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Attack time


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I see a problem in the fact that players belonging to alliances can attack unallied players every 7 minutes while an unallied player attacking back have to wait 60 minutes before being able to attack again. This might be an unfair advantage if being abused.. Is it supposed to be this way?

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I think the reason it is set up this way is so that alliance members can't bash and bash and bash on the same person to improve thier guild score. Alliance members can only be attacked once per hour because the gains in loyalty are so great when one is defeated. I am pretty sure it is on purpose.

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But players in an alliance are trying to get loyalty. That is what the above post meant, because you have no loyalty pts to award you should not be a huge target for alliance members.

Partly, yes. But you will still want wins, experience, statbonuses etc too (at least I do?) even if you are in an alliance.. You're not going to gain wins and loyalty by being weak..

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Also i dont attack unallied players because my win/loss counter is stuck in a balanced way and every MP5 (Except, ugauga, thanks god) player gives me negative honor. Once i go into negative i cant gain stats so thats why i mostly attack alliance members. Ask dst :D i give him 400 honor ;)



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If you read the change log you'll see that what's happening is the right thing. So what? The contest will be more challenging. Good luck!

The contest just makes it worse.

How the hell does it make sense for an alliance member to attack me every 10 minutes to take heads and for me to only be able to attack back every 30 minutes?

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But Alliance members dont regenerate 1k vit, we do 200 per tick. Its true we can walk around in our territory to gain back ve but its not my case since going into Necrovion with heads is not allowed during the contest.



EDIT: Also, i think i forgot to mention that if your energetic immunity at least doesn't reach a certain value, you loose vitality in enemy territory.

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Despite the fact that I'm in an alliance, I have to agree with the players here that are saying it's unfair. We get extra skills and others can't attack us as often, yet we can attack them constantly. We have the incentive to do so, if only to gain the combat reward. Loyalty isn't the only thing which matters. More so during head contests.

Life isn't fair. That doesn't mean the game has to be unfair, though. It's not just like how older/more advanced players have an advantage over players new to the mindpower. When you keep in mind that alliance seats are very limited (at least for now), our advantage is considerable. Maybe alliance members should only be able to interact with other alliances' members, or at least during the head contest.

As for the regeneration, Braiton, that doesn't apply to all alliances. It varies for each one. Loreroot regenerates 1k VE in 25 minutes, which isn't that bad considering the different advantages a longer counter offers.

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I didnt know that :)

The only thing alliance members have in advantage over the contest is in the time they can be attacked, i agree.

As for bonus, yes it can be an advantage, but some players that should be in MP6 are way more overpowered, they overcome most of us, and no one complains about it :P



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If I could play against alliance members (ok...now I am in an alliance) why can anybody else do it? I complained also but then I figured: hey! It is more fun this way. I always look for new challenges. And what if (for mp5) a non alliance member will win? Will this prove that alliances are not that important?

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[2008-07-28 02:45:44 - Alpha 6]

This time, the head contest occurs during a time when alliance mode mixes with normal mode and also other things can affect the fairness of the contest. To avoid any confusion, i want to make clear that the contest will run all the time just the same, regardless of what advantages or disadvantages a party or an other has. All the players start the game with same chances, and if you think that someone is to powerfull and will win the contest because of that, then think also that he will win because he struggled a lot to get those powerfull stats and benefits. The contest itself can not be considered fair, but what it represents its fair enough. Like always, the contest can be won by pure force or by using your brain to find ways of getting the score ahead other players. You can win the contest only once and winning it does not mean you are the best player, but means you are a smart fighter. To be best player in this game means more than just fighting well but winning contests its one step ahead.


Announced on the Change log



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