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Greetings friends of Marinds Bell, Loreroot, Necrovion and Golemus Golemicarum; followers of Light and Darkness alike.

Up untill now I have kept a quite low profile, listening to rumours of the world. Ive heard ideas and theories from many characters with power and influence, theories about how many of you see the world and the current happenings and threats. I now think it is time for me to share some of my theories, and my view of the world..

Please read it all with an open mind, try not to be too certain about what you take for given but think of all possibilities. These are theories and I dont claim it all to be true, since there are as many truths about the world as there are observers.

About Balance

Balance is crucial for the very existance of the world as we know it. Throughout time it has been called many things. Balance, Mother Nature, Gaia and many other names.. They are not all the same, but they share the same core: They define the very essence of existence.

The balance that we are speaking of is the balance between Light and Dark energy. Energy in itself is all neutral, do not mix this up with good and evil. There is always as much dark energy as there is light energy, but energy can have different shape and "Worth".

Balance is necessary in both a large and small terms, I prefer to think of it as micro- and macroscale balance. Microscale balance is the balance in your body and mind; if the balance in your body is disturbed you will start to fade, and life itself will start to leave you. I will come to this later on. Balance in your mind is necessary to maintain full control of your senses, and to develop all kind of magical skills.

About Life

Life is a phenomenom that requires a perfect balance between Light and Dark energy, both of high Worth. As I mentioned earlier, life will start to leave you if the balance is broken. As an example I will take the Shades. Shades are not alive, as we know it. They are rather a being of pure Dark energy of high worth. If the balance in your body is broken in the favor of Dark energy, you will start to fade and become less alive and more of a Shade. There are living proofs of this. The same should count the other way around, but during my entire life I have never had the chance to study a being turning towards a unbalance of Light energy.

Some of you might now come to think of the Angiens as the Light beings; this is still unconfirmed though. And I am not considering it to be very likely either judging by past events. The Angiens are surely mysterious, but seems to be discovered about this.

About Good and Evil

"Good" and "Evil" are states of mind. They are eachother's opposites, but not part of the Balance as I think of it. A perfectly balanced world can be good, a paradise on earth, as well as evil and a living hell. It depends all on the observer, and his state of mind. Evil is often thought to be connected to Dark energy, and many of my studies have shown that Dark energy often leads to "Evil" mind; but this is rather a possible outcome than a must. A concentration of Dark energy with high worth (a Shade) will be very likely to create even more Dark energy, in other words make unbalance. Since Life requires balance, this conflict of interests will make Shades take lives to achieve their greater goal.

About the Sun that Never Sets

This has confused me alot, but while thinking of it I have found a more and more likely theory. The world is now, or at least up until recently, in a decent Balance. This has confused me since the presence of the Shades have gone stronger, but the presence of high-worth Light energy has been nowhere to be seen. The world should have been unbalanced for long, but it isnt.. Then it occured to me that all this high-value Light energy might be somehow concentrated and connected to the sun, thus disturbing the balance of the day and making the Sun "stay in the sky". But the macroscale Balance is still kept since the high worth of Dark energy in the Shades equals the high worth of Light energy in the Sun.

The increasing growth of power among the Shades is unsettling though, since they are starting to disturb the macroscale Balance.

The current threats against Life and Balance

The Shades are a threat to us since Life and Balance is not their Goal. By increasing in power they continue to disturb the balance, and by converting neutral, balanced humans into beings with higher Dark worth they are getting even closer to their goal.

However eliminating the Shades is not a sole solution as this will cause an unbalance towards Light instead with consequenses just as bad. This might cause the Sun to burn too hot, or cause Light beings to appear, probably with similar but opposite goals as the Shades. If we are to "kill" Shades, by degrading their energy worth and concentration, we have to do the same with Light.

Option 1

We need to find a way to decrease the amount of concentrated Light energy that disturbs the sun. This means bringing back the natural pace of Day and Night, with the possible risk of instead causing an everlasting Twilight.

Option 2

One option that I have been researching alot is that once killing, or as I prefer to call it, extinguish, a Shade you can collect the Dark energy released from it. Under the control of a balanced mind this will cause a.. thrilling!.. increase in power, which can be used for good causes. This is not without risk since consuming too much Dark energy makes your own body unbalanced and more Shadelike. My research is now partly concentrated on how to collect Light energy in the same way. Ive made some progress on this matter, but its a much more timedemanding progress since Light energy is not of the same Worth and concentration around here as Dark energy is.

Option 3 (The peacefull one)

I do realise that much of what has been said this far is very hostile towards Necrovion and the members of this alliance, while my intention is for my theories to be neutral. But I have to push on the importance and threat of what you are doing. The Balance is a very intricate system and meddling with it can cause much larger consequences than you had imagined. Therefore the only peaceful solution I can see is that the Shades and followers of Necrovion stop ther power increase immediately, untill more progress have been done in the research of the Light energy. It will be necessary that the followers of Marind Bell and Loreroot show the diplomatic respect to also hold any growth in power, and in a mutual understanding future research might bring pleasure to both sides.

--- --- ---

I appreciate any thoughts, ideas and objections to my theories as long as you have thought them through. I have written this and shared it with You in the hope of all of us reaching a deeper understanding of our World. Unbalance has been caused before and believe me, it has fatal consequences.

Signed with respect,

Teclis the Archmage,

Seeker of Enlightenment


Well... In some thing i agree with you...

But my opinion about 'Good' and 'Evil' is kinda different...

Good and Evil are Opposites... But the Evil ones think they do right and also the Good ones think they are right... And Good and Evil wil always exist, I think a Balance is not possible. You must know... There are 2 kinds of Balances: Black-White, and Grey

Black-White is dangerous: always fighting, war,...

But Grey is almost impossible to get...

If you have any comments on this, pls pm me in game (Sage Mc Quincy) tnx



Well... In some thing i agree with you...

But my opinion about 'Good' and 'Evil' is kinda different...

Good and Evil are Opposites... But the Evil ones think they do right and also the Good ones think they are right... And Good and Evil wil always exist, I think a Balance is not possible. You must know... There are 2 kinds of Balances: Black-White, and Grey

Black-White is dangerous: always fighting, war,...

But Grey is almost impossible to get...

If you have any comments on this, pls pm me in game (Sage Mc Quincy) tnx



I partly agree with you Sage, and I believe we are trying to say the same thing. The balance is a must for the world to work properly, while good and evil depends on who you are and what your interests are. Some might suffer while others prosper, yet there is still balance in the world. Dark and Light is not the same as Good and Evil, but the later can be a consequence of the first..

And grey could be seen as where large, high-worth energy is avoided and the energy is more evenly spread out in the world, thus neither of them threatening to create unbalance..

You could say that high-worth energy starts to get its own will, it gets alive but yet not since life demands both Light and Dark. And this will that it get wants to create even more unbalance in its own favor.


Sage, I will have to disagree with you. Grey is NOT "impossible to get." In a sense, we, as players, are the grey. Some players choose to be Light. Some players choose to be Dark. Some players just do not care. But all players have one similarity---they have the ability to sway, to adapt, and to influence the outcome of Light and Dark. Grey is probably the most abundance out of balance. Generally, our world is balance. But specifically, our world is not. THere is light and dark. But for those that shows neither, there is grey. With that sense in general, there is a balance but not as CLEAR as black and white. After all, if one was to look at a black and white chess board for a long time, one will see that there exist grey spots. Our world, with us in it, is the way same way. We are the grey spot and are not "impossible to get."

I read your post Teclis. Very interesting, that it is. You neither sway toward light nor condemn the dark. I acknowledge you research and will continue to question it as best as I can. Nothing much I can refute or support about it since I have just read and have no idea about theory of THIS world. Thanks for sharing.


on good and evil: in simple term good is selflessness and evil is selfishness

the reason that dark energy many times turns people evil is because it the qiuck way to power but you must pay for it must of time you give your ability to see what right or you become insane the main exception to this is an avenger who instead of paying the nomal things they give a lot of they selfs to fight the darkness inside while they use the power of it to fight other darknesses

The problem is: you will NEVER get the shades Grey...

Nope, because Shades are the very definition of Dark energy. Very concentrated, and thereby of high worth. So high they have developed their own will.

Dark energy cannot be made "grey", since grey is the blend of Dark and Light. One way to solve that is as I mentioned in Option 2: Extinguish the Shade and either let the energy spread out into the basic, low-worth Dark energy that exists everywhere, or try to focus it into your own being. As mentioned this requires you to focus equal amounts of Light energy or you will yourself take your first step towards becoming a shade. A hard and risky procedure.

The other option is to let the Shade remain, but hope that it has developed a advanced enough instinct of self-preservation to understand that balance is a must, and halt the current growth of the Shades.


I have seen many a Necrovian, speak of ballance. More specificaly, "New Ballance" i do not know what this will lead to. but they wish to destroy Wodin, and any who take his side.

Wodin and the Golemus are not Free from blame tho, in the Binding of a Shade, and then Summoning a non-Angien being of pure light, they have indeed upset the Balance of Old. Weather this is due explanation and validation of the extermination of Wodin and his "Brightlings" is a matter up for debate.


I think your theories for restoring balance in both celestial matters, and matters of everyday affairs are most well put.

I myself must lean on the side of #3. We don't KNOW that we can harness the dark left behind by the killing of the shades. Furthermore I think the secret of contacting Angiens may be best served through them. It is certain shades know more of Angiens than we, and if our Alliances can cooperate, it may serve both our purposes.

A theory I myself have been pondering is this. Angiens, at least pictorially draw out the world of Marind Bell. While shades may be the darkness we miss, I wonder that the lightness of the Angiens is not that of the heavens themselves? If Shades represent the night, surely Angiens are the holders of moonbeams and starlight.


I agree with side three too, there would a balance if the Necrovions and Angiens were in harmony but... there was harmony and peace and balance between them in the very old times before, the emergence of a particular race cause the balance to be broken and thats why the Shades attacked the MB lands, because of the lost balance. Thats what I think.

I agree with side three too, there would a balance if the Necrovions and Angiens were in harmony but... there was harmony and peace and balance between them in the very old times before, the emergence of a particular race cause the balance to be broken and thats why the Shades attacked the MB lands, because of the lost balance. Thats what I think.

didn't shades come about cause some Sages were meddling in the dark arts?


I don't have any conclusive theories or solutions to offer at the moment, only some differences in perspective. <_<

About Balance

As I see it, one definition for a 'Balance' is a conceptual scale in a given environment or system where one or more existing 'elements' in that system can grow or diminish in its 'strength' or 'worth' as you put it. Depending on how many elements are involved, that Balance may be one- or multi-dimensional.

Note that I use the term 'elements' very loosely, they may or may not be the most basic elements and can include anything like the classic 4 or 5 elements, Light and Darkness, good and evil, saturation of various kinds of energy, different elements of the temperaments, political standpoints, etc.

Two similar scales of balance in different environments may not be as easy to bend. For example, making sea water more acidic or more alkaline takes significantly more external influence than what is needed to do the same to pure water. Some balances also contain 'uphill climbs' or 'slippery slopes' which make the bending of the elemental compositions increasingly easy or increasingly difficult in certain directions and in certain sections of the scale.

There is no such thing as a universally accepted 'Balanced state'. What we regard as 'balanced' is usually the state of the scale that is relatively comfortable to us. There is no 'rule' that some place in our universe should have the stable temperature of 0 to 40 degree celcius, but this is the right 'balance' that we need to thrive, thus we regard this section of the scale as 'normal' while other sections are considered 'alien' or 'hostile'.

When we observe and discuss a certain balance in a system, we always pick a number of 'elements' that exist in that system into consideration. In this case, we are primarily considering Light and Darkness, which can result in either a 1-dimensional scale (lack of Light = Darkness; lack of Darkness = Light), a 2-dimensional scale (Light and Darkness vary on two different scales), or something more complex and intertwining. In any case, since we are excluding other elements from the discussion and since there is no guarantee that the rules and theories of a given scale of Balance would prove true in every situation, this discussion is in risk of fallacy. I'm not trying to undermine your views with this, but I'm just pointing it out and leaving it aside for now.

About Life

With regard to the Balance between Light and Dark energy, Life indeed requires the balance to stay in a certain section of the scale, but not just one 'perfect' spot on the scale - a person with Light or Dark energy slightly differing from the average can probably live normally.

About Good and Evil

Like the concepts of Love or Fairness, the concepts of Good and Evil are heavily used and heavily defined, so much that their true definitions become vague and ambiguous. We can bring up valid points and counterpoints all day about what Love is and never reach a perfectly satisfactory conclusion. The same is true for Good and Evil.

In my opinion, Good and Evil are concepts created by human society in an attempt to maintain itself, with Good representing preferable qualities and Evil representing unpreferrable qualities.

When used by a person to describe himself, a person rarely claims himself to be Evil, but he can claim himself to be Good if he believes that he is acting in the interest of the society.

When used by a person to describe others, Good and Evil are strong labels that commend or condemn their past actions and encourage or discourage certain future actions, depending on how different actions affect us and how we appreciate or detest them. This means that Good intentions can also result in Evil deeds as well as Good deeds, as we well know.

Regarding the relationship between the Dark energy and the tendency to be Evil, I agree with you that 'Dark' does not necessarily imply 'Evil', but a certain tendency may exist.

I do not understand what the Shades of Necrovion want nor am I sure I will ever be able to comprehend them. They are very different from us and there is no cause to believe that they would think the way we do, thus concepts of Good and Evil may not work on them. But if they indeed represent Dark energy like you suggest and if they are causing the increase in Dark energy, then they are a threat, without needing to consider if they're Good or Evil.

The current threats against Life and Balance

The Shades are a threat to us because our Life and our Balance are not their Goal, and we are not even sure what their goal is. While this xenophobic fear may be justified, we do not know of an effective way to deal with this threat.

Out of the options you presented, I also prefer the third option the most. If the Shades do reflect us like they claim, then we can only have peace from them when we also offer them peace. However, I very much doubt the practicality of this method. It would require not just the whole world to turn 'grey', but for every part in it to turn into the same shade of grey with no variation.

I am still rather ignorant about the nature of the Shades, and I'm quite sure some others out there know a lot about them that I don't know. Perhaps what I've said here has already contradicted with some facts known to them. I'm sorry if that is the case, but I still want to add to the discussion. :)


The Shades want Balance... They do not strive for power perse, but instead mimic the reactions of the world around. If those around strive for power in excess (Certain unnamed summoned beings) it upsets the balance and the Shades react to align the balance once again...

We are but humble and defensive and strive to maintain the balance...

Do not let others sway you to their perspective... Even the 'Light' of this world can become corrupted by power...


I hate to quote myself, but.... "If those around strive for power in excess (Certain unnamed summoned beings) it upsets the balance and the Shades react to align the balance once again..."

My Lord Khalazdad is just doing as the shades wish for us to do... which is maintain the balance that the Bright Warlord is unbalancing.... Have you all not witnessed his(The Summoned Brightling) unprovoked attacks on us? His constant quest for greater power?

The Bright ones will be ALL of our downfall....

Power corrupts...


Perhaps... but its all a matter of perspective... Are you looking through a neutral lens or a tainted lens?


You say there must be a balance? Well, hasn't a balance always been achieved? The universe works towards a balance naturally. So why worry about keeping a balance at all? It will all resolve itself in the end.

My Lord Khalazdad is just doing as the shades wish for us to do... which is maintain the balance that the Bright Warlord is unbalancing.... Have you all not witnessed his(The Summoned Brightling) unprovoked attacks on us? His constant quest for greater power?

The Bright ones will be ALL of our downfall....

What is this Bright Warlord, who summoned it and when and where? How come I've not heard of this? Did I miss it in the adventure log?

In any case, I would like to understand about the events of which you speak.


early, ridiculous, where have you been, the hour is getting pretty late, a war is coming and someone will fall. metal bunny we're not early your late

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