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In response:

1. *curtsies*

2. Yes, I thoroughly expected such a response. Occasionally, I even enjoy it.

3. Wherefore? Additionally, what brought you to such conclusion that such action would be beneficial either to myself or to Loreroot?

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Greetings to you, Lady Renae. It seems sometimes introductions can be difficult. There are few ladies here of such refinement as we two. It is both a pleasure and an honor to intoduce myself.


Quite pleased to make your aquaintance. As to the above,

1)Salutations have previously been issued

2)*snort* we'll not bother with that

3)Loreroot is lovely this time of year. I find it calms my nerves.

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Upon careful consideration and investigation I find that Cenyon will not be joining Loreroot, nor any other land. He is a Bringer, which is a title of Old, and represents the First of an ancient people. They are without homeland, without allegiance, and without bias. He will be at a disadvantage in many ways, yet he will remain true to his heritage.

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Greetings... I am the new being in this plain.. I have made minor impacts on the lives of some of you already, but as of yet my intentions for my actions have yet to be deciphered..

*breaks the 4th wall*

Ughh, thats better, Hi this is one my first times playing a game like this I have found the experience thus far quite rewarding. A little bit of info on me for those of you for some odd reason my be interested... I have minors in Western History, Theology, Philosophy, Psychology and English.. I am some what of a creative wack job who is known for the crazy things I've done and I usually play this when I should be editing a new video or updating my radio server... I drink too much coffee and chain smoke (don't really sleep either..) and this has already started to reflect in the way I play the game..

So Hello! Also if you have any questions, comments or wish to compliment me on how pretty I am feel free.

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I'm Sun Wukong, and I'm not from Korea nor anything like that. The nick comes from Journey to the West, a classical piece of chinese literatura that tells the story of a special monkey with special powers who seeks inmortality and other things. If you know Dragon Ball, let's say the name in japanese is Son Goku, and that the character from the books has a stick and a cloud too.

Anyway, now that the name is clear, I just discovered Magic Duel this morning and I'm fascinated with it, so I have decided to come to the forum to greet you all and ask a lot of questions about the game.

BTW, I'm also looking for a Master to guide my first steps, but I suppose that can wait :D

Greetings from the Apprentice of Time and Enthropy.

PS: Feel free to PM me with offer of glory and treasures. (I prefer the ones about treasures, truth be told)

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Hey im new to MD. Well a friend forced be to sign up almost a year ago for it when it all just seamed a bit whacked to me and far to strange. But now im back and I think i've got the hang of it.

Hope I see some of you in game as I only know two poeple who play so far, but i've only managed to bump into one.

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