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[Golemus Golemicarum] Mrnegative6 - The Lost Guardian Of Golemicia

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Hello, im sure a few people know me in MD, as a silent player...maybe sometimes noisy. *Festivals make my blood going etc:P*

The Lost Guardian Of Golemus

[b]The Lost Guardian Of Golemus

I search and make theories, and build up facts about the lost past of Golemus, which i believe is connected to a certain race in Golemus, which was one of the greatest civilisation at that time. When suddenly, the great civilisation...disapeared. Secrets were told which were untold of, i write this diary, incase i do not make it, i write everything important into this diary, to pass it on to those...that must know the truth.[/b]

I have already worked hard on this research, and still working in uncovering more ancient stories about Golemicia. I have also thought hard about my future role i wish to obtain...after finding my avatar (Known to a few as:Mr.Fuzz,Pooper,Rikesh, or Speciment 001)

Now, i have written up in my diary *papers* a short...summary of what i have found out. There are many secrets i know, but i hide a few information to the public so here i will post one chapter from my diary:

[i]Chapter 2

Finally i uncovered a huge bit of the lost history. I searched and searched until I finally uncovered what these strange writings meant.

Golemicia…once a great civilization with a considerable amount of power, influence and knowledge over the world. This great civilization filled to the brim with joy and glory had one enemy that threatened to over whelm them….the Necrovions / the ruler of shades.

The constant attack in the no mans land, and the constant fear filled these lands created such a large problem. One chilly day the great wizard of Golemercia conducted an experiment, by invoking a spell of great power to attempt to re-summon a legendary warrior to banish the shades for ever.

After several attempts to summon the great warrior the wizard figured out that there had to be a sacrifice of a joy filled soul to call forth the warrior. A few called themselves forth to be sacrificed for the greater good as they called it. For a few days the warrior swept through the shades causing devastating effect in his wake.

There was of course a great price to be paid…the wizard started to lose his strength and power after every summoning…the amount of power and his own physical strength was not enough…and willing sacrifices had always been scares.

The great warrior gradually faded away to almost nothing once again slowly. The wizard knew something had to be done…he could not keep up with the tempo. The wizard looked out through his own portal through a dimension, and gazed at through different holes in space, letting his own mind wander about around Golemercia. All that met his eye was sorrow….as he knew that one day…the shades would enter Golemercia and ruin everything…all joy would be taken away from these lands…

After a few days of thinking at the end of his strengths…he made a decision…a decision that would grant him great power…just the right amount of power to do what he had to do. He cast an ancient spell, long forgotten but still existed from the times when the principals were created. A great sacrifice was needed…

Time was short and he knew what must be done…he summoned a great portal, creating a huge hole in the dimensions. As soon as the portal grew as wide as the whole island of Golemus Golemicarium. Then he forced all the energy and power of everything living in Golemus Golemicarium, always chanting the strange old incantation into the great gaping hole.

As soon as every lat bit of living energy got sucked into the dimension, the wuizard slammed the great gaping hole about Golemus Golemicarium shut with a large crack. He looked wearily around…and immediately saw the effects…everything…had been…turned into stone…stone figures were standing where ever he looiked…

He felt a distant but familiar disturbance by the gates of age…the bridge connecting to Golemus Golemicarium and saw that the shades were trying to cross, aroused by the sudden flow of energy. He smiled and raised a huge barrier around Golemus Golemicarium, to keep everyone and everything out except those with the key to enter, and the power to enter.

As soon as the barrier was up everything went silent. The wizard then raised great ancient pillars out of the ground. Pillars that had not been called forth…for millenniums…since the day principals were created. The wizard bonded his power to the pillars, to open a gap in the dimension, and made it so that the gate way into another dimension was easier to open from within the pillars.

He then entered the world of different dimensions and created a link to reality, and gathered all the gathered energy of the Golemus Golemicarium and bonded it to the pillars, to be able to be called forth anytime.

For fear of the shades to cross over and steal all the secrets of Golemus, he destroyed all the documents and information concerning what had just happened…, and summoned the only hope for Golemus Golemicarium…and Golemercia…Wodin…the legendary warrior filled with hate towards the shades.

Days passed, and Wodin kept of destroying the shades, but one day…a man appeared…and assassinated the great wizard…and once again…the summoned warrior…faded away.

After centuries…Yrthilian…became leader of Golemus Golemicarium even if entrance was still not granted…Wodin appeared by his own will infront of Yrthilian...and handed over a strange box…a box which he had taken from the wizard…and handed it over to him, and faded away.


If you wish to follow and read more of what i have accoplished in 2 to 3 months or more with the help of a few friends here is the link to my profile where a tiny part of my research written in my diary is posted.


Please tell me what you think, and what i should improve on and search deeper into. I already am working on many projects to uncover more lost historys. I will slowly post more information into my diary i always keep with me for the public...but the best way to find more information is to ask me.

Oh dont forget, im a greedy guy too as in the terms of information, if you want information valuable to me or hidden from the public eyes, you better have something to return that favour or something that might convince me to give you abit of the information you seek.


Rikesh is NOT pooping, he looks just like he did when he was the prince of Golemicia, so change the PL! ;)

Edited by Shadowseeker
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A BIT!? Its totaly offtopic! Meh...wont stop me from doing my role...ill change that stereotype...i swear it...one day...it will change...;)

If you read my papers you will know what happened...and why he looked like that.

Now...he was NOT pooping, or having problems...he was sad...and lost...confused.

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lol..the fact that you say its all lies tells me you havnt read my papers well:)

The title points out that its...ok its about my avatar but about its LIFE before, and my research on it.

What others think is not as important as what I think:) Cause Rikesh is NOT having a digestive problem, even if he does poo from time to time. Atm, hes healthy and good.

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[quote name='MRnegative6' post='19582' date='Nov 7 2008, 10:55 AM']lol..the fact that you say its all lies tells me you havnt read my papers well:)

The title points out that its...ok its about my avatar but about its LIFE before, and my research on it.

What others think is not as important as what I think:) Cause Rikesh is NOT having a digestive problem, even if he does poo from time to time. Atm, hes healthy and good.[/quote]

...and pooping.

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[quote name='MRnegative6' post='19582' date='Nov 7 2008, 07:55 PM']lol..the fact that you say its all lies tells me you havnt read my papers well:)

The title points out that its...ok its about my avatar but about its LIFE before, and my research on it.

What others think is not as important as what I think:) Cause Rikesh is NOT having a digestive problem, even if he does poo from time to time. Atm, hes healthy and good.[/quote]

Lies all lies his name isn't Rikesh :shok: ... It's [spoiler]Oliver[/spoiler]

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[quote]Couldn't you have placed those 2 in one message (there's an edit button for a reason!)

and why bother to read the research about oliver? He doesn't speak anyway... to busy with other stuff I guess[/quote]

[quote name='GlorDamar' post='19584' date='Nov 8 2008, 04:30 AM']...and pooping.[/quote]


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ah...crud....i did find his offline traces there 2 weeks ago too...:/ It is hard...i must find him, but hes not around too often.

I have seen him at the winds about 1 month ago...but now:/ i lost his trace. He does not read my pms either...

Yes sol key information, i must find out what occured between omegaweapon and the great wizard of Golemus. If you have read my papers, you would know why i search such knowledge...i must have the key link..

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='MRnegative6' post='19665' date='Nov 9 2008, 04:26 PM']ah...crud....i did find his offline traces there 2 weeks ago too...:/ It is hard...i must find him, but hes not around too often.

I have seen him at the winds about 1 month ago...but now:/ i lost his trace. He does not read my pms either...

Yes sol key information, i must find out what occured between omegaweapon and the great wizard of Golemus. If you have read my papers, you would know why i search such knowledge...i must have the key link..[/quote]

Hmm, Omega Sword...cant be the Omega Weapon can it? Lol...oh well, for now i dont need to find him i can wait:)

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