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Chess: Murderess Magic Duel Style

Blind God


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I was speaking with -MYSTERY PEOPLE HERE- a couple weeks ago and I decided I should post this on the forum.

Game Idea: Chess

Game Location: Either in the fields of No Man's Land or in a humongous set room of the Marind Bell Wind Sanctuary.

Basic Info: You have 32 people play the game on a bit of map that is 64 peices big (65 if you want an entry room)

Player Arangement: 16mp4's would play and be pawns; each having the same characteristics of the pawns. 12 mp5's would play and be the knights, rooks, and bishops. Also 4 mp6's would play and be the King and Queens.

How to Play Basics: Each day (or each hour change or somthing; or even it may take 100 action points to do) you can make one move and fight the resulting battle (if one occurs). I think there should be some kind of an overhead veiw and a specific chat (like for alliances) that the king and queen can make a strategy for the lesser peices (ummmm... spies, anyone). If you lose the battle your peice is destroyed, if you win you get the spot you attacked. Also your king and queen have the ability to heal you each time you win the fight, if they so choose.

Prizes: Yes, of course there should be very nice prizes for ALL the players that are on the winning team, not just the players that are alive at the end. Prizes as follows: VE: +5,000 ; VP: +10,000 ; Trophy ; Attack: +200 ; Def: +100 ; Briskness: +50 ; Luck: +50 ; Regeneration: +50.

Qualifications: I think we should have applications and tryouts for king & queen (seperate contests for black and white) and then have the qualifications set by the team captains, no choice for the team members should be interfered by rules.

Stuff: I don't think there should be an path leading into the contest, as this may result in other players being mean. Or you would just have to set up a hole complicated thing just for the confusing way the game is played.

DISCLAMER: Of course this game will be unfair to the less experienced players, this is why no mp3's would play. The mp4's will die right away, as pawns usually do. And the battle would end up coming out to mp5 skill/mp6 spell ability and, amazingly enough, strategy...

So, what do you guys think?

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Hmm...you know that this applies only to alliance members, right? Cause only in alliances you can attack players whatever their mp. Also few can attack mp6...so maybe we should rule them out (yesss...i really want that villain of the year award so I am acting like one). But I like the idea even if it is hard to implement.

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[quote]Hmm...you know that this applies only to alliance members, right? Cause only in alliances you can attack players whatever their mp.[/quote]
Well maybe we could have alliances set up that the 16 players would be added to during the games. This way they would also not be able to cheat and attack their own team members.
[quote]Also few can attack mp6...so maybe we should rule them out (yesss...i really want that villain of the year award so I am acting like one).[/quote]
It's a choice to become mp6, and many players have no intention of doing so. In this way there would be plenty (at least 12) players that the royalty could recruit to take out the other royalty.

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i think that having different mind power levels be different peices is a bit unfair, i think that all the players would become mp0 (as it currently isn't being used) and then there would be a selection of creatures that they can choose from, up to 6 creatures, all participating should have their max and current Vit set to 5k and they regen all 5k after every battle, and all types of stats in it should be set to 50 ( stats meaning the attack, defence, briskness, luck and those stats) but i think that all stats should be returned to normal afterwards, and i think that there should be a single chat for each team but each team has a cumulative AP and all of it is used when a player moves, but once the other team moves all of the team AP should be regenerated so that the game moves a bit quicker, and if a peice is defeated then they should be returned to a main lobby to watch the rest of the game but there should be a seperate lobby for each team(to prevent some things that could happen because of the result of the match, and there should be a map of where each peice is just above the navigation. AND FINALY THIS WAS MY IDEA!!! NO STEALING MY IDEAS!!!

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:) :lol: :) :lol: :blink:
It was a combined idea process, I lead it a lot further than: "We should have a game where you play chess in MD."
And I think the point of some of the peices is to be weaker than others, so they can sit there during the game and provide a strategic defence.

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i think the rewards are way too high...
and it would be quite unfair because players like dst are straight out stronger than others...

i think there should be a combination of 20-25 creatures (chosen with the help of dst and no one, if they want to help) some given stats for all players, so really everyone in the game has the same chances and it really comes down to strategy, i mean, the pawns CAN kill the king in chess...

the game should be faster, because if two or three chess pros per team can talk out the next move for hours, it will lose it's fun, i'd suggest one move per ~ 2 minutes, so there's the real chance of making mistakes...

and the rewards should not be that high, it would enable mp4's to become gods...i rather suggest only a vit reward, maybe a luck or regen reward, but the other stats influence the game too much, and of course players should be able to participate more than once, but only 'win' in the way of gaining something for it one time (like head contest)^^

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I guesses, now that I read it again the rewards are a bit high.

It's another decision whether to have set creatures and equal stats or to play like I suggested.

Time for another poll....

Also the time thing, I like my idea but I completely see what you are saying, as that would end up taking about 3 days for the game.

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Hmmm...I have an idea...Now that the illusions are up...maybe Mur can create one that will enable players to have what you suggested: fixed number of creatures and equal stats. This way the knowledge of the game will prevail...

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hmm...illus... would it be available to everyone who wants to take part if it was based on illusions, or just to those few who advance to a level when illus can be used? But i get what you mean...maybe some sort of spell that the 'chess master' could cast on those who want to participate, something like an extended dream state...

Personally, i like bored's idea better, and it needs some more serious considering how many critters every player should get, and which...
at first i thought of one of each (maxed) kind, but then again, that would not leave enough choice for setting different strategies...(thinking about rits with more than one ele, or more than one grasan).
On the other hand, if you gave every player 6 of every kind, there would soon be one 'god-rit' (you can imagine a few very very nasty things a player can set with all the creature's he wants to, but one would turn out to be the nastiest) and then, the normal game would lose it's fun because everyone would try to get that very rit ingame, not caring about stats, tactics and abilities anymore if an advanced player told them about those methods to ensure his/her party wins the game...

i have no idea how that dilemma could be solved, but it's better than letting people fight with their own creatures and stats for sure, imagine mp3 or mp4 would want to participate, would it be fun for them anymore if we told them 'well sorry, you can't play chess because you are too weak and your critters are not strong enough to kill ours'?? They can even compete successfully in the head contest, and that really is about strenght, so why exclude them for a simple game of chess, which is brains only, no muscles?

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:diablo: how do u force certain people to move the way chess pieces move...or does that not matter..Knight, queen, castle, bishop, etc, and pawns attack. But maybe this doesn't matter they way you are describing the game. And you are removing the idea of pawns can kill higher up people, bishop etc. Checkers might be the way you want to go.

Ever heard of a game called Parchisi..now if you can recreate this...lol

Its a great game..And you might be able to recreate it with better accuracy, as well as no one every really gets knocked out indefinently so...But can you create movement based on dice or a counter?

8) just my 2 cents 8)

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Voted No: it'd be too harsh on anyone that hasn't trained a bunch of creatures or been around sacrificing them forever. I also voted for a set of creatures to pick from there if it did go through.
I was ok at chess. Not a grandmaster, but good enough to be in the tournament. I would not exactly be ok with any of my pieces failing to do their job, many strategies in chess are reliant on one piece holding the line and if by chance that piece decides to lose the surprise attack that compromised your defenses I think the game would end in fire. But that's just me.

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I think this Idea is Interesting, but I'm kinda with Soltis here. MD Battles and Chess don't really Mix, your taking out the Strategy of Piece movement, and Replacing it with Ritual Strategy. In my Opinion that destroys the Essence of Chess, but this Would still be Interesting.

This would take a bit of Effort to Implement as well, but With some of the In game Mechanics I can see it being Possible...

I think you could manage the Creatures and Pieces (Name Tags) easily enough with Illusions, but the Arena? Maybe it would be Possible to take the Pieces (I kinda like that Better than Players :diablo:) into a Dream, and that would be the Arena (That would also Allow a Time Limit to be Imposed Easily).

The things I see as Being a Limiting factor, is Artwork and Coding. Artwork is self-explanatory, but by Coding I mainly mean the Piece movement, Turn basis, and this Top View you suggest. I can't Imagine any of those things being Terribly hard, but they take Enough effort to make this Idea mostly a Pipe Dream.... Though an Interesting one.

Edit: Is it just me, or is the Devil Smiley not really all that Evil Looking ? I'd much Rather have the Head of Jonn's Avatar... B)

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:lazy: Why not take this in a way of Risk. :diablo:
Each player on both sides picks a role; healer, attacker, defender, etc. you can keep the MP numbers and use them as Generals, Captains, Grunts,etc. Higher the rank the more creatues u get, lower the less.

Then they can pick extra things from the illusion like attack, or defense, or VE, or initative, or etc....

Attackers of course attack, then they woudl retreat to healers to gain VE back. Perhaps if you can find a way to Join people together so they can form an army of 2-6 and attack outposts being defended, which in turn can have others combine with them. or something idk....

OR perhaps the Higher ranks just have stronger creatures, and if a way is found to combine several people together into one army...someway..it would liven up the game.

It would involve strategy, balance of healers attackers and defenders.
8) And some luck....or what i call dice rolls... 8)

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Here is how I think you should modify it:

Have each chess piece have a different Illusion, and each piece has set stats and creatures.

Now here comes the strategy part (which is essential for Chess). It would be two fold, you would have to decide which piece to move AND you would have to decide how to set up the ritual with the creatures given to you. But there is limited options, and every piece is given the same creature, and so

Pawns of course would have weaker creatures than Queens, but a pawn could beat a Queen, which is the beauty of the Magic Duel fighting system.

I think moves should be decided one of two ways:

1. A person is in charge of all moves.
2. The group all discusses what the next move should be and then once they have decided the piece moves.

I think a combination of the two would be best... because in the first people will not feel any desire to play, because they won't have any control over their moves. But in the second, it will be hard to make a decision. Maybe the best would be a group discussion where one pre-designated person decides the move.

And the rewards should go to the ENTIRE team. Otherwise people would be unwilling to sacrifice themselves for the good of the team.

Oh, and it was a discussion between Soltis, Granos, Shady Jester, I am Bored, myself, and a few others.

Also, on the topic of games, perhaps a MD stratego? That would be cool...


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[quote name='I am Bored' post='20638' date='Nov 23 2008, 12:46 AM']i think that having different mind power levels be different peices is a bit unfair, i think that all the players would become mp0 (as it currently isn't being used) and then there would be a selection of creatures that they can choose from, up to 6 creatures, all participating should have their max and current Vit set to 5k and they regen all 5k after every battle, and all types of stats in it should be set to 50 ( stats meaning the attack, defence, briskness, luck and those stats) but i think that all stats should be returned to normal afterwards, and i think that there should be a single chat for each team but each team has a cumulative AP and all of it is used when a player moves, but once the other team moves all of the team AP should be regenerated so that the game moves a bit quicker, and if a peice is defeated then they should be returned to a main lobby to watch the rest of the game but there should be a seperate lobby for each team(to prevent some things that could happen because of the result of the match, and there should be a map of where each peice is just above the navigation. AND FINALY THIS WAS MY IDEA!!! NO STEALING MY IDEAS!!![/quote]

i love his idea and its more how to saw it.... more likey to happen. and yeah the reward should be small like +10 to all stats or +1000VE or +500 VP.. nothing big. for the winning side that is

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Fine, rule out my outrageous prizes then.

I like awiiya's ideas a lot.
Also I think it would be easiest to do illusions w/alliance teams and a dream that updates with an overhead view each time your team makes a move.

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