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Well, I wish I was aware of how lame the concept of RPC's were before I spent $40 on this game. Why would you give certain players the ability to break the rules (like smartalekjr attacking me when he's a higher mind power than I am "aka a different game stage") when you know they are just going to abuse it. If you are a game manager or whatever the hell you want to call it then you shouldn't also be a player that can gain from abusing their powers....he said he was on "random attack" yeah right. Isn't an RPC in a different game stage then the rest of the players? Then how is it fair for an mp5 rpc to attack an mp4 normal player for personal gain? anyways, my only regret is that i didn't realize how flawed this game was before I wasted money on it. goodbye.

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choosing words for you since you cant grasp the meaning of mature

what he should have said is stay a while and see if it changes or if you dont like it then i am sorry but the rest of us see it in different lights and so dont like those who complain about anything and everythng


Well I can understand being Upset, but Leaving the game because of this one Incident? Thats a bit much, theres alot of Potential in this game, and realize it's still in Alpha so bugs are being worked out.

Yes I know this isn't a Bug, I just mean that things are likely to Change, and that you can still make a Difference if you choose to.

RPC's being able to attack any MP is supposed to be part of the game, though in this case I Agree it seems Cruel.

Just a Note: You picked entirely the Wrong Forum section for this..you Aren't asking any Questions


Funny how i see that,you say its cruel i dont think so think as the rpc's characters that make the history they need to keep evolving to make more interesting the game and be able to give more rewards when you defeat them and come on.....its just one loss this game you must be balanced wwith wins and losses why say its cruel to lose when you need it?Even if you dont needed you should be careful in this game coz the players evolve from killing each other stay near sanctuaries and others and dont stay too long outside of the same if you are too weak eventually you will become stronger,this isnt a game that should be played whole day.


Quite offensive, Treehill. I play MagicDuel the whole day quite often.

In some ways I can understand what sethrynn feels. Who would want to spend time on a game, even if it has potential and can be changed, if something so apparently pointless and stupid is allowed from the start (well, I certainly don't see much point to it)? I think reasonably, some but not all would want to risk the frustration. I'm not surprised to see proof of it though it's not like I'm happy. One incident may say more than you think, Bootes, and you know well that similar has happened more than once previously without any sign of change since.

It's at least nice that he decided to say why he's leaving, so those of us who are left can think about it. He also needn't go to hell, stormrunner.

This topic has been moved to General Stuff. If you want to post opinion about rpcs' roles and powers in general instead of responding to sethrynn's good-bye, please use the topic in the New Ideas forum called "Questions about RPCs."


This happened to me yesterday with the same RPC, I don't know what it's about, but it sucked....it took out a great combo, and more VE than I had to heal my creats.


ok I retract it, I just mad when people who an handle a little stress go off and blast a good game because of there problms it's part of my backgound where if this is all it takes to get you whining and quiting, you would kill yourself after a day but then agian a guess getting mad about thing like this is not ok, becuase human emtion is not aloud in the forum and blasting a game isn't nice,

and treehill, glaistig is right it is easy to play all day

p.s. this is not a incident it called life, even if this is game somethings carry over

p.p.s. if anyone want to hear a REAL incident pm me


Glai im not trying to sound offensive its just how i feel too i understand him because at first i didnt knew how this game worked but if you think properly this game is somewhat real,people stronger than us(that had more opportunities or just more luck)will battle us to grow even more,this is how this game works to increase the fun about the game,i dont think mp higher should attack lower but i do think RPC's should attack.

I didnt mean play all day like that i meant that:this game is suposed to be a long term game,if it wasnt why would put 24 hours to wait?


I am an RPC

so i shall speak of my experiences on this via my role

first and foremost not all RPCs can attack anyone and everyone only a few chosen can do that based on their roles

second yes i have been attacked and do have now 3 alternate characters Evoker MorganJade newly MP5 The ReaperDeathSeal MP3 by choosing and newly Death Knight King MP3 cause of restarting and soon to be MS DK

i have experienced SmartAlekRJ attacking all of my characters and in most cases breaking my rituals some with 100 wins on them some just newly created

this gives you the opportunity to see what he uses in his attack rituals someone who is stronger than you and who has been here for a long time

set up those weak defense rituals with that lowly single heretic archer or grasan you are tired of trying to train look and see what he uses and try your hardest to emulate his attack strategy

it will get you farther than just complaining about it

these people the RPC's with the ability to attack anyone and everyone every minute are in a class along with wodin ullr and Knator commander

they are MP1s

they have earned this through long and tough times most are subtle and will let you know why they attacked you as I would if i could do that

lol I cannot so dont ask jsut what they can do most things are secret even from me

work your way into the game

even if you cant compete in the RPC contest due to lack of active days learn from the current RPCs and LHOs

Role Played Characters and Live Help Operators

you are our future in Magic Duel

every one of you who leaves is one less family member of mine

i value each and everyone of you and would please ask you to stay

if you or anyone you know ever needs help jsut message anyone of my characters in game i will be glad to answer and help you all day long

and ihave actually had some 36 hour days online in MD so glaistig i feel ya sis

well now

for those non RPCs out there i also feel your pain as my other characters routinely have rituals broken by RJ or someone else

recreate them and ask that person not to attack you again as you are training

if they dont reply or dont listen


if i cannot reach some sort of agreement with them by all means if you want to leave i cannot stop you but if you want to at least give it a try

we all are here to help

even mean old RJ


sorry RJ if you read this you were just an example i used as noone else with MP1 other than KC attacks me routinely

by by for now hope you all have a Great Magic Duel Day

I am an RPC

so i shall speak of my experiences on this via my role

first and foremost not all RPCs can attack anyone and everyone only a few chosen can do that based on their roles

second yes i have been attacked and do have now 3 alternate characters Evoker MorganJade newly MP5 The ReaperDeathSeal MP3 by choosing and newly Death Knight King MP3 cause of restarting and soon to be MS DK

i have experienced SmartAlekRJ attacking all of my characters and in most cases breaking my rituals some with 100 wins on them some just newly created

this gives you the opportunity to see what he uses in his attack rituals someone who is stronger than you and who has been here for a long time

set up those weak defense rituals with that lowly single heretic archer or grasan you are tired of trying to train look and see what he uses and try your hardest to emulate his attack strategy

it will get you farther than just complaining about it

these people the RPC's with the ability to attack anyone and everyone every minute are in a class along with wodin ullr and Knator commander

they are MP1s

they have earned this through long and tough times most are subtle and will let you know why they attacked you as I would if i could do that

lol I cannot so dont ask jsut what they can do most things are secret even from me

work your way into the game

even if you cant compete in the RPC contest due to lack of active days learn from the current RPCs and LHOs

Role Played Characters and Live Help Operators

you are our future in Magic Duel

every one of you who leaves is one less family member of mine

i value each and everyone of you and would please ask you to stay

if you or anyone you know ever needs help jsut message anyone of my characters in game i will be glad to answer and help you all day long

and ihave actually had some 36 hour days online in MD so glaistig i feel ya sis

well now

for those non RPCs out there i also feel your pain as my other characters routinely have rituals broken by RJ or someone else

recreate them and ask that person not to attack you again as you are training

if they dont reply or dont listen


if i cannot reach some sort of agreement with them by all means if you want to leave i cannot stop you but if you want to at least give it a try

we all are here to help

even mean old RJ


sorry RJ if you read this you were just an example i used as noone else with MP1 other than KC attacks me routinely

by by for now hope you all have a Great Magic Duel Day

Im sorry but there is some things that are starting to bug me. We all play this game and we are trying to maintain some sort of balance, as hard as it is at times (just look at my honour). Anyone who is at my level is fair game for me to battle, same as i am for them. If someone does not want to be battled, then they need to go to an area where they cant be attacked. For myself personally i was balanced until i got interested in the angiens quest and spent my time chatting and brainstorming to others which in consequence meant i got hammered over and over again and i have not fully recovered, but i haven't really tried to recover either.

I don't agree with the idea that someone can say they are training, u attack, they complain and u get a PM from someone saying 'please explain'. There are now two safe havens/dojos to do their training, with other sites as sanctuaries. Now ive had my say, i feel a lot better lol

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there will always be players to complain and players to like it. I can only say i am sorry but the fighting is not what this game is all about.

Real life is ballanced because of the freedom of decision and games usualy present a fake world where this dificult to understand ballance is usualy broken, magicduel is not far from this if you look at it just from the point of view of the fights.

in real world you have the option to kill anyone , but of course also the penalty for it. Just because you are not a billionair and you dont rule the world that does not mean you suicide or "quit liffe". See the fun of it, a lost fight from smart is not the end of the world, think that all your current profile doesnt go "down" it goes only UP so why are you upset?


So the point of it is to make the game more realistic and fun? It may be fun for the rpcs, but not those who suffer the attacks for the rpcs' own personal gain. If they are allowed to attack anyone they want for that reason, why aren't regular players in high mp levels allowed to attack newbies in mp3? Why doesn't the answer to that question apply to rpcs? It isn't logical to me. /:

There is a reason why games usually present a fake world. Games like that are still fun, more fun than real life. I play games mostly because I enjoy them more than real life. Why do games have to take the unenjoyable aspects of the real world and apply them to games? I don't see it.

Even disregarding that, I don't think MD would become less fun or realistic if there were some regulations concerning rpcs; you say that "in the real world you have the option to kill anyone , but of course also a penalty for it" yet I don't see any penalty for the rpcs, except disgruntled players. There are laws to help ensure fairness in the real world (that is the ideal, anyway), and there can be laws of a sort in MD too.

Players like sethrynn aren't upset just because of the temporary damage done by attacks like that of smart's, but instead because of the pointlessness, stupidity and injustice they see in allowing them. The reason why he quits MD because of this event even though in real life even if he wasn't a billionaire he wouldn't suicide is because he has better options than MD: other games or real life itself. My piece to help answer the questions you asked, and to pose my own.


I take it you all misunderstood my meaning

i dont for instance mind smartalekRJ attacking me

training areas are not sanctuarys

furthermore i do wholeheartedly train in training areas it is fun to see others help others

no i dont mind at all if anyone complains to me about anything i try to find a way they can see the good in what has happened which is what i MEANT by my long post


I forgot to reply to Treehill.

Glai im not trying to sound offensive its just how i feel too i understand him because at first i didnt knew how this game worked but if you think properly this game is somewhat real,people stronger than us(that had more opportunities or just more luck)will battle us to grow even more,this is how this game works to increase the fun about the game,i dont think mp higher should attack lower but i do think RPC's should attack.

I didnt mean play all day like that i meant that:this game is suposed to be a long term game,if it wasnt why would put 24 hours to wait?

You shouldn't take everything I say so seriously. :P I was joking at your remark. But reverting to seriousness, I agree that stronger players should be able to attack weaker players--to an extent. There are reasons for mindpower levels, one of them included being that those who are advanced to such a point shouldn't be allowed to pick on newbies when they can progress by attacking players of the same level. Why should it be different for rpcs? I think their powers to attack through mindpowers is reasonable, but not for personal easy and petty gain, and therefore there should be a rule to make sure RPCs know that it's not allowed (only, at least for now, it appears like it is). And I don't really get how the game being a long-term one changes anything related to the topic.


thanks morgana for making my name public!!! lol anyways, lord knows how many complaints i get about attacking everyone. It's been put in here a few times now and i'll even say it. IT JUST A GAME!!! if you are attacked by someone and killed and you have a good ritual i have seen this several times when i was mp3, dont message the person that attacked swearing your head off. it will only get you attacked more often. As for the person that started this topic and a few others that have been warned. Don't swear in the chat cause it will get you banned. provoking people in chat isn't a smart idea either. especially if you dont think you are gonna lose, cause you will. There are several reasons i attack mp3's. One is studying their rituals. Might sound stupid but i have helped several mp3's that way. 2 some mp3 accounts like *cough*ReaperDeathSeal*cough* shouldn't exist in mp3. The heads contests are one reason i look at accounts like that. If there weren't so many people that had accounts like that it would be godding mp3. Which happens to be something that i would like to prevent if i can. 3 some mp3 are actually fascinated with being attacked by a higher lvl as there are creatures that they have yet to see. I get lot's of pm's on all 3 things. And i get nastygrams alot too, sometimes i'm nice and return them back, other times i an see it's fustration and try to help them out with building their creatures up or something. I and just as nice as i am mean.


Tip on how to avoid RPCs attack: put a nasty def ritual so after they attack once they will never attack you. <_<


dst is a real powerful ritual can make people think agian about attak, in the last head hunt I was able to get 4th (I think, I logged off A few hours before It ended) because ritual was powerful even when me and my creatures were at death door and I got a victory off him even though he was in good shape,


Huh, RJ, no mention of random attacks there. What did sethrynn mean by that?

I don't think even if you did attack in this case for purposes other than personal gain it means anything, because it's pretty plausible that it occurs even so. We at least know it's happened once before. I still don't understand the purpose of allowing RPCs the liberty of attacking others for sole personal gain (in contrast to characterization for role-playing or other reasons the power is given), not without at the very least a sort of warning not to on the pain of punishment. Yes, I've heard the "It's just a game" a lot, and it is! A game that people can happily opt out of playing when they feel like some aspect of it is stupid and unnecessarily unfair, as sethrynn did.

Am I wrong somewhere? I'm not satisfied when there is no rebuttal to my points and no responses to my questions, and yet there is no acknowledgment of anything I assert either. I have no idea. Probably most people don't really care enough to bother coming out of neutrality or indifference to state their own view because it seems minor. I count only five people total who have said that they are dissatisfied with the game because of the rpcs' position without regulations, myself included. But I think, five is enough to warrant some reply other than the same "deal with it, it's a game" to what we pose.



some RPCs are given that power for a specific purpose to test others and to help with their role

some are not given that power for specific reasons as you stated it has nothing to do with their role

it may seem like abusing powers to use them as some do but it is also easier to **cough**RJ**cough** attack with a ritual a little easier on damage to find out what the ritual they use can do

or message them with basic tips

ohh and @RJ

Reaper Death Seal Will be moving up to Mp4 soon very soon infact with in a few days to a week based on i am trying to get an even number of losses to go along with my 700 something wins

I am not the strongest mp3 at all nor do i claim to be nor do i try to be at all i just help out people who want losses or wins and make it better fo those who do want wins to also get massive amounts of what every one under the sun screams about HONOR!!!

@ dst

it is virtually impossible for an Mp3 to make a scary ritual short of getting into loreroot with enough xp left on their profile to upgrade a few trees and i have not even come close to being able to pull that one off lol

not even close but i try every time i can to get in there

and even that would make RJ still want to know what ritual i possess and thank you RJ for mentioning Reaper i did win the heads contest and i help anyone and everyone at mp3 in the dojo when they want wins or honor or healing rituals and they get honor!!!!!

still the RPC attacking others of different Mind power levels is a bit of a tricky thing

some need to be able to for their quests and some just have it and some even abuse it

nothing can be completely controlled all of the time

sometimes trust and honor must count for something

and i think that if a RPC attacks a different MP level they should message them and explain what they did and why

as in tell them they need work on their ritual building skills or what ever they need

help them dont just attack and laugh cause you can

my 2 cents


all that accomplishes is making more things for me to do lol. Oh and BTW if you think mp3's are bad i just got a message from an MP5!!! "it's not right that you attacked me.......blah blah blah" If you are mp5 and are not bright enough to have a defensive ritual up by now then you deserve to lose that ritual. mp3's i can fully understand with ruining their 100 win rituals, but an mp5 complaining like an mp3. Maybe we should separate mind power lvls by intelligence. You have to pass a quiz to advance to the next mind power cause if you are an mp5 and play and complain like an mp3 then you should stay and mp3 and not be able to advance!!

Am I wrong somewhere? I'm not satisfied when there is no rebuttal to my points and no responses to my questions, and yet there is no acknowledgment of anything I assert either. I have no idea. Probably most people don't really care enough to bother coming out of neutrality or indifference to state their own view because it seems minor. I count only five people total who have said that they are dissatisfied with the game because of the rpcs' position without regulations, myself included. But I think, five is enough to warrant some reply other than the same "deal with it, it's a game" to what we pose.

No, I don't think you're wrong. And it's not that I am neutral or don't care; I'm still learning my way around the forums.

I'm not dissatisfied with the game, and here's why: it's the most insane original thing I've seen in a long, long time. Fantasy is meant to be one of the more "wide open" genres of literature, gaming, and film, but in all categories it seems to want, or worse, need to default to formulaic settings and stories of the very worst sort. I could point fingers at certain writers and game-systems, but I don't think I need to. We all know who the usual suspects are.

I am somewhat sympathetic to your view that escapism can only be realistic to a certain point before it stops becoming fun. I am not at all persuaded by the argument that MD needs realism of any sort: quite the reverse, I think. MD's power derives largely from how unrealistic it is. Take the sun that never sets: huh? Impossible. And really cool.

But here's the catch: it's on the Internet, and it's free. Sethrynn paid $40... how awesome. I intend to do something similar as soon as I can. I don't want any recognition. I don't want special privileges. I would not be paying for an off-the-shelf, polished, big-budget video game in which I am The Big Hero (or Villain) of the Universe. I don't really care if Tarquinus the ex-liche-lord-with-a-serious-attitude-problem affects this world one way or the other. I just want to help Manu - and the other devs - do that voodoo that he does so well. Donating money to MD is not buying a game. It's a donation. And you're absolutely right: if you don't like it, walk away.

Again, I think your points are valid. Certain mechanics are unfair and some of the RPCs seem to serve little purpose. There is a definite "in crowd" here, as there always will be. Sometimes I find it tedious. People on the Internet very frequently seem to think their relative anonymity gives them carte blanche to be jerks with minimal repercussions. Some people seem to feel that my RP is getting in the way of their MMOG.

MagicDuel gives me what I want, which is something I can't get anywhere else. And I have fun because I have decided to have fun. It's as simple as that. I watch, I listen, and sometimes I try to stop role-playing long enough to solve puzzles, learn effective dueling techniques, or use other means to get systemic rewards, which honestly don't much interest me. I've carved out a small part of someone else's fantasy and made it my own... and that's not only enough for me, it's big enough for a few other players to share.

And I think that's marvelous.


What's with all the whining about being attacked? I hardly see why it's such a big deal. If you lose, say, a 100 win ritual, how is being attacked by an RPC any different from losing to a regular player?

From my perspective, being attacked is just part of the game, and adds to its unpredictability. Can you be killed in story mode? Yes. Similarly, you can be attacked, and should be prepared for that.

So you lose a 100 win ritual. Big whoop. I've lost tons of rituals by just fighting. It's foolish to turn away from a $40 dollar investment just because you've lost some temporary benefit.

The ONE thing that bugs me about this system is that I can't attack back. Come on. Give me a crack at those darned RPCs ;(


Yeah thats what I believe, when I was young and puny, I was always darting off to find safe places and put def rits (I still dart around now too :). And lol SmartAlek attacked me today but lucky I got a def rit *whew*. And I like the idea Malazan but it'll put the attacker in great risk wouldn't it?

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