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I will begin this with a Friendly warning, This topic is Created by Me, for Me. It is a Release of Sorts that Allows the Voices in my Head a place to speak out so they may Leave me alone from Time to time. Only a Few of you have a Clue of what I mean by this, and they will likely stop reading at this Point, this is simply because they know of what is about to Begin.

I am Not crazy, at least Not completely, but this is how my Mind works, I'm not really acting or trying to make this flow anywhere I just let my Mind wander and do as it pleases. Take what I've said with a grain of salt and read on With Caution...

Black, as Always you Give a very Dry and Boring Introduction. You really need to let me Tell people about whats going on here.

Well then Do it...

Nah, by Tell people, I really mean Let me Talk. I get bored while I listen to you Babble. I do have one Question though, Why do you Insist on Warning People? I don't Bite... not since I found out how Disgusting People taste...

The Warning is so they Know that Things are going to get a little Weird...

Bah! People Thrive on Weird, they Eat it up. Normality Sucks, Imagine your life without me... What would you do with yourself?

Sigh That's one of my Fondest Dreams, a Life without you, or the Others Babbling away. Always Keeping me up at Night...

What! Me! Keep you Up at Night? Your the One who's always thinking of this and that, and I always have to Step in to get you to Shut Up so We can get some Rest.

So in Case you haven't Figured this out by Now, this is Red, my Alter Ego, the Loudest and Most Obno..

Oh No, Don't you Dare start Narrating while I'm talking to you. You know Ignoring me just Makes me Get Louder. Besides The Poor Souls Reading your Drivel are Only getting more and More bored.

That's because Every time I try to Say something you Interrupt me!

And With Good Reason! You and I both know that I'm the Whole Reason We're doing this, No one likes to Hear you Talk. I'm the Main Attraction here... Well Earl Pulls in a Bit of a Crowd, but that's Besides the Point.

What can I say, the Women Just Love me...

What Women?

Well there's... Ummm...That one... No, wait... Black You told me there would be Women here, Wait is this Another one of those Voices Rants you Always Do?

Hey, I tried to Avoid it but Red was So Damn Persistent...

Oh, God... Well Count me Out. I've had enough of your Little Adventures. You two are too Crazy for me. I prefer Actual Conversation, not this Mindless Prattle. Leaves

Who are you Calling Mindless Cattle?

He Said Prattle, and He's gone, so it Doesn't matter. Earl Does raise a Good point though, what Are we going to do This Adventure?

You know what Red, you Dragged me into this This time, so you Manage the Adventure. I'm going to Sleep... With you Finally Distracted there will be Peace and Quite.

Strokes his Chin An Adventure Eh? Oh this will be So Fun, Much Better than the Time we Rescued your Feminine Side... whats her Name again... Oh right Allison. Sooo Much Better this Time...

Well Don't say I didn't Warn you...


HELLLO VOICES.......doesnt you have names?You didnt even tried to figure why black named himself as that?And worse named you by colors............at least black has some regular voices,mine just taken over my body sometimes mainly that little annoying girl,hate her........they are all annoying except Dr.Beckett and Glenn,yet the last one is a little paranoid....


Umm, Excuse me I have a Name, and there are a Few others of us who Have names as well.

Treehill makes a Good point though, Why Don't I have a Name?

Red, your a Voice in my Head, be glad I gave you a Color to Identify yourself. I can't be Bothered to Name all you People, Heck I can't Even keep track of how many There are these Days.

By my Count there's us three...

Earl, you know Full well there is many More than just Us. Everyone else is just Too shy to say Anything right now...

Ok, Three so far. Better?

Oh and to Sacosphilz, The Capitalization thing has more to do with Body Memory than Actual thought. We may be Different voices, but we all Use the Same Hands...

Idle Hands are the Devils plaything.... Though in My case I get around that by Subletting the use of my Hands...

Umm, Excuse me I have a Name, and there are a Few others of us who Have names as well.

Treehill makes a Good point though, Why Don't I have a Name?

Red, your a Voice in my Head, be glad I gave you a Color to Identify yourself. I can't be Bothered to Name all you People, Heck I can't Even keep track of how many There are these Days.

By my Count there's us three...

Earl, you know Full well there is many More than just Us. Everyone else is just Too shy to say Anything right now...

Ok, Three so far. Better?

Oh and to Sacosphilz, The Capitalization thing has more to do with Body Memory than Actual thought. We may be Different voices, but we all Use the Same Hands...

Idle Hands are the Devils plaything.... Though in My case I get around that by Subletting the use of my Hands...

Hmmmmmmm....Iddle hands make good things huhhuhuhuhuhuh......

Still down Hisoka its pg-13 here dont even try it!

Go away Becktty.Huhuhu



Oh insanity how you are such an indulging vice of intrigue. A vice that we all consume, yet those of us who are aware are not diluted, just simply addicted while those who deny are both, and more forgone then all of us who accept our little...rough edges around the end of our minds with open arms. Its a form of brilliance really, a slice of luscious rapture and true genius without any restraints. Anyone who denies their own quirks, their own cult of self...this thing called insanity well...

There the types who simply snap one day and end up in a padded room or in the ground.

Anyhow, that was a nice little bit of rambling, and I'm not blessed to get advice on demand from different beings within my skull cavern, but it seems you are. Anymore in there you haven't let out? Perhaps one that wants to be an exotic dancer deep down like everyone does?


I'm the only one that WANTS to be an exotic dancer deep down, aren't I?


You - are - not - insane -!!

You have a +1 ability: Speaker with the shades

Congratulation! Can I ask some advice to one of your voices?

I'm the only one that WANTS to be an exotic dancer deep down, aren't I?

Why, No...but however did you Know?

*Flutters her lashes at Orange*

Hello there. I don't think we've Been Properly Introduced...

*Looks around for a Moment* Oh... I Suppose you want me to do it? Fine. Penelope meet Earl, Earl meet Penelope. Penelope loves to sit and Stare at the Moon, and also Candlelit Dinners. Earl is a Sudoku master, who Enjoys Whittling.

Ahhh. Another Match made in Heaven. :P

Here Penelope, let me Show you how to Solve the Dreaded "Wacky Sudoku"...

*Waits until Earl is gone* Poor Earl, you know you'd have Thought he'd be more Aware of how much of a Dork he is...

Well he does Actually talk to Women, unlike some People I could mention...

Pfffft... Who Needs Women? More trouble than they are worth Really... So Emotional, Unpredictable,... So ... So... God I'm Lonely...

There there Red, Why don't we Go on That Adventure Now? I bet that Will make you Feel Better.

*Sniffling* Maybe...

Oh come on, I bet we Get to do Some cool things. And you'll probably meet New people to Insult...

Yea... you think so? Ok, well then we should get on this thing. Now what sortof Adventure?


Well, well. There is a Soul indeed. In likeness, no less. Adventuring, you say? Adventuring not in Silence nor in Solitude but in Significance. Ah yes, a significant thing. In any event we wish well upon you, and point out that you are not the only one with Others. Allow themselves to introduce....

Yasilia. *nods in acknowledgment*

Akia. Unless, of course, you manage to Anger me beyond reason. In which case Akima. And trust me, in my company you will know Fear or the Joy of the Darkflame. There is no place between. *grins in a surprisingly seductively evil fashion*

Darius, though I am alternately called Connor or Destroyer, depending on the Occasion. *bows with a flourish of his single Blade* You would do well to know me. I am most often all that may stop Akima's claws.

You didn't have to tell them that, you Expositionist!

Mayhap not, but it was entertaining. *chuckles*

Can we please get on with the introductions? Your Bickering can wait until a more appropriate juncture.

Everyone else is asleep, youngling. You may as well set these things Aside.

Well fine then, but if any of you start interrupting while I'm trying to do Something Important, I will in fact...

Will what? You're just Stalling and trying to sound Impressive. You are even placing emphasis with grandiose lettering to imitate the workings of your mind. Get on with it, and quickly before the Pythons begin chanting such. Or Yasilia starts singing.

Fine. These are they as would present themselves at the moment. I assure you no imitation is intended, more an affectation of perceived acceptance and the effects thereof. Should you wish their Silence, I will so oblige but upon a word. There lie Universes upon Universes within my mind, nearly all of my creation. A few are of their own making, though I know not how. These are of the most active Inhabitants, though there are more and some more commonly vocal.

You do carry on a good bit. Settle, will you? See if they are even Interested in what you have to say. Many have gone Unnoticed without consequence, and so yet may you. You can speak with us another day if need be, even create with us.

Or Kill with us. *grins and dances with Darkflame*

Yes, but only the Fictitious, Aki.

Enough. We are Boring people. If they find Interest, let them speak.


I... I can't hold it in anymore. Red, Earl, Black, ALL OF YOU! Do something about those random capitalizations. They're getting on my nerves.

Hey, easy. Those are really minor mistakes. At least he... I mean they, are making sense, unlike the other half of the Internet. You should already be used to all the broken English by now, aren't you? It's not like we're all using perfect English either...

Languages are essentially a means for communication. Using it correctly is not as important as making yourself understood.

... and hello to everyone out there by the way...

Yeah, right, whatever. It's not like I can ever prove you wrong either.

Precisely. :)

What do we have here? A gathering?

Woohoo, I can count 5 already. Anyone up for a game?

A game? A mind game as usual? Can I join?

Hmm... two more for a booster draft.... or should we go with Emperor format?

Not now. I'm working.

I'm not playing either. You're always peeking into my thought process. It's no fun.

Everyone was always cheating.


Keep it down, will you? I'm having this headache since morning.

You're contradicting yourself again, you hypocrite. And you aren't working!

Huh. Yeah, well, brb. A colleague calls. Busy, busy.

... um, is this about time we introduce ourselves?

How? I'm afraid we don't have names yet.

Names are just mental handles. They aren't what we are.

But they're convenient handles.

How about I give we all names according to our color alignments? :D

So we'll all have "Blue" in our names? No, thanks.

Not me!

And into which color would you categorize femininity? Or being an otaku?

Yobemashitaka? :D

There he comes. :P"

Seriously, you guys, enough with the poorly written script. I have to work. Time to unplug.... *snip*

-Do something about those random capitalizations. They're getting on my nerves.

- How about I give we all names according to our color alignments?

-enough with the poorly written script

You know Imitation is the Most Sincere for of Flattery. Regardless of what you say.

Oh and I've tried to Not Capitalize.... Didn't Work :D

That's it Guys! Tag Team, don't Get caught up with Idle Conversation.

Uhh, why would we do this if we Weren't going to Talk to Each other? ... I mean that would be like Actually talking to Other ... *Shudder* ... People.

Yes we all know you have Social Issues Red, now why Don't you Tell us about this Adventure you keep Promising?

Oh that... Ummm, I kinda thought.... or ...Maybe

Did I hear someone Say they Need something to Do? {Walks in Carrying a cup of Tea}

Ahh, Perfect Timing as Always Humpry!

Wait I thought we called Green our "Know it all Side"?

No, thats what you called Green. I've decided to jump on Board the Criticism and Disclaim myself from your Naming Style. From now on I will name all your Personalities.

As Long as I don't have to Do anything.

{Finishes the Cup of Tea} Our names Make little Difference to me, so let me Press on. I thought you Two Needed something to do. If that is the Case, Please do me the Favor of Discovering who is Stealing from my Garden.

Wait, don't you know Everything or "Know it All"? So you should already know who did it...

Perhaps I do know, and Simply feel you Investigating for yourself would Yield this Adventure you Seek. The Goal of Stopping Garden Theft is my Commission :D.

So why Didn't you just Say "Stop the Garden Theft, instead of this "Discovering" Business?

{To Black} Is he Always like this?

Actually I think he Looks up to you...

I Suggest Sneaking off When he starts Arguing With Black

No Need to Sneak off Humphry. I will accept your Quest. Know that from this Day forward Earl, Black, and I will not Rest till your Garden is Safe. We will Accomplish this Seemingly Uncreative Quest with Diligence and Honor. The Soil {Notices Humphry has already Left}... Good. Lets go Get Drunk and do that Tomorrow.


ooooh Earl! *giggles* I would have replied sooner, but must admit I find this Soduku quite addicting. Whittling too? *touches his pencil with an sly smile* It's nice to know a man who has several uses for sticks....or wood...erm, yes.

I'm so pleased that Black managed to introduce us. Did he mention I like staring at the Moon? *sigh* The only thing I've Mooned over lately is you, and your Soduku muscles, I assure you. Honestly though, do you know that nasty black has a peice of the Moon and refuses to share? It's true, he told me.

Apparently, in some small corner of this world is a lovely Moon that shines down surrounded by stars, and nasty Black won't share. Do you know what I thought of when he told me? Whittling...by starlight. It's not only an accomplishment, but a rather dangerous *wink* hobby when done in the dark. Perhaps you and I could go there sometime? Fancy doing a few puzzles under the stars?


*flutters her lashes innocently* Udgard, I only use those things at my disposal. Not poor, dear, handsome, manly Earl. Afterall, I am just a silly girl....what could I possibly do to convince him?

  • 2 weeks later...

Dear God Red. How long do you plan to spend Packing?

[color="#FF0000"]As long as I need to. Lets see, Bobble Heads, Check. Silly String, Check. Funions, Double Check. Ok that's the Essentials. I'm all ready.[/color]

Finally that only took an Obscene amount of time...

[color="#FF0000"]Moan Moan Moan. Come on It's time to check out Humphrey's Garden.[/color]
Hey, you guys are Leaving Finally... Can I come along? Penelope's been Giving me an Odd feeling that she's Using me for something...[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]As long as you promise to talk as little as Possible. We can always use a Decoy.[/color]

And we are Off, enough Chit Chat. It's too bad Humphrey lives so far away. It will be a Long boring Walk. It would be a good time for something else to happen...


[color="#4B0082"]Your Lord, Evilness. It seems they have Finally Departed. What shall we do?[/color]

[color="#000080"]Igor, For now we do Nothing. You raided the Garden as Usual yes?[/color]

[color="#4B0082"]Yes my Lord.[/color]

[color="#000080"]Good then for now, that is Enough. We will watch and wait, the Time for Action will come later.[/color]
Back to our Heroes:[/b][/u]

Ahh, Finally Green's Garden.

[color="#FF8C00"]What a Horribly Long and Boring walk.[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]Remind me to take Adventures a little closer to Home next time guys, that was Almost Unbearable.[/color]

Guy's look at this, the Garden is all Torn up.

[color="#FF8C00"]It looks like some sortof Rabid animal Did this, one Crazed and Demented. Driven Insane by it's own Power.[/color]

My god... I think I know what we are Up against. Some sort of Giant Rabbit.

[color="#FF0000"]Worse, look at these Tracks. Only one Creature can make these Tracks... a Giant Metal Bunny.[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]But, I though Metal Bunny was our Friend. Why would he do this to Humphrey's Garden?[/color]

I'm more Interested in how he managed to make this Large of an Effect in my Subconscious. His Ego must have Wormed it's way into my Own psyche... that's actually a little Impressive.

[color="#FF0000"]So the Goal is Clear. We must Find Metal Bunny, and Stop him from Destroying Humphrey's Garden. Well lets try and take some Time to rest and Search for Clues.[/color]


Oh dear lord, not here too.. it was bad enough at the other place.. Gawd..
Well, at least you decided to give Earl a less 'fabulous' color here..
But nooo, it's not good enough, we shall make it as awkwardly as possible and give a person named 'Igor' the fabulous color..

[color="green"]Btw.. is it a coincedence my favorite color is the same as Humphrey's?[/color]

Also.. you my black friend.. are seriously disturbed.. not as much as Jonn with his gopher fetish, but still..

And has it ever occurred to you that not my ego has wormed into your psyche, but more that you let it in? -_-, I know, my awesomeness has that effect on people :)

  • 3 months later...

[color="purple"]*sneaks into the thread without Dom seeing*
where did everyone go? I want to know how the adventure continues. I'm not usually let out and couldn't post before, Dom's distracted currently though so...[/color]

[color="red"]Sue! I thought we weren't going to post here, I told you that before, we don't want them to think that we're crazy now do we?[/color]

[color="orange"]What're you both doing here? I thought I was the only one of us who stalked old topics?[/color]

[color="red"]oh great, now look what you've gone and done Sue, now Marcus is awake, you know he annoys me[/color]

[color="orange"]Annoy you? Why of course, why else do you think i'm here? *starts poking Dom repeatedly*[/color]

[color="red"]Arrrr, right both of you out of here now! you're showing me up, shuh, go[/color]

  • 7 months later...

[color="#FF8C00"]No, Parsifal. We're not here to burn witches. In fact, I see no witches. And I have [i]not[/i] in more than a year.[/color]

[color="#8B0000"]You saw a witch? Where? Who?[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]Never mind that. Start planning the revival of the Phrontistery.[/color]

[color="#8B0000"]But I... A witch![/color]

[color="#2F4F4F"]Parsifal!!! Need I reveal your deepest fears?[/color]

[color="#8B0000"]Please have mercy. Oh, Filius, I never meant any harm. I...[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]Are we going to help save Humphrey's garden, or not?[/color]

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