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GG Creatures


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Since Golemus looks quite deserted, without any life, no flora or fauna, i think there could exist such a hideous and sneaky thing as a Gremlin.

Creature name: Gremlin
My name: Morquor
Description: Sneaky little technocrats...
Main Power: Taking out injured enemies or enemy backlines and support
In ancient times, Gremlins lived free in the world, in peace, until the Hours of Darkness, when the world was consumed by the flames of fury: the battle between the Berserkers and the Shades. That time, to save their race, these small humanoids dig themselves deep in the mountains of Golemus. Now, their are called to the surface by a prophet, who admits the Gremlins shall live no longer in darkness, and shall take revenge on the world...

Their technology advanced so much, manipulating shadows with Magic and Technology, that they are capable of becoming incoming invisible, making them successful assassins.

Base stat ideas:
Vitality: Low (due to size, constitution and warfare style)
Attack: They shall have vary high damage, i believe Haotic damage (depends on how successful the ambush was... ;)
Targets: Just Dying, later Weak ones too (if new class can done, then Supports...)
Defence: High, due to size, agility and hi-tech defense systems.
Initiative: Ultimately high, they shall have about 10 points... Since they strike from shadows, from the back, without noticed by the enemy

Special Abilities:
Maybe they shall have an ability of Dodge, which would give them some chance, to fully avoid enemy effects (attack, lifesteal). It shall have a value of 5-10%
Other ability shall be vanish: they vannot be targeted every 5 round (starting with first round): the reason for this ability is, that their mechines recharge themselves at this rate, so they can become invisible again... :P

PS.: Their name could even be Gnomes or something like that, maybe a brand new name...

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Thank you,

Some kind of creature i would not like to encounter in my researchs, but thank you anyway:)

Although the name...i do not know if your creature would even be considered without a name:/ but i will add it on my list anyways. List is growing:)


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i have alot of ideas for some golem type creatures in mind that i would like to introduce to the game including one that would be my sig creature being that i work with metal and make chains and chain maille that being a chain golem

The Metal Mage

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Ok guys...I don't want to cut down your enthusiasm but don't expect to see too soon in the game the creatures you develop. Also there are a lot of topics opened regarding this issue and there are kind of scattered. I suggest that you make another topic in which you only post the creatures and their description (and if you want pictures and stats). This way we can keep track of them.

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[quote name='dst' post='21604' date='Dec 9 2008, 07:28 AM']Ok guys...I don't want to cut down your enthusiasm but don't expect to see too soon in the game the creatures you develop. Also there are a lot of topics opened regarding this issue and there are kind of scattered. I suggest that you make another topic in which you only post the creatures and their description (and if you want pictures and stats). This way we can keep track of them.[/quote]

Yupp, im making a list...Dst...no i think i need to talk to you too? Not sure if i did already...0.o

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  • 3 months later...

to revive the topic:

The Knight

Obviously, that creature is designed to get rid of drachorns, that's why it should be a golemus creature^^

vit: 500
ap: 40
value: 1000

ability: damage
targets: strong
vitality: 200
attack 40
defence 10
init 3

This Mercenary is a strong attack entity, but even given his plating of steel, he often loses a combat because he can't attack his enemies when the close in on him...
He will not fight against weaklings, but save his power for the biggest opponent he can find and slay him if he can.

xp: 1000
wins: 70
age: 7

vit: 800
ap: 50
value: 1500

ability: damage
targets: strong
vit 400
attack 70
defence 12
init 4

After perfectioning his skills with the spear, he decides to go for the sword and slay opponent from close range. He loves how the hot blood of his enemies covers his new shiny plating, but often gets in trouble when his opponents outnumber him.

xp: 8.000
wins: 120
age: 20

vit: 1800
ap: 60
value: 2000

ability: damage
targets: strong
vit 1000
attack 120
defence 15
init 1

Given a new plating and a new sword, he slays his opponents with his harsh blows. He is better protected now, but this protection comes with a high price: he is very slow.

xp: 30.000
wins: 200
age: 40

vit: 2000
ap: 70
value: 4000

ability: damage
targets: strong
vit 1200
attack 150
defence 9
init 7

With the new horse he bought from his earnings as mercenary, he grows even more powerful. Unfortunately, he had to sell most parts of his protective armor to afford the horse, but his attacks got stronger and faster with the horse.

xp: 100.000
wins: 350
age: 80

vit: 3000
ap: 90
value: 6000

ability: damage
targets: strong
vit 600
attack 200
defence 4
init 15

aura: focus attack [on his first strike, he kills the creature he targets. That ability works ONLY for the first attack and will NOT come into effect when the target has less than 4000 vitality], anti-freeze

Bored from his usual enemies, he decides to for the big ones and learns how to deal with the strongest creatures in the realms. He knows the weak spots of each and every creature, but only uses his skills on those which seem worthy to him. He doesn't need any armor now, as he is not fighting for his master anymore, but for the pleasure of destroying, and doesn't mind what his master wants as long as he gets the honor of slaying the one opponent he wanted to kill.

As i've said, a drachorn-killer...
And I'm definitely no good with artworks, sorry -.-

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I had seen creatures that have the ability to heal, and others, to regenerate, yet, none that had the ability to revive the dead, and had thought, perhaps, that one may eventually possess such power.

7000 VP
80 AP
1000 VE

Level 1:
Lesser Wisp
Ability: Heal
Target: Dying
100 vit
30 power
2 def
0 init

A soulless being, ethereal, and formless, it is formed from the remnants of spell-casting. It gives its power to those alongside itself.

Upgrade: 8000 VP, 80 AP, 2000 VE, 5000 exp, 20 wins

Level 2:
Greater Wisp
Ability: Heal
Target: Dying
200 vit
80 power
3 def
1 init

Accumulating magic from other creatures in combat has made the wisp grow in power. Although it is still weak, it seems to show some strange potential.

Upgrade: 10000 VP, 80 AP, 2000 VE, 20000 exp, 50 wins

Level 3:
Ancient Spirit
Ability: Heal
Target: Multiple
500 vit
60 power
5 def
2 init

The wisp has accumulated enough magic to gain a consciousness, and thus, has become a spirit. While it has not yet grown to its full potential, it shows more and more promise with each battle, and it can now heal many of its allies at once.

Upgrade: 15000 VP, 80 AP, 3000 VE, 60000 exp, 100 wins

Level 4:
Forgotten Spirit
Ability: Revive (revive a dead creature to life with 1/2 vitality, and lose that amount of vitality. If there is insufficient vitality, the ability fails.)
Target: Dead
1000 vit
1 power
7 def
3 init

The spirit has accumulated so much power and understanding that it now knows how to bring back creatures from the brink of death. However, to revive a dead creature takes a lot of power, and the spirit has to draw upon its own vitality to do so.

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