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Messy Screen Layout

Sephirah Caelum

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33 minutes ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

Send suggestions to the GM's - Chewett and Mur for changes.  This is simply how it is.

Please don't do this.

4 hours ago, Sephirah Caelum said:

Hello MDears,

does anyone knows how to improve/fix the left corner (highlighted in blue) of the MD page?

Kind regards,

Hey  Seph, whats seems to be the problem.

Currently thats how Mur reworked it but I am not entirely happy with how it sits and flows. Was there something specific you wanted done with it or thought could be improved? It would be good to hear ideas here (And not via direct suggestions like suggested above).

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Hello Chewett, 

I would start by centralizing the yellow bar on the top to be just above the parchment.

And the Town Crier, I would leave inside the parchment just above the title of the scene or bellow the 'Research and Connections' link. Or would delete it, as it is unreadable in the current background.

The Triggers and Mood Panel I would move down a bit. Just bellow the '- - +' buttons.

The left corner, I would go back to the orbs layout as they were previously. I liked more when I had the orbs organized/tamed as a sun. 

I don't remember where the regeneration interval was located in the past, maybe will look better bellow the sun-orb. 

I don't remember where my name with ID and age days was located before, but I remember it was easier to read the log out and idle buttons. I think they were located in the parchment, I am not sure about it.

Captura de Tela 2022-05-23 às 08.18.41.png

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I agree the out/idle buttons ought to be more visible, rather than less.  The rest is so highly dependent on screen size (or even mobile ap).

Seph - have you tried reducing screen size to see if any settings are more to your liking? (+ and - buttons top right of parchment and/or zoom in/out with browser)

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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Hallo @Fyrd Argentus, i don't think is a matter of screen size. Regardless of the size of my screen or browser, the layout should adapt to it. That is the case to any other webpage on internet and even this forum.

Of course the range in the adaptation has a limit, but I am not complaining over the layout of the webpage on a smartphone or tablet. In which case I would prefer MD as an APP rather than in the browser of my phone.

And yes, the '- - +' were already used. Otherwise things were worse:


Captura de Tela 2022-05-15 às 09.16.55.png

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