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Classes resume 5 Jan 2009 -- University is hiring

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[*][b][url="http://md-archives.com"]MD-Archives.com[/url] is the official site for the archives and university.[/b]
At this site you will find MD Lore culled from the forums and newly written, blogs by lore researchers and university teachers, and class notes and transcripts.

[*][b]Classes are suspended until Monday, 5 January 2009.[/b]
Between the holidays and the need for some collaborative calendar software, we all need a little time off.

[*][b]A university email address has been established.[/b]
Private communications about classes, scheduling, and other administrative work should all be sent to [email=MD-Univerisity@SpiritSeeker.net]MD-Univeristy@SpiritSeeker.net[/email].

[*][b]Current teachers[/b] are asked to send emails containing the following information:
[*]Title of your class.
[*]Description of your class.
[*]The number of lectures in your class. [u]One[/u] or [u]many[/u] will usually suffice.
[*]Preferred day of the week and time. Please offer a second choice to give us greater flexibility in scheduling. To avoid confusion, please give day-of-the-week, date and time in your [b]local time[/b] and include your time zone as UTC+# (e.g. US Pacific Coast is UTC-8, server time is UTC+2). Please use this [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_time_zones"]list of time zones[/url] for reference.
[*]Typical lecture length. Generally either 60 minutes or 90 minutes.
[*]The frequency of your class, e.g. once a week, every other week.
[*]Indicate if you will enter your own lecture note into the archives or will need a transcriber to assist you. Assigning someone to transcribe your lectures for you is always a good idea.

[*][b]New classes and teachers are sought.[/b]
Please give all the information indicated above.

[*][b]The university is hiring administrators, transcribers, editors.[/b]
[*]I desperately need people to assist with the scheduling of classes and other administrative work.
[*]Transcribers record lectures as they are given and prepare them for inclusion in the archives site.
[*]Editors will go through transcripts for spelling and readability. Particularly needed are editors who will work with teachers whose native language is not English.
[*]We will also need school deans and department heads, though this need is not as immediate as the others.

[*][b]Rewards for university staff.[/b]
I have been empowered to offer rewards to the most reliable and consistent university staff. All staff are eligible for rewards. Said rewards might be PWR title and description or stat bonuses. The most deserving in terms of reliability and time spent on the university will also be eligible to receive wishpoints or MD Shop credits.

[*][b]Student incentives.[/b]
Details have yet to be worked out, but there will be rewards for the best students. Spells, stat bonuses, or player titles will be associated with "graduating" from a series of related classes.

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Question, how do you apply? i would quite like to be an Editor if possible, i'm British so know English well, and my mum used to be an English teacher, so proof reading and readability has sortof been ingrained into me :P

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Request, if someone ever comes upon the message I sent to that MD-archive-site-blog-thing some time ago, please ignore it and you never saw any such thing. Delete it from all logs.

I have really low points, and sometimes I wallow in MD depression so much my ability to process ideas takes a plunge and I do drastic things. I sorely regretted sending that message once I became sober a few hours later.

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Hi. This is the qmail-send program at yahoo.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<MD-Univeristy@SpiritSeeker.net>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 <MD-Univeristy@SpiritSeeker.net>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown.
Giving up on

try from other mail,


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[quote name='GgSeverin' post='21837' date='Dec 12 2008, 09:39 PM']Hi. This is the qmail-send program at yahoo.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<[color="#FF0000"]MD-Univeristy[/color]@SpiritSeeker.net>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 <MD-Univeristy@SpiritSeeker.net>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown.
Giving up on

try from other mail,

I think it was University.... :lol:

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Apart from my class, I am available for administrative tasks as well. I would like to help more, but English is not my native language so I am not offering as an editor; plus, my hours are not stable, so I think I will not be able to do much work as a transcriber either.

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[quote name='Treehill' post='22308' date='Dec 14 2008, 06:38 PM']Lalala I was the first transcriber MD University had!!!yay Before even the job recruiting was started i made one :unsure:!Im da best!loooool[/quote]
Yes the best ever.. that certainly did sound professional..

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