink. smoke. it always helps clear the mind. [17/02/17 22:16] Muratus del Mur:Let me tell you how the gateway should function first. It is exactly this way that i am trying to setup on the island, that i believe entire MD could work (and its not too different from how it is alr [17/02/17 22:16] :I think the reason its hard to say, is that even those who have had the idea explained, BR, still dont appear to entirely comprehend it [17/02/17 22:17] Muratus del Mur:nono, its more simple than it looks [17/02/17 22:17] :Hah [17/02/17 22:17] Muratus del Mur:its not about what guardians are supposed to do here [17/02/17 22:17] :ok [17/02/17 22:18] Muratus del Mur:but i will explain that, as an example of what i am trying to say about entire md.... just listen, and then ask questions. [17/02/17 22:18] Muratus del Mur:it will become cleared on the way..and sry for my english ..somehow its worse than usual [17/02/17 22:18] Muratus del Mur:Ok, so, on this island things happen like this: [17/02/17 22:19] Muratus del Mur:player joins, he can click various things, get tools, get resources with those tools, etc. so far everything is "normal" [17/02/17 22:19] Muratus del Mur:then, he can role-play build whatever he thinks suitable in order to get off this island [17/02/17 22:19] Muratus del Mur:and the guardians have the authority to confirm if what they built is ok or not [17/02/17 22:20] Ungod: (looks cool) [17/02/17 22:20] Muratus del Mur:and to move them to the mainland, or not, or even to rewrd them for the most creative ideas [17/02/17 22:20] Ungod: (sounds*) [17/02/17 22:20] Muratus del Mur:This is where i was trying to get at [17/02/17 22:21] Muratus del Mur:The transition from usable items, to role-play usable items, and the direct confruntation with a real person , the guardian, that they need to pass (without fighting) [17/02/17 22:21] Muratus del Mur:So far, is this concept clear for all? [17/02/17 22:21] Fang Archbane:yes [17/02/17 22:21] Zleiphneir:yes [17/02/17 22:21] Nimrodel:Can we reward them with wishpoints too? [17/02/17 22:21] Blackshade Rider:Yes [17/02/17 22:21] Burns:+1 [17/02/17 22:21] Ungod:nicely start [17/02/17 22:21] Ungod:nice start* [17/02/17 22:21] Muratus del Mur:if something is not very clear, please say so, i want everyone in here to FULLY understand this, you will see why later [17/02/17 22:21] Burns:Also, time to let people join again [17/02/17 22:22] Muratus del Mur:brb, [17/02/17 22:22] Nimrodel:Can we reward them with wishpoints too? [17/02/17 22:22] Blackshade Rider:What do you mean by roleplay usable items? [17/02/17 22:22] Eon:So when there is no guardian actually active at the time a new player comes into the game, the new player has to sit around and wait for one to finally get active? [17/02/17 22:23] Eon:Sounds like another way to bore new players away, much like the story thing did. [17/02/17 22:23] Muratus del Mur:The new payers have rsource gathering tools to use, that takes time, they have things to read, and even if now there are no guardians present at all times, they should be eventually [17/02/17 22:23] Nimrodel:Can we reward them with Wishpoints too? [17/02/17 22:24] Muratus del Mur:ok Eon, we will discuss all opinions , after i finish presenting the entire picture [17/02/17 22:24] Muratus del Mur:The rewards are supposed to be proportional to what they already know, in this case, very basic stuff (aramors, silver, credits) [17/02/17 22:25] Muratus del Mur:but [17/02/17 22:25] Muratus del Mur:this concept is something that i want used in other places too, and there, YES, thats the point, wishpoints [17/02/17 22:25] Muratus del Mur:let me continue [17/02/17 22:26] Muratus del Mur:currently, quests in MD are chaotic, they always been like that (nobodys fault, except mine probably) [17/02/17 22:26] Muratus del Mur:what i have in mind, is a much more coherent journey [17/02/17 22:26] Muratus del Mur:chained quests, similar to the one here on the island [17/02/17 22:27] Muratus del Mur:each giving someone something new and unlocking an area or a series of features (location dependent) [17/02/17 22:27] Muratus del Mur:for example [17/02/17 22:27] Fang Archbane:So we're talking about a large scale chain quest event with just enough automation to keep it smooth, but enough Vets to keep it interestingly human?... [17/02/17 22:28] Muratus del Mur:someone that finishes the gateway quest, already knows how to use tools, and already knows that the things he collects can be used as he wants to, regardless of technical possibilities, [17/02/17 22:28] Muratus del Mur:md is currently composed just of a handfull of people, you [17/02/17 22:28] Muratus del Mur:i think its possible now to get things organised in this way [17/02/17 22:29] Muratus del Mur:something like this was impossible till now i believe [17/02/17 22:29] dst:will this be the death of "creative/mp8" quests? [17/02/17 22:29] Muratus del Mur:or it was, but just on groups [17/02/17 22:29] Muratus del Mur:what do you mean dst? [17/02/17 22:30] Muratus del Mur: (questions time, i will name who can ask, and i will answer each, please don't talk if its not your turn) [17/02/17 22:30] Esmaralda:Thank you [17/02/17 22:30] Muratus del Mur:dst [17/02/17 22:30] dst:i mean creative and outside md quests [17/02/17 22:31] dst:like create a birthday card [17/02/17 22:31] dst:or create a story on a given theme [17/02/17 22:31] Muratus del Mur:Please voice your opinion about this entire thing, how much do you think it could be done, how good or bad do you think it is, etc (when asked) [17/02/17 22:31] Muratus del Mur:nono, how so [17/02/17 22:31] Muratus del Mur:this is not interfering with that in any way, not that i can think of at least. [17/02/17 22:32] dst:because you said current md quests are chaotic [17/02/17 22:32] dst:hence why I thought you want us to stop those [17/02/17 22:32] Muratus del Mur:but cards are not a quest [17/02/17 22:32]'re right [17/02/17 22:32] dst:but they are considered "quests" as in contests [17/02/17 22:32] Muratus del Mur:no need to, you can do quests as before, what i ask is to understand this way i am talking about here, and work together to CHAIN quests as much as possible [17/02/17 22:33] dst:ok, got my answer [17/02/17 22:33] dst:thank you [17/02/17 22:33] Muratus del Mur:so that when someone finishes a quest, they are given a clue or a hint, or told directly, what is next [17/02/17 22:34] Muratus del Mur:and this next quest should also be something that requires them to use their obtained items and benefits (not just items can be used for this) [17/02/17 22:34] Muratus del Mur:in a similar way, and confront a real person [17/02/17 22:34] Muratus del Mur:Ok, Eon next [17/02/17 22:34] Nimrodel:umm.. a few of my quests were like that >.. [17/02/17 22:34] Fang Archbane:you broke your eye I'm [17/02/17 22:34] Eon:Nothing to say [17/02/17 22:34] Muratus del Mur: (I am not saying nobody did like that, i am saying lets all try to do it as if we where a team) [17/02/17 22:34] Fang Archbane:Oh the irony... [17/02/17 22:35] Muratus del Mur:fang next time you speak when its not your turn you are out of here [17/02/17 22:35] Muratus del Mur:who has questions? [17/02/17 22:35] Burns:. [17/02/17 22:35] Muratus del Mur:burns [17/02/17 22:35] Burns:What happens when the chain ends? [17/02/17 22:36] Burns:Is that where you "finish" MD? [17/02/17 22:36] Muratus del Mur:the chain should not have just one direction, if possible, ..but when a chain ends, we should somehow keep a clear evidence of it, so that next person doing a quest, can continue that chain [17/02/17 22:37] Muratus del Mur:please consider that people come and go, these "chains" can't be mandatory, they must all be optional [17/02/17 22:37] Muratus del Mur:thats a stupid question burns [17/02/17 22:37] :Fang Archbane Raises a paw [17/02/17 22:37] Burns:There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers [17/02/17 22:38] Muratus del Mur:but, no question is stupid actually...and no, md can't finish, all that happens is that you end up in a situation where you have nothing to do and you look for something to do, thats exactly where eve [17/02/17 22:38] Muratus del Mur:everyone is now [17/02/17 22:38] Muratus del Mur:burns, any other q? [17/02/17 22:38] Burns:yeah [17/02/17 22:38] Muratus del Mur:or if you think something is not fully answered just say so pls [17/02/17 22:39] Burns:What happens when somebody from the chain leaves? [17/02/17 22:39] Muratus del Mur:this is something that is likely to happen often, all the time, its unavoidable and we should consider it as part of how things are, and design the chain in such way that all brances are OPTIONAL [17/02/17 22:39] Burns:Assuming that the human part of the quest will be large, that is [17/02/17 22:40] Muratus del Mur:but [17/02/17 22:40] Muratus del Mur:there are key points [17/02/17 22:40] Muratus del Mur:for example here on the island [17/02/17 22:40] Muratus del Mur:they need to leave the island [17/02/17 22:40] Muratus del Mur:and for that , ech guardian has his own quest, but assume guardians leave, so what happens [17/02/17 22:41] Muratus del Mur:what happens is that such a key point should always be "guarded" be more than one [17/02/17 22:41] Muratus del Mur:and we can use guilds/alliances for that, or whatever other way we have for grouping a task force for a purpose [17/02/17 22:41] Muratus del Mur:such key points should be very rare [17/02/17 22:42] Muratus del Mur:gateway is one, maybe an other one is to receive a very rare crit, or access to a locked land [17/02/17 22:42] Muratus del Mur:in each case, such a task is not dependent of a single person [17/02/17 22:42] Ungod:. [17/02/17 22:42] Burns:That sounds good, and answers all from me, thanks [17/02/17 22:43] Muratus del Mur:ungod next [17/02/17 22:43] Ungod:by a 'locked land' do you mean it can be a mainland, like marind bell, for example? [17/02/17 22:43] Muratus del Mur:not marind bell, but other lands yes [17/02/17 22:43] Ungod:LR? GG? [17/02/17 22:44] Ungod:hmm...ok [17/02/17 22:44] Muratus del Mur:currently they are not "used" anyway, so why not limit the access to such lands for new people , and allow them in only if they reach a certain "end" of such a chain, or just an other quest after the [17/02/17 22:44] Muratus del Mur:gateway one [17/02/17 22:44] Ungod:ok [17/02/17 22:44] Muratus del Mur:this can work perfectly together with all the current ways they can get in [17/02/17 22:44] Muratus del Mur:We have two types of attractors i call them [17/02/17 22:45] Muratus del Mur:we can give rewards, or access [17/02/17 22:45] Muratus del Mur: (in many cases this can be one and the same) [17/02/17 22:45] Muratus del Mur:there are many places in md that can be locked or are already locked [17/02/17 22:46] Muratus del Mur:and many things that are very hard to obtain , but are transferable [17/02/17 22:46] Muratus del Mur:and in such cases, someone that holds a quest of this sort (ONLY of this sort) , can be sponsored to be able to give such things as reward [17/02/17 22:46] dst:. [17/02/17 22:47] Ungod:this stuff...diminishes the value of viscosity in some way... [17/02/17 22:47] Muratus del Mur:let me try to give you a quick example [17/02/17 22:47] Ungod:or maybe not, it just affects it [17/02/17 22:48] Muratus del Mur:if everyone here now, receives a way to reward a single thing, and in return all he has to do is to listen to how someone managed to try to get that thing and decide its good or not [17/02/17 22:48] Muratus del Mur:then all of us can play the entire chain [17/02/17 22:48] Muratus del Mur:no role is sacrificed [17/02/17 22:48] Muratus del Mur: (its not affecting viscosity, its just using it ) [17/02/17 22:49] Muratus del Mur:the gateway island can be a good start, and the following quests can be built based on what people do next after they reach the mainland [17/02/17 22:49] Ungod: (WELL, if you're arbitrarily closing lands or opening others...) [17/02/17 22:49] Muratus del Mur:and here Chew could come in and help finish the quest page [17/02/17 22:50] Blackshade Rider:. [17/02/17 22:50] Burns:. [17/02/17 22:50] :Thats planned [17/02/17 22:50] :I just havent had time, Work is manic and im really unwell atm [17/02/17 22:50] Muratus del Mur:in fact, if we make a "map" of things obtainable through such rp quests, the people that guard the keypoints can vary all the time, and the quests , the chains, can remain the same always [17/02/17 22:50] :Someone gave me their flu and when I woke up this morning I couldnt breath [17/02/17 22:50] Muratus del Mur:the quest page can be STATIC [17/02/17 22:51] Muratus del Mur:if we make a good plan (and i will help with that) , we can have a static map of such quests [17/02/17 22:51] Muratus del Mur:like: [17/02/17 22:51] Muratus del Mur:exit the island by building a way out, 2) find lr guardians and challenge then to enter lr, or defeat them ( [17/02/17 22:52] Muratus del Mur:here its about two distinct ways, the old way with fighting, and the new one wish rp quest [17/02/17 22:52] Muratus del Mur:and so on, every time someone else can be the guardian of such a key point [17/02/17 22:53] Muratus del Mur:but the overall picture should have a coherent structure, not a random one , or missing one like now [17/02/17 22:53] Muratus del Mur:also , using items and resources in such way, its a great way to use them [17/02/17 22:53] Muratus del Mur:Let me give you a few examples, its actually important [17/02/17 22:53] Muratus del Mur:Today i took a noob to the mainland [17/02/17 22:53] Muratus del Mur:and he had all sorts of items in his inventory (4 days old) [17/02/17 22:54] Muratus del Mur:I had no plan about what sort of answer i was expecting from him [17/02/17 22:54] Muratus del Mur:but on the way , several great ideas came to my mind [17/02/17 22:54] Muratus del Mur:and such ideas i can write down for other quardians, not public, just within that circle of people that guard a certain keypoint [17/02/17 22:55] Muratus del Mur:one of these ideas was [17/02/17 22:55] Muratus del Mur:as a new character here in md, he had no specific "size", body size,, he was pretty much "undefined" what could have stopped him to pretend to be light enough to FLOAT to the mainland [17/02/17 22:56] Muratus del Mur:it might sound as a stupid idea for an older player, but think its in the context of that player being very new [17/02/17 22:56] Muratus del Mur:and like that, there are all sorts of unexpected ways someone could use the most unexpected items to obtain something related to that quest [17/02/17 22:56] Muratus del Mur:also [17/02/17 22:56] Nimrodel:My question to that noon would be how do you plan to land on the mainland? [17/02/17 22:57] Muratus del Mur:he used the shovel he hound here, not just the resorces collected with it [17/02/17 22:57] Muratus del Mur:at to be a really good ideea i didnt think about initially [17/02/17 22:57] Muratus del Mur:@Nim: [17/02/17 22:57] Fang Archbane:gently, I'm sure [17/02/17 22:57] Muratus del Mur:questions, and challenging that player is part of what your role as a guardian of such a key point should be [17/02/17 22:58] Muratus del Mur:and depending on the answer, and on the creativity of that player, you can just let him pass, or let him pass and reward him [17/02/17 22:58] Nimrodel:Ok.. I can work with that.. [17/02/17 22:58] Muratus del Mur:and while being in such a role, and listening to more people trying their own ideas, you can collect the best ones (privately) [17/02/17 22:58] Muratus del Mur:and have them as a sort of benchmark for the next that try [17/02/17 22:59] Nimrodel:>:) [17/02/17 22:59] Muratus del Mur:So something that at first can be a little confusing, can become well planned very fast [17/02/17 22:59] Burns:.. [17/02/17 22:59] Nimrodel:My own personal laboratory*evil grin* [17/02/17 22:59] Muratus del Mur:You can have absolutely NO idea on what answers to expect [17/02/17 22:59] Muratus del Mur:but they will give you answers [17/02/17 22:59] Muratus del Mur:and you will be able to tell when an answer is good [17/02/17 23:00] Muratus del Mur:thats a method i uesd before, long ago, and it worked like a charm [17/02/17 23:00] Muratus del Mur:remember the box question? [17/02/17 23:00] Muratus del Mur:those of you that date from back then [17/02/17 23:00] :No one here would actually remember it [17/02/17 23:00] dst:ye [17/02/17 23:00] :too newbie [17/02/17 23:00] Muratus del Mur:you do, chew, dst does, others do [17/02/17 23:00] dst:I mean, ye, nobody remembers it [17/02/17 23:00] :I came second [17/02/17 23:00] Muratus del Mur:anyway, in short, it was like this: [17/02/17 23:00] Nimrodel:The one akasha posted? [17/02/17 23:01] Nimrodel:Angien box? [17/02/17 23:01] :Nah the one on the homepage [17/02/17 23:01] Muratus del Mur:you have a box, what is inside it...simple...and you dont need to know a good answer, because when someone finds a perfect answer, you will realize it! [17/02/17 23:02] Muratus del Mur:you get my point? leave the box, the idea is that your skills as a quest organizer, can be minimum, all you need to do is to be able to recognize awesome from mediocre or absurd answers [17/02/17 23:02] Muratus del Mur:and thats much much easier than to plan things ahead [17/02/17 23:03] Muratus del Mur:brb time for las teleport, if any [17/02/17 23:03] :Muratus del Mur failed to cast a spell [17/02/17 23:04] Muratus del Mur:ok, so, please share your honest opinion about all this (except eagle eye that came just now) [17/02/17 23:04] :*Eagle Eye* bows his head [17/02/17 23:04] Muratus del Mur:consider it a vote [17/02/17 23:05] Muratus del Mur:is this doable 100%? or not? [17/02/17 23:05] Nimrodel:Before voting [17/02/17 23:05] Fang Archbane:yes [17/02/17 23:05] Muratus del Mur:i dont mind negative answers [17/02/17 23:05] Burns:Can i have a question first? [17/02/17 23:05] Nimrodel:One last question [17/02/17 23:05] dst:you only presented the concept and not the actual implementation plan [17/02/17 23:05] Muratus del Mur:yes [17/02/17 23:05] Muratus del Mur:nim [17/02/17 23:05] Muratus del Mur:turns pls, nim first question [17/02/17 23:06] Nimrodel:How do you plan to get noobs into this game? [17/02/17 23:06] Muratus del Mur:they join on the gateway island, here (well not here here, but somewhere else on the island) ..they learn the basics of what they can do with their items, [17/02/17 23:06] Muratus del Mur:then they reach mainland [17/02/17 23:07] Muratus del Mur:and then the chain continues [17/02/17 23:07] Muratus del Mur:does this answer your q? [17/02/17 23:07] Nimrodel:I meant MD [17/02/17 23:07] Muratus del Mur:? [17/02/17 23:07] :Mur turned on advertising [17/02/17 23:07] Muratus del Mur:i dont understand what you mean [17/02/17 23:07] Nimrodel:How do you plan to attract new players to MD [17/02/17 23:07] *Sunfire*:advertisement strategy [17/02/17 23:07] Nimrodel:Ah.. that's good news [17/02/17 23:08] Muratus del Mur:ah advertising.. regardless how i will get people in, we are talking now about what they will do once inside [17/02/17 23:09] Muratus del Mur:chew are you functional right now? or just listening to the meeting? need to ask you something if you are, if not its fine) [17/02/17 23:09] Nimrodel:I don't mind spending a month to design a chain... But there should be some participants. [17/02/17 23:09] Muratus del Mur:ok thats a good point, valid for everyone [17/02/17 23:09] Nimrodel:If there is input, I am more than happy [17/02/17 23:09] Muratus del Mur:i want these chains to be discussed first with me [17/02/17 23:10] Muratus del Mur:and they dont need to be planned for a month, it can be something you think of a day or two [17/02/17 23:10] Muratus del Mur:its not a normal quest like those so far [17/02/17 23:10] Muratus del Mur:it has no deadline [17/02/17 23:10] Muratus del Mur:no timing [17/02/17 23:10] Nimrodel:I am a comprehensive quest designer... Takes me a while [17/02/17 23:10] Muratus del Mur:no ranking [17/02/17 23:10] *Sunfire*:if they need to be interconnected there needs to be somewhat of an idea [17/02/17 23:11] Muratus del Mur:consider that all the quests in this series should have the same format, so that people know already from the island what and how to do [17/02/17 23:11] Muratus del Mur:all you need to do is define what is it that you guard, and what is the challenge you pose [17/02/17 23:12] Muratus del Mur:yes yes, a central idea exactly [17/02/17 23:12] Muratus del Mur:and thats why we are here [17/02/17 23:12] Muratus del Mur:to discuss all this [17/02/17 23:12] dst:so basically we moved from clickes to something else [17/02/17 23:12] Muratus del Mur:if you agree that it can be done [17/02/17 23:12] dst:am I right? [17/02/17 23:12] Muratus del Mur:because this can be done only if more can participate [17/02/17 23:12] Muratus del Mur:we still use clickies [17/02/17 23:12] Muratus del Mur:but yes [17/02/17 23:12] Muratus del Mur:clickies become tools [17/02/17 23:13] Muratus del Mur:the quests will no longer be mdscripts or based on clickies, they will be more ..hwo to call them [17/02/17 23:13] Muratus del Mur:based on rp and thinking [17/02/17 23:13] Fang Archbane:Human [17/02/17 23:13] dst:clickes version [17/02/17 23:13] Muratus del Mur:in this way we eliminate the need for someone to implement everything each time [17/02/17 23:14] Muratus del Mur:i see it more like this: [17/02/17 23:14] Muratus del Mur:we take one way quests could have been done, and consider that the main way [17/02/17 23:14] Muratus del Mur:nothing else gets erased [17/02/17 23:14] Muratus del Mur:everything else remains possible [17/02/17 23:14] Muratus del Mur:but this chain of quests wil be the backbone of md [17/02/17 23:14] Muratus del Mur:all the other ways can still happen [17/02/17 23:15] Muratus del Mur:but will be more like side quests, maybe to obtain things needed for these main chains [17/02/17 23:15] Muratus del Mur:i am not "changing" anything, i am just using something more [17/02/17 23:15] Nimrodel:There is one minor drawback though.. kinda limits stuff to MD. As in, if I want to tell someone my story, which may not be md related or in accordance with md beliefs, it might be difficult.. [17/02/17 23:16] Muratus del Mur:what you say is more of an offtopic concern i think, no offence [17/02/17 23:17] Muratus del Mur:nobody forbids you to do what you want, but you could somehow integrate what you do as part of this chain [17/02/17 23:17] Nimrodel:I sent that before I read the side quests part.. [17/02/17 23:17] Muratus del Mur:ok [17/02/17 23:17] Muratus del Mur:questions, who is next? [17/02/17 23:17] Burns:me! [17/02/17 23:18] Muratus del Mur:ok burns [17/02/17 23:18] Nimrodel:Internet crapped out. So strike that off [17/02/17 23:18] Blackshade Rider:. [17/02/17 23:18] Burns:What happens if somebody doesn't bring out an acceptable answer? [17/02/17 23:18] Burns:Example: [17/02/17 23:18] Muratus del Mur:chew, i cant contact you, need to ask you something when you can, during this meeting preferably, thnx [17/02/17 23:19] :ok [17/02/17 23:19] Burns:If i end up as guardian of golemus, or drachorns, which i both consider late parts of a chain, and somebody wants to get through me [17/02/17 23:19] :Ask e [17/02/17 23:19] :me [17/02/17 23:19] Burns:but i don't consider the attempt valid [17/02/17 23:19] Muratus del Mur:it can happen very often actually, and i see two ways to deal with it: [17/02/17 23:19] Burns:does he get stuck in that branch, without hope of ending it? [17/02/17 23:20] Muratus del Mur:you can ask him to pay a fee in items, or do chores or whatever, in exchange of a clue (clue and ideas that you obtain yourself from other better quest participants that passed) [17/02/17 23:20] Muratus del Mur:or [17/02/17 23:20] Muratus del Mur:you can simply tell them to try again in x days [17/02/17 23:20] Muratus del Mur:the purpose is to keep them entertained, not to kill them [17/02/17 23:21] Fang Archbane:"Wrong answer. clean up after the Drachs. speak to me in 3 days" I love it n.n [17/02/17 23:21] :dst throws her plans away [17/02/17 23:21] Muratus del Mur:one thing that might turn out to be essential is to determine if a player is trying more quests at the same time [17/02/17 23:21] Muratus del Mur:and limit them to one [17/02/17 23:21] Muratus del Mur:but allow them to exit that quest any time [17/02/17 23:21] Burns:Don't fret, dstybus, bribery and torture are still valid! [17/02/17 23:21] Muratus del Mur:fang, i told you that if you speak you get out this was third time [17/02/17 23:22] Fang Archbane:Yeah, sorry, just drop me off anywhere I guess. I won't complain. [17/02/17 23:22] Muratus del Mur:sorry fang is out [17/02/17 23:23] *Sunfire*:why one? isnt that too limiting, md is broad in aspects? [17/02/17 23:23] :You wanted to ask a question Mur? [17/02/17 23:23] Muratus del Mur:its very hard for me to focus if you speak random, i assume its same for you too [17/02/17 23:24] Muratus del avoid "bruteforcing" all quests at the same time and to add some linearity to their journey/experience [17/02/17 23:24] Muratus del Mur:NOT to limit them [17/02/17 23:24] Muratus del Mur:a sec, need a word with chew, brb [17/02/17 23:24] Muratus del Mur:skype, fb? [17/02/17 23:24] :skype me or? [17/02/17 23:24] :skype [17/02/17 23:24] Burns:But the idea is that everybody can get through all parts of all chains, given enough time and effort? [17/02/17 23:25] Muratus del Mur:skype it is, brb, the rest please think of all this if you have more questions or concerns [17/02/17 23:25] Muratus del Mur:yes EXACTLY burns [17/02/17 23:25] Muratus del Mur:thats they point [17/02/17 23:25] :sorry guys, Mur owes me a lapdance [17/02/17 23:25] Blackshade Rider:I have a question. [17/02/17 23:25] Muratus del Mur:and if it takes a full year, its awesome [17/02/17 23:25] Muratus del Mur:brb [17/02/17 23:25] Burns:The evil overlord is gone, we can talk freely! [17/02/17 23:26] Burns:and now nobody dares, right? [17/02/17 23:26] No one:i don't know tha freely language [17/02/17 23:26] Eon:. [17/02/17 23:26] No one:i can do some Romanian if you want [17/02/17 23:27] Burns:how evil do you folks think we should be? dsty, Nimmy, Eon, no one? thoughts? [17/02/17 23:27] *Eagle Eye*:full year to finish the quest, 1 year of thinking, 1 year of solving. how if they give up? awesome [17/02/17 23:27] Muratus del Mur: (pls already think if you see yourself as a guardian of something, needs to be something you are already involved with) [17/02/17 23:27] *Eagle Eye*: [17/02/17 23:28] Muratus del Mur: (full year for the ENTIRE chain) [17/02/17 23:28] dst:if torture and killing are allowed, I am in! [17/02/17 23:28] Blackshade Rider: (I wish to remain as a guardian here as i originally was) [17/02/17 23:28] Burns:he said no killing, but bribery is fine. [17/02/17 23:28] :You blew it though BR [17/02/17 23:28] Burns:Are you really a judge? you got the attention span of an average fly. [17/02/17 23:28] :So I guess thats not available [17/02/17 23:28] :Ungod TRIES TO CATCH UP with the chat [17/02/17 23:28] Eon:Send them to me when they fail your quest [17/02/17 23:28] Eon:I kill them [17/02/17 23:28] dst:had to get some stuff to eat... [17/02/17 23:29] dst:so i missed some things [17/02/17 23:29] Ungod: (mur owes me a [17/02/17 23:29] *Eagle Eye*:if loving way with a smile. im in [17/02/17 23:29] Muratus del Mur: (away from chat, i'll be back in 15min) [17/02/17 23:29] Blackshade Rider:Who burns [17/02/17 23:29] Burns:dst of course, no worries [17/02/17 23:30] :*Eagle Eye* im happy Eon [17/02/17 23:30] dst:ok, scratch killing and replace with bribery [17/02/17 23:30] dst:gotcha! [17/02/17 23:30] dst:and foot massage [17/02/17 23:30] Lintara:And say it's part of alternative path of the chain where they also have to get something and find the way out?- *chuckles* scratch that [17/02/17 23:30] Burns:great, but the question remains, how much? [17/02/17 23:31] Burns:foot massage sounds like a start... i'll have he massage the feet of an ogre. [17/02/17 23:31] dst:1 year but with progressive rewards[17/02/17 23:31] Burns:Will be weeks before the figure out we have no ogres. [17/02/17 23:31] dst:yep! [17/02/17 23:31] dst:that should cover 1/12 of the year [17/02/17 23:31] dst:then we send them chase fairies [17/02/17 23:31] Ungod: (leaving for home, don't kick me out!) [17/02/17 23:31] Ungod: (idling) [17/02/17 23:32] dst:or to look for Khal's chamber pot [17/02/17 23:32] Burns:And have them bring the breastplate stretcher. [17/02/17 23:32] dst:and Peace's toenail [17/02/17 23:32] Burns:No, darky's toenail! [17/02/17 23:33] Lintara:And some mucus from the Underground. [17/02/17 23:33] dst:oh and we should DEFO have some encryption in this [17/02/17 23:33] Burns:I like the amount of evilness we're heading to, i'm totally in for that. [17/02/17 23:33] dst:no Lin! that mucus is sacret! [17/02/17 23:33] dst:sacred* [17/02/17 23:33] :Lintara chuckles mischievously [17/02/17 23:34] Burns:i thought it was scary mucus... [17/02/17 23:34] dst:I think we'll do great in jail once Mur returns and reads our convo [17/02/17 23:34] :*Eagle Eye* bows to my queen Lintara[17/02/17 23:34] dst:it's scary only for noobs [17/02/17 23:34] Burns:I'm fairly sure judges are jail-proof. [17/02/17 23:34] :Lintara nods to Eagle Eye [17/02/17 23:34] :Nah they arent [17/02/17 23:34] dst:cannot count on that [17/02/17 23:35] dst:i could rule myself out but what would be the fun? [17/02/17 23:35] Burns:Drat, i forgot the executive evil overlord! [17/02/17 23:36] Burns:we're doomed, was fun knowing you, dstybus [17/02/17 23:36] dst:same Burnsy! [17/02/17 23:37] dst:a real pleasure! [17/02/17 23:37] dst:for you I learned how to clay model[17/02/17 23:37] dst:how to code/decode stuff.. [17/02/17 23:37] dst:I will be forever grateful [17/02/17 23:37] Burns:What do you suppose, how much time would guarding a quest node take? [17/02/17 23:38] *Eagle Eye*:1 year [17/02/17 23:38] Burns:to come back to the issues before Mur shows up again [17/02/17 23:39] dst:if you do it in a smart way, forever [17/02/17 23:39] dst:without you actually being there [17/02/17 23:40] *Eagle Eye*: *smiles* i love forever [17/02/17 23:40] Burns:Hmmm... sounds like a plan... [17/02/17 23:41] dst:I wonder...would we be able to incorporate spell pages into this? [17/02/17 23:41] dst:and once you have the whole collection you acctually GET the spell ? [17/02/17 23:41] Muratus del Mur:back [17/02/17 23:41] Muratus del Mur:ok, so [17/02/17 23:41] Muratus del Mur:now... [17/02/17 23:41] :dst hides [17/02/17 23:41] Burns:Inner circle magic never got done, did it? [17/02/17 23:42] :Burns hides, too [17/02/17 23:42] Muratus del Mur:i need to know, which one of you thinks he can be an active link in this chained quest [17/02/17 23:42] Muratus del Mur:? [17/02/17 23:42] Burns:i need another question [17/02/17 23:42] Blackshade Rider:Me [17/02/17 23:42] Muratus del Mur:ask [17/02/17 23:42] Blackshade Rider:Also i have a qeustion if i may [17/02/17 23:42] dst:I can be active but only for short periods during the day [17/02/17 23:43] Burns:How much activity do you expect from guardians? [17/02/17 23:43] Burns:Like, i can do PM, but that's about it [17/02/17 23:43] Blackshade Rider:Daily activity [17/02/17 23:43] Muratus del Mur:br, talk when asked pls or i will send you to fang [17/02/17 23:43] :BR you are not Mur [17/02/17 23:43] :Dont answer for him. [17/02/17 23:44] Muratus del Mur:again about this, this is about how you will do future quests, not really something in addition to what you do, but more of a change to how you do what you already do [17/02/17 23:44] Muratus del Mur:your activity will determine where in the chain i will place you [17/02/17 23:44] Muratus del Mur:if its very rare, then that link of the chain will be much more secondary than other links [17/02/17 23:45] Muratus del Mur:"much more secondary" its not really correct, but you get what i mean [17/02/17 23:45] Burns:Yep, and that sounds fair, too, thanks [17/02/17 23:45] Muratus del Mur:if you are active, and i see you actually are there all the time, you will get more sponsorship [17/02/17 23:46] Muratus del Mur:and overall people that are more active, simply put, will get more support in all ways i can, so that they can perform better [17/02/17 23:47] Muratus del Mur:because we are very very few, this is a time when things could change dramatically for everyone [17/02/17 23:47] :Muratus del Mur failed to cast a spell [17/02/17 23:47] :[Spell] I summon you here Fang Archbane [17/02/17 23:48] Muratus del Mur:ok , so again, who thinks can be FULLY involved with this, who thinks only partially, and who thinks he will do better just as spectator [17/02/17 23:48] Muratus del Mur:? [17/02/17 23:49] dst:I can do partially [17/02/17 23:49] Lintara:I can't commit a full day to this, but I can do partially also. [17/02/17 23:49] dst:and defo not during the night [17/02/17 23:49] Muratus del Mur:not answering means by default only spectator [17/02/17 23:50] *Eagle Eye*:I will help also partially [17/02/17 23:50] Blackshade Rider:I am active daily through out the day [17/02/17 23:50] Muratus del Mur:its about if you can change your current role to fit, not about doing one single event, but how you will do from now on forever [17/02/17 23:50] Fang Archbane:Im way too busy to do anything but spectate till Jan 1st 2018 [17/02/17 23:51] Ungod: (just got home, fully involved in what?) [17/02/17 23:51] Muratus del Mur:ok [17/02/17 23:51] Zleiphneir:You have my volunteership.[17/02/17 23:51] Muratus del Mur:in being part of this chain of quests [17/02/17 23:51] Lintara: (the whole chained quest shenanigans) [17/02/17 23:51] Muratus del Mur:z, fully, partially? [17/02/17 23:51] Ungod:does that mean staying on the island? [17/02/17 23:51] Muratus del Mur:no [17/02/17 23:51] Burns:I'm afraid i'm down to low partial involvement, then. [17/02/17 23:52] *Sunfire*:partially [17/02/17 23:52] Ungod:great. however, it's partial for me, unfortunately [17/02/17 23:52] Muratus del Mur:ok [17/02/17 23:52] Zleiphneir:Fully. [17/02/17 23:52] Blackshade Rider:Fully [17/02/17 23:52] Muratus del Mur:partially: dst, Lintara, *Eagle Eye* , Burns, *Sunfire* [17/02/17 23:52] Muratus del Mur:fully: Blackshade Rider, Zleiphneir [17/02/17 23:52] Muratus del Mur:who else? [17/02/17 23:53] Muratus del Mur:if you dont answer now i will assume you cant [17/02/17 23:53] Esmaralda:Won't have much time so spectating. I'm sorry [17/02/17 23:53] Muratus del Mur:ok [17/02/17 23:54] Ungod:partially for me [17/02/17 23:54] *Syrian*:i dont mind helping out in places but as an active quest maker i wont be good fol [17/02/17 23:54] *Syrian*: (for*) [17/02/17 23:54] Muratus del Mur:the rest of this meeting will probably continue on email or in a different location with those that remain part of this, in this way the spectators wont know the plans and will be able to enjoy playin [17/02/17 23:55] Muratus del Mur: *Syrian* is that partially or spectator? [17/02/17 23:55] *Syrian*:you can put me down as partially and i/ll help as and how i can [17/02/17 23:56] Muratus del Mur:ok [17/02/17 23:56] Muratus del Mur:the rest? anyone else? [17/02/17 23:56] Muratus del Mur:i can assume nobody else i guess [17/02/17 23:57] Muratus del Mur:ok, i think thats all for today, the following people pls pm me your email so i can write all the participants further details about this. [17/02/17 23:58] Muratus del Mur:if you have any other questions, or remarks, now its the time [17/02/17 23:58] Blackshade Rider:I have one [17/02/17 23:58] Muratus del Mur:and it would be VERY helpful for me to know what you think about this plan, all of you...lets say on a scale from 1 to 10, how good do you consider this chained quests plan to be? [17/02/17 23:59] Fang Archbane:9 [17/02/17 23:59] Blackshade Rider:Will these chained quests in any way help then advance in mp somehow? [17/02/17 23:59] Blackshade Rider:7.5 [17/02/17 23:59] dst:without seeing one, so only from the presentation phase, prolly 7-8 [17/02/17 23:59] Muratus del Mur:nope, quests dont interfere with mp advancement [17/02/17 23:59] Lintara:8 [17/02/17 23:59] Burns:depending on the implementation, 6-8 [18/02/17 00:00] Ungod:depends...the idea is good (like many here) , but the actual implementation is one that isn't so clear [18/02/17 00:00] *Sunfire*:it has potential, but we'll need to see how much us vets can invest in it and make it coherent [18/02/17 00:00] Muratus del Mur:ok, thank you for the feedback! [18/02/17 00:00] Zleiphneir:I am on the fence for various reasons, so 5 overall [18/02/17 00:00] Muratus del Mur:i guess now i need to match your expectations [18/02/17 00:00] *Eagle Eye*:8- because you nade it in a hardway of thinking. I will update my points when i touch down;) [18/02/17 00:01] *Syrian*:is it okay for a log to be taken of this conversation? [18/02/17 00:01] Muratus del Mur:last time, anyone here that wants to get involved with this, partially , or fully? [18/02/17 00:01] Muratus del Mur:yes please do, send it to me too [18/02/17 00:01] *Syrian*:i would say about a 7 as well, the idea seems very nice as an idea [18/02/17 00:02] :[Spell] through entropy we stare [18/02/17 00:02] Muratus del Mur:well we just discussed the idea [18/02/17 00:02] Muratus del Mur:the actual implementation is next phase [18/02/17 00:02] Esmaralda:8 [18/02/17 00:02] *Syrian*:would you like me to email it you? you have a character pm limit [18/02/17 00:02] Muratus del Mur:its pointless to discuss implenetation with everyone, thats something i will discuss just with those involved [18/02/17 00:03] Muratus del Mur:yes pleae [18/02/17 00:03] Muratus del Mur:ok so your feedback is 5 to 8, mostly 7-8 ..not that bad, i think you believe it might actually work [18/02/17 00:03] Muratus del Mur: [18/02/17 00:04] Fang Archbane:Huge potential. Humanism makes this both doable and a feat. [18/02/17 00:04] Muratus del Mur:Ok, if you don't have any other things to discuss about this subject, i will move everyone back to the mainland, ok? [18/02/17 00:04] dst:actually chained quests is not a new idea [18/02/17 00:04] dst:every game has that [18/02/17 00:04] *Sunfire*:what will happen on short trm with the noobs coming to the mainlands? [18/02/17 00:05] dst:the difference is that in MD we can have a huuuge diversity [18/02/17 00:05] Muratus del Mur:yes true, but here they are controlled by an actual person [18/02/17 00:05] dst:and freedom [18/02/17 00:05] Zleiphneir:none of this is a new idea...Im under the impression that is the point [18/02/17 00:05] dst:yeah, I think so too, Z [18/02/17 00:05] dst:it's a formula that works [18/02/17 00:05] Muratus del Mur:no, z..the point is to focus on player interactions [18/02/17 00:06] *Syrian*:except hopefully people wont be inclined to skip dialogue since you cant skip a person [18/02/17 00:06] Zleiphneir:let me re-phrase then. This is a rebirth of the original system in my view [18/02/17 00:06] Zleiphneir:On that, I mark it a 10 and a 1 for the same reasons [18/02/17 00:06] Muratus del Mur:and to do it in a way that is easy to follow and not chaotic like it is now, for example, someone reaching the mainland, has absolutely NO clue what to do [18/02/17 00:07] Zleiphneir:I have no doubt it will work, personally. At least, for a time. [18/02/17 00:07] Muratus del Mur:this is actually the way i envisioned md to be played always [18/02/17 00:07] *Sunfire*:we didnt either when we woke up in the cabin [18/02/17 00:07] Muratus del Mur:but never had the tools and the opportunity to actually do it [18/02/17 00:08] Muratus del Mur:i want legendary characters to actually be part of this chain, so that other, old or new players, have to face them at some point [18/02/17 00:08] *Syrian*:if anyone else wants a copy of the log here, send me a PM and i/ll reply with it, as not to spam the chat with requests for it [18/02/17 00:08] Lintara:Would be nice Syri [18/02/17 00:08] Burns:We're all going to be Wodins in no time! [18/02/17 00:08] Muratus del Mur:and this method of roleplaying the usage of items, ...well not rp..but just reason their use, i think it fits md best, and is most flexible way to achieve something like this [18/02/17 00:09] Muratus del Mur:yeah burns [18/02/17 00:09] Muratus del Mur:sort of [18/02/17 00:09] dst:Wodin sucked! [18/02/17 00:09] Muratus del Mur: [18/02/17 00:09] dst:I shall be better [18/02/17 00:09] Burns:Only when i played him ;P [18/02/17 00:10] Muratus del Mur:thats where diversity comes in handy...if you have more options of a chain, doesnt matter if a link sucks or not, what is important is that the entire chain holds up [18/02/17 00:10] dst:we all abused Wodin, Burnsy [18/02/17 00:10] Muratus del Mur:anything else? [18/02/17 00:10] Muratus del Mur:or time to end the meeting [18/02/17 00:10] dst:yes [18/02/17 00:10] dst:I have I question [18/02/17 00:10] Ungod:ooh, now i remember [18/02/17 00:10] Ungod:go ahead, dst [18/02/17 00:11] dst:could we use this to start using spell papers? [18/02/17 00:11] Muratus del Mur:people that volunteered to be involved with this, please pm me your email so i can write you all the next part [18/02/17 00:11] Muratus del Mur:yes [18/02/17 00:11] Muratus del Mur:totally [18/02/17 00:11] Muratus del Mur:spell docs and other features too [18/02/17 00:12] Muratus del Mur:because if they are part of a chain, i can release them in a much more themed and well staged way, as part of an unwritten story so to say [18/02/17 00:12] Ungod:@mur: on forum, ingame pm or..? [18/02/17 00:12] Muratus del Mur:game pm pls [18/02/17 00:13] Ungod:ok [18/02/17 00:13] Burns:What about rare creatures? Angiens, drachorns, that kind? They could be specific goals to reach, i think [18/02/17 00:13] Muratus del Mur:the rest that will just spectate, don't say later you didnt had the chance [18/02/17 00:13] Burns:like milestones [18/02/17 00:13] Muratus del Mur:exactly [18/02/17 00:13] Muratus del Mur:everything that is now unreachable, will be part of the chain [18/02/17 00:13] *Sunfire*:can we vets still achieve things through the quest chain? [18/02/17 00:13] Muratus del Mur:depends only on who controls that link [18/02/17 00:13] Muratus del Mur:and that i will decide based on activity and performance [18/02/17 00:14] Muratus del Mur:everyone , including representatives of this chain, can play all the "links" too [18/02/17 00:14] :dst feels like in school again [18/02/17 00:14] Muratus del Mur:see it as a sort of social stucture [18/02/17 00:14] Muratus del Mur:but without titles [18/02/17 00:14] Muratus del Mur: [18/02/17 00:15] Muratus del Mur:this sort of change can only happen when we are so "collapsed" that it would make no difference if i reset everything or reorganize everything, [18/02/17 00:16] Muratus del Mur:think its a good way to turn the situation in our favor [18/02/17 00:16] dst:don't push the reset button!!! *hugs her stuff* [18/02/17 00:16] Muratus del Mur:Thank you all for participating, this was truly a hostoric event in my opinion.. I will make an announcement shortly Ivorak, Eagle Eye, Lintara and 5 others 7 1 Quote
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