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Ok so I attacked someone and won - i get the victorious message and everything, but look

60% vs 100%

*** Combat details (under construction). 'E' is defender, 'A' is attacker
Your honor reward for this battle: 0
Your loyalty reward for this battle: 0
Enemy honor reward for this battle: 34
Enemy loyalty reward for this battle: 0
[b]You were penalised with 5 honor for [i]loosing[/i] this fight [/b]

*** todo help after fight
Casualties: Defender:100%, Attacker:59.59737%
heat A: 8 heat E: 0
usevitality e (you):90
usevitality a:100
E lost: 1255vit; A lost: 4146vit;[/quote]

I then check - all my vit is gone and my creatures have lost there vit as well instead of regaining.


that's normal, ain't it?
i mean you lost 60% after all, so no wonder your vit and critters ve were all gone^^
i'm not sure, but it's that way for me all the time when fighting with 90% pray power xD
i win nearly all my outgoing battles, and always lose my vit and my critters vit because i lose about 50% before my enemies die at last...

and i get the penalty line with all ingoing battle logs, no matter whether i actually win or lose


Huh? If I win it says: you gain X honour for winning this fight

Actually I've just checked:

[quote]WINNER enemy gets a loss
0% vs 100%

*** Combat details (under construction). 'E' is defender, 'A' is attacker
Your honor reward for this battle: 0
Your loyalty reward for this battle: 0
Enemy honor reward for this battle: 4
Enemy loyalty reward for this battle: 0
You were penalised with 3 honor for loosing this fight

Casualties: Defender:100%, Attacker:0.381349%
heat A: 0 heat E: 0
usevitality e (you):43
usevitality a:80
E lost: 315vit; A lost: 53vit;[/quote]

But thats from today aswell so i diont know if its just started happening. Even so its still a bug...

I'm sure if you win your creatures (which arnt dead) are meant to regain - I mean that’s always happened to me? I may have lost 60% but 4 of my creatures were still over half of their vit - so why have they dropped to zero? (couldn't have been another attack - my defence rituals WITH over 301 vit wern't touched)

  • 1 month later...

something similar happened to me:

Creature Experience reward for powle - Losing player
Dark Archer III gaines -153.7 Xp
Power gaines -153.7 Xp
Dark Archer III gaines -153.7 Xp
Scout gaines -153.7 Xp
Scout gaines -153.7 Xp
Water Being I gaines -153.7 Xp

Creature Experience reward for colector3000 - Winning player
No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward
Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
Looser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented!

all my creatures survived and none of his but he still wins? seem unlogical to me...

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