Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted September 9, 2008 Root Admin Report Posted September 9, 2008 Find a vey very quite place. close all communication ways to external world, internet, phones, door bell etc. Try to think about nothing, clear your mind of every single though in it, try to make it perfect. Now it all explodes - will your mind create ideeas and fill itself with remaining parts of daily routine and events? or will it remain perfectly empty? 1) if it remains empty, can you hold that for 5min? (without thinking of the clock!! dont cheat, think of nothing!) 30min? about 1 hour?! 2) if it starts to become filled with fractures of thoughts, how dificult is it to clear it, is it even possible? Try on your own risk
mishadowst Posted September 9, 2008 Report Posted September 9, 2008 2) if it starts to become filled with fractures of thoughts, how dificult is it to clear it, is it even possible? I heard that ass called monkey mind... thats me! and nearly impossible to keep clear for me...
GgSeverin Posted September 9, 2008 Report Posted September 9, 2008 I used to go alone in the mountains 2 days distance of any humans. Only after 4-5 days alone my brain cool down. Tried to stay 24 hrs in cave in complete dark, silence. Since then I strongly advice not to do that alone... Home can get from 5 to 15 min after a looot of practise. Is not the monkey mind; Any speeding car need braking space. And some ideas are so bright than it would be a blasphemy to smash them in your own brain. Keep trying; find your perfect spot. Your own sanctuary.
Morrel Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 Letting my thoughts flow by is difficult enough. First the coherent thoughts dissolve into fractures of thoughts, then I try and let them flow by like a river, without paying attention to them. It is possible. If you can do that your ego can shatter into pieces and you can be enlightened or get very very scared. Or a mixture of both.
Treehill Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 Morrel said: Letting my thoughts flow by is difficult enough. First the coherent thoughts dissolve into fractures of thoughts, then I try and let them flow by like a river, without paying attention to them. It is possible. If you can do that your ego can shatter into pieces and you can be enlightened or get very very scared. Or a mixture of both. This is called meditation and it is possible not very easy for hiper people but possible,i do that everytime i go sleep,its better to relax and regain energy... Dont read below if you cant stand more than pg-13... That too happens when in the sex you have an orgasm,it takes less than one second yet for that period nothing comes in your mind,its like talking to god lol...(this has prof,its not just perv comments of a perturbed mind)
wynken vanaril Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 I have a bit of ADD and, like many people who don't even realize it, a very mild case of mind is in constant motion.
GgSeverin Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 What is OCD? Another invented disease to make me feel misfit? I'm different and proud about! Hello doctor, I'm fine thank's but yey you do'nt look so well, take care!
Faraday Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 I have tried, but have found that i am thinking to myself think nothing, there is no images or colours just the sound of think of nothing......does that make sense lol Or i have had moments when driving, and i come alert and think how did i come to be here (i am like on autopilot driving my route), i have no memory of passing familiar landmarks at all......scary lol
Udgard Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 In my case.. most of the time all that thouight explodes all the time, when I am totally aware. I am thinking of one thing, and at the same time I am thinking of a lot others.. On the other side, I also have that moments like Faraday said, when I think of totally nothing, and my body sometimes moves on its own..
Faraday Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 Udgard, this may seem a strange question and a bit off course, but when u dream, do u dream vividly and as your dream sequence is unfolding, its like another part of u is telling you, that u r dreaming. U r asleep, not awake. I also have dreams that i have had for many years and as i am dreaming it, a part of my brain is aware that this is a dream i have had before many times and a bit more gets added on each time? ......twilight zone lol
GgSeverin Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 "I also have dreams that i have had for many years and as i am dreaming it" A lot of psycho schools mention "recurrent dreams" those which are repeating over time. Those dreams are carring very semnificative signals. All I can tell you 4 sure is that dream is important. Take care. Anchor,(analise) the feelings in the dream.
wynken vanaril Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 GgSeverin said: What is OCD? Another invented disease to make me feel misfit? I'm not a proponent of the over medication going on especially here in the states so don't get me wrong. I don't think every school aged child should be on ritalin or adderall and I don't believe in psychiatry or psychology, but there are obviously some mental disorders that are genuine. OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder. It's kind of a form of perfectionism. Basically everyone has little rituals or habits they do on a daily basis or certain ways they like things done. For example, I'm a little compulsive about rinsing my hands after washing, I simply can't leave any soap on them. However, severe cases could be anything between washing your hands for numerous hours per day to having to lock and unlock the door to your house a precise number of times before exiting the door.
GgSeverin Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 Is exactly what i suposed. Here: A friend of mine noticed that i get out from a building with the same feet (left) Did'nt knew since then! They start joking "now we know why your cat is black..." and so on. Now when I get out i have to think an decide which feet shall I use. and wonder: Did my friend make me a favor? Am I better (or wiser) now? Will I ever get out pure and simple without consuming "thought points"? I do answer NO to all those Q! How would it be if you just forget the soap on your hands? Well, the answer to the last question is not my concern. But one day you will stay enough to think (meditate as Trehill name it) dig study How would it be if you just forget...
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted September 10, 2008 Author Root Admin Report Posted September 10, 2008 when reaching the limits, amazing things can happen. Imagination is a playground for our mind, and sometimes the thoughts never stop. The simple fact that you try to keep you mind tottaly clear of all thoughts is more challanging than it might seem, and its achievements are far greater than you realise. I have a very strong imagination, i could solve complex geometry problems without knowing anything about how to do them mathematicaly, just because i could imagine the figures and actualy do the measurements in my mind. You will think that a strong imagination, or a smart mind has nothing to do with the sort of meditation i am talking here, but its not quite so. Managing so "silence" your mind will make you "hear" the things you usualy miss. Usualy your brain computes multiple tasks at the same time, but depending on person you can focus on one of them at a time (i can do about 2-3 totaly independend paralel processes). When you clear your mind as in this experiment, you actualy shut down the first process you can focus on , then the next comes in, and so on. The deeper the processes are the more confused they are and dificult to understand, thats why they look like fragments of thoughts. If you manage to close down ALL of them, a 'terrible' thing can happen, you could remain without a point from where to start, like a total shutdown. In this case, you will be instantly dreaming completely losing consciousness for several hours. Mostly this does not happen, because if you are capable enough to do this, then you are also capable of entering a state where your mind "thinks of nothing, but still thinks"...some of you might be familiar with "ZEN".. Keeping your mind empty _and prepared_ (so dont fall asleep), has enourmous potential. Think how it will be to focus all that free brainpower that stoped thinking on background process just on one single task. After achieving that mental state, with practice, you could repeat it in any conditions, even in a loud party room you could still enter that special mindstate in seconds...but that requires A LOT of training.
Udgard Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 Faraday said: Udgard, this may seem a strange question and a bit off course, but when u dream, do u dream vividly and as your dream sequence is unfolding, its like another part of u is telling you, that u r dreaming. U r asleep, not awake. I also have dreams that i have had for many years and as i am dreaming it, a part of my brain is aware that this is a dream i have had before many times and a bit more gets added on each time? ......twilight zone lol It has.. at times, though the frequency varies greatly from time to time... I guess it had to do with whether my brain was entering a more-thoughtless state or a more-thinking state. Now that Manu mention it, that part when all thought explode at the same time.. those thoughts those seems like that thoughless, but still thinking state you said. It is like.. the brain is not actually 'thinking', but all those thoughts kind of gets thought of in the background, automatically. I have lots of cases where I could solve a certain problem without being able to describe the steps on solving it... It was like, the subconscious mind doing the thinking, while the conscious mind doing nothing..
Morrel Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 About the Dreams, they are called Lucid dreams.
GgSeverin Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 HY Morrel! great link. here's one near. Unuseful too.: Terminology (giving definitions) is like a "pret a porter" shirt. Sometimes restrictive. Never perfect. (Never realistic HA HA) LOL
This Jaded Flesh Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 To hope to acheive "nothingness" is a crazy hope in deed to start off with. To get anywhere you should train your mind to do what you want it to do. Alot of occult training have you begin with imagineing a simple shape (circle, triangle, square) of any colour and to hold that image with no wavering (no size changeing and such) until you can hold this for about an hour. This task will by side effect teach you to close out the background noise. It is called one pointedness. I always remember a story from the east about a guru and his pupil. The pupil wished he was as great of a guru as his master. Each day he practised and asked his master how to become like he and even more powerful. The pupil explained he had practised each day to cross the gangies by foot across the surface of the water and had succeded. The master after hearing this hit is pupil on the head and told him how stupid he was to train himself in such a technique when he could have bought a ticket on the river boat... "If you truely want to become a guru then wash here in the gangies" The master points to his pupils third lower rib on his left. "However, you must not think of this spot whenever you try... Only when you have mastered washing that spot without thinking of it, can you call yourself a guru" There is two points of major significance here. Would be interesting to see what you think they are.
Metal Bunny Posted September 19, 2008 Report Posted September 19, 2008 I actually go blank and think of nothing on accident, like once a month. It's when my eyes focus on something, yet everything is out of focus, because I am not focussing. Then, my mind just goes blank. The very moment someone talks to me or bumps me, to snap me out of it, it feels like waking up. It's very nice But to completely clear my mind on will? That requires like a day where I have no school or obligations or some such and the few times I did try and do it, it took me from 1 hour to like half a day.. But I do maintain it for like 15 mins.. also, very nice
wynken vanaril Posted September 19, 2008 Report Posted September 19, 2008 Heh Metal Bunny's post just reminded me of something I was researching a while back called Langford's Basilisk. Supposedly there are people who believe that certain images developed using what's called the Berryman Logical Image Technique (BLIT) can crash the human brain, much like a computer crash. The images are supposed to be coded or drawn with something named by Kurt Godel (look him up if you get time, his claim to fame was proving that math is flawed) as Godelian Spoilers or Godelian Shock Inputs. If you're brave, you can google a few of the terms I mentioned there and find an image called The Parrot. My mind has never crashed as a result of viewing it, but I do get a wicked headache. I don't know if that's just a psychosomatic response or if there really is something in the image causing it though.
mech Posted September 22, 2008 Report Posted September 22, 2008 i guess that i'd fall under option two. even if i can clear my mind, so many things instantly return, like ghosts haunting me in the shadows.
Prince Marvolo Posted November 5, 2008 Report Posted November 5, 2008 When i Do things like that... I see horror imagen coming up in my mind... and toughts i normally never think... It's like i'm a totally diffirent person... Mostly it also gives tons of inspiration... Oh... and don't dirturb me at such moments... I can be pissed at you for a whole week O.o
Tzaroth747 Posted November 13, 2008 Report Posted November 13, 2008 Alpha, beta, theta, delta... Brainwaves, and the thoughts they produce -- Studies have been done on thinking patterns, sleeping patterns, and the psycho-physio link between the mind and the body. I find I can turn off the internal dialogue of my thoughts with three breaths. This is after years of sporadic meditation sessions -- I imagine a balloon is inside my belly, and as I breathe, this balloon expands in all directions. I have had people touch my back, behind my stomach, as I did this breath -- and they have felt the remarkable difference between this deep breathing and normal breathing. The back will expand greatly, as your imagination will actually direct the breath into your body. This sort of breathing is exceedingly helpful towards calming the mind, and reaching the theta brainwave state that is conducive to creative thought and meditation. When my internal dialogue is off, there is a change in the state of my consciousness. I feel an expansion inside my head, and it feels as if my actual awareness has grown a series of 'feelers' almost as if my mind has become a sixth sense. With this directable, tactile awareness, I can reach out and touch objects both in the world around me, and inside my memory bank and imagination. The awareness reacts to, and provides information on, whatever it is I am reaching out to feel with my mind. This sort of thinking process has no words in it, just a series of sensations that, in and of themselves, contain information that would take paragraphs to surmise. It is an extremely concise, precise, and efficient method of thinking. At times in my day to day, I strive to achieve the empty mind state, so that in my routine daily activities I can access the 'feeler mind' and as I do, I find myself more at peace, and with a greater understanding & appreciation for the activities that I am involved in. There are other sensations, and other facets of awareness, that come to me when in this state. Perhaps I will share more later... The noise of an empty mind is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...
GgSeverin Posted November 14, 2008 Report Posted November 14, 2008 The way to get in those altered state of mind is personal. the benefits are huge at higher levels (more experienece)
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