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The Great MagicDuel Avatar Contest

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Introducing the Great MagicDuel Avatar Contest.

If you think you’ve got some artistic talent and can produce the kind of avatar artwork that this game needs, now’s your chance. Anyone can participate except existing members of the Artisans Guild. (We have a separate contest). Each participant must submit 5 avatar drawings. Each drawing should be in jpg or gif format, they can be as big or as small as you want as long as the ratio of width to height is somewhere around 3x5.

Send your avatar submissions to glordamar@gmail.com and they’ll be judged by Manu and GlorDamar. You’ll have until Sunday, September 7th to submit your 5 drawings. Every drawing that we like will get posted in the MD Shop and the artist will receive 3 credits for each one used (or cash if he allready has over 150 credits). The top 3 contestants will receive the following prizes:

1st place - $50 Cash + a spot on the avatar team

2nd place - 50 credits in MD Shop

3rd place - 50 credits in MD Shop

Look for a forum topic under the Contests portion of the Forum regarding this. There you can ask any questions and get advice from current avatar. The submissions of the winners will be posted there at the end of the contest.

Give it your best shot! Even if you don’t win you still get shop credits for good avatars, so it’s worth your while to try your best. Let’s see the undiscovered talent out there.

Good Luck!

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i have some questions . for e avatar. we must draw e monster avatar or player avatar. if it is for monster. e 5 picture for monster. must they be related for example we must draw e various upgraded version of the monster avatar or we can draw individually one.

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I'v been posting a lot of stuf on the guild page already.

Are we limmited to only 5 entry's for the win?

Or are we allowed to send u enough drawings to reach the 150 credit max :lol:

uhm...where not suposed to keep our drawings secret are we?

Oh, and wil it be posible for people to "reserve" an avatar for themselves?

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Okay, some additional info. The avatars are for players, not creatures. We're looking for things that the community will want to buy for themselves. You can send in work you've already posted as long as it has not already appeared in the actual game in some fashion. Also, the art needs to be in the style of the game. You have some range to play, but anyone submitting manga will be kicked in the teeth (okay, not really, but your entry will not be used as an avatar in the game and it will certainly count against you in the voting. Manga's cool, but it is most definitely not the style of this game). Also, please don't submit symbols (or cymbols, although someone playing cymbols would be okay) or partial figures... I want to see heads and feet, unless of course your creature has no head or feet, but even if it doesn't, I want to see the thing in its entirety, its full glory.

Also, I've gotten this question a lot too... "Can I reserve an avatar for myself." The short answer is NO, however there has been some discussion about this and it may be possible in the future. For now, though, no mechanism is in place to allow that. Even I had to purchase my avatar.

Lastly, please only submit your best 5 drawings. While it would be great to get more from everyone, I need to see the same representative sample from everyone to make things fair. I won't immediately disqualify anyone if they send an extra one or two, but we will only be judging on the 5 best for each contestant. Remember, if you get chosen to join the guild, you will then be able to submit all of those extra drawings you have laying around, so there's no reason to do it now other than to overload my email box, and that's not something that will make me happy, and me not being happy with you makes me not want to put you on my team.

Good questions and I hope I answered them sufficiently. Please ask away if you have any others.

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I wish my drawing talent was more in line with this style AND I wish I had more time to draw....

I like your style of leadership, its funny, straight to the point, and leaves you knowing exactly whats expected... good work :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, congratulations to the winners.

Amorte - 1st place - $50 cold hard virtual cash + a spot in the Artisans' Guild
Dikra - A VERY close 2nd - $50 in game credits (also gets a spot in the guild, but not by default)
Dexter - 3rd Place - $50 in game credits

I also received entries from Morquor, Nelador, Khalazdad and EliasMVernieri. Everyone of you did a good job and the best were rewarded. If you didn't win, don't despair, keep posting your work on the guild forum for us all to look at. Most of you only need a little practice and you've got a shot to be a member of the guild and to possibly win one of these contests in the future.

Thank you all for your submissions and keep up the good work.

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Woohoo, I'm off to spend my 50 credits!

In any case, congratulations to Amorte!
I must admit I kinda thought I would win, but that was after I have forgotten what I drew :)
My style is not exactly avatar size friendly and I've gotten rusty :D

In any case, I finished all of my exams yesterday, so you can expect more avatars from me starting this weekend.

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wel DiKra is not the only one suprised. :lol:
somthing in me tels me they did it on purpose to create a suprise effect...and it worked.

Matters not, i just used the $ for creddits to :o

I remember DiKra and me discusting posible 3d's because we both agreed he was 1 and me 2or3 unles there where more sendings then we knew. :))

but meh. Result stay's the same... :D

PS: to all those people who start there comunication with me like "i liked DiKra's drawings better!" wel so did i, nothing i can do about it.

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