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Bootes, Nelya, and the Pillars of Harmony


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If the sun move along its celestial path, but never reach the end of the path that is the horizon, then, the sun is not moving in a straight line, but in a circle, or other closed shape, such that it will return to its initial point in the sky.

In the other-realm, this phenomenon is only known to happen in particular places, and only during certain times of the year; after which these places are placed in perpetual darkness for the same period - the Antarctic and Arctic circles of that realm, noted in many a map I have studied of the other-realm, which appears to be rather well documented.

However, in MD, is it possible then, that MD is now placed such that there will be perpetual sunlight, and after a long hiatus, MD will be placed into a perpetual night? Perhaps the day we lose day will be the last for an eternity, and the moon will be our light from then on?

The pillars are broken. What is a pillar, but a support, a structure of strength, connecting and supporting that which it holds. Yet, these are broken, and the connection is lost. If one were to erect pillars and then move the structure supported by these pillars, then, they hold it in place, and then, with sufficient power, the pillars are broken and the support disappears.

I believe the pillars were once used to align the planet. In a different alignment, MD would experience night and day in faster succession, much like the other-realm would, in places not north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic. However, since the pillars are broken, the planet is now out of alignment, spinning on a new axis, and, as a result, MD land now lies above the equivalent of the Arctic Circle, where it experiences perpetual daylight.

Yet, pillars that are able to support a planet must be incredibly strong. So strong, that no man, however strong, may have the strength to move it. Only the will of a god could move the planet out of alignment with whatever the pillar connected to, and as a result, shatter these pillars. Why would a god wish to shatter the pillars? I would think it would take reasons of mythic proportions.

As said earlier, if the pillars are used to align the planet, they must be connected at one end, to this planet, and on the other, to something else. To what?

It may be that they were connected to another celestial body, or anchored in the aether, or even serve as a link to the god or gods in question.

Something may have happened that resulted in the disassociation of a god with the entire planet.

Or the celestial body, perhaps the Moon, perhaps another, were once anchored to this planet with the pillars - such beings that originated from the Moon may have used these to travel between there and this planet.

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An interesting theory, to be sure. However, I think it is perhaps too literal. Pillars do support a heavy load, but it does not need to be connected to some other object, tower, Moon, or other physical object.

Perhaps the builders of the Pillars wanted it to be symbolic, Pillars of Harmony that held up the biggest load of the world: the peace and tranquility of night and day.

There have also been accounts of Pillars built for ceremonial or memorial purposes, such as Pompey's Pillar which was built as a commemorative Pillar. Pillars are symbolic, and while their main purpose is to support objects, they have other uses and purposes as well.

Perhaps the Pillars supported a majestic top once, but when it was broken the top was done away with and all that remains are the supports. Who is to say?


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How the pillars may have supported the planet before, I do not know, though it may not necessarily be simply a physical link; indeed, it would almost certainly be more. Or perhaps I am fishing in the wrong pond.

It is possible that the pillars are a symbol, but with an intrinsic connection to something else. I cannot otherwise see a reason for the breaking of the pillars to cause perpetual sunlight.

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what if it isn't the pillars that cause the perpetual sunlight, but something else, and that something else broke the pillars?

most of what's said relates to the fact that the breaking of the pillars caused night to stop, but what if it is a symptom and not the cause?

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I agree it is possible. Although why would the Pillars be destroyed by something that stopped the sun from moving? It seems... unlikely that it would destroy ONLY the Pillars, which if you are correct, have nothing to do with the motion of the Sun.

Or is there another explanation? Do the Pillars not move the Sun, but have some other affect?


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i'm not saying that only the pillars were damaged, there is much of this land we do not understand or might realise the true purpose of yet, other things might also be.

but it isn't the aim of here to discuss what caused us to be in constant daylight, it's to ''determine the possible patterns connected to the Pillars of Harmony and what they might mean when associated to the moon.''

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actually, the motion of the moon and the sun (in RL) are not connected at all (unless you count that the moon runs on a circle-like way around the black hole in the middle of our galaxy along with all other stars in the galaxy... everything is relative^^)

so, why should we assume that the MD lands have a geo-centric star movement instead of a helio-centric?

It doesn't make any sense to say that we will see the moon again once the sun moves again, you can also see the moon at bright daylight half of the month in RL...

I'd rather suggest that the pillars only influence the movement of our world around it's own axis, not the movement of the moon or (given the geo-centric point of view) the sun.
If that is true, the moon should turn on it's normal way around the MD world, and we should be able to see it from time to time. IF it didn't turn, it would fall down due to gravity. So, considering both arguments to be true (i'm not that sure, never listened that closely in physics), that leaves two options:

A) the moon doesn't exist, or it existed, but was stopped on it's way when the pillars broke down and fell down to the world on the 'night side', and our planet is huge enough we didn't notice

B)Our moon runs so far away from our world that it needs exactly one year for one round around the planet, and the breaking of the pillars didn't stop the world from turning, but slowed it down so much that now a day (turn around it's own axis) is as long as one year (one turn around the sun), making sun always shine on one side of our world (which would then be the side the MD lands are on) and the moon run in a geo-static orbit on the other side of the world.
To clarify, that would mean that the sun, the world and the moon are always in a row, with us being dots on the world that are on the side that is turned towards the sun, and therefore we couldn't see the moon ever (except if we found a way to travel halfway around the world).

now, b2t, what can nelya and bootes do: assuming that the pillars didn't influence the turning of the world, but were influenced by it, they could have broken from the same cause that slowed the world down (i think that argument has already been here), because, being teleportation devices, the pillars have to work with the curve and the turning of the planet, else they would send you somewhere they aren't supposed to. So i would suggest that bootes and nelya don't try to fix the pillars and see what happens, but rather try to speed the world up again, maybe with the inner magic 'cure' lady nelya posesses and a huge amount of transposition-principle...
strange idea, yes, but the only one i can think of :/

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ok... here's my theory based on the AL

The sun that shows over all of magicduel (with the exception of the underground areas {for obvious reasons} and necro) is the "inner sun" that is referred to by renavoid. the light shines from those helpful souls and those who have unlocked their potential and radiates across the land. in necro (the light's balance) however, darkness prevails as it is the opposite of everywhere else.

this is just a random thought i had, but hey..... it may have credance..... who knows what's inside manu's head :P

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If MD is in a solar system like ours, THE SUN DOES NOT MOVE. The sun APPEARS to move.

The Pillars seem to control one or more of the following: the rotational speed of the planet around its axis, the inclination of the axis toward the sun, the wobble of the axis around itself, or their appearance to the folks on the ground (possibly bending light around the planet).

I propose a hypothesis: the setting of the pillars was changed, and they were broken to lock us into that setting.

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1. We cannot see the Moon.
2. The Sun does not move.

Whatever stopped the motion of the Sun probably also stopped the motion of the Moon, as the Moon and the Sun are similar, one presiding over the night, and the other the day.

This is the romantic view, and if someone wanted to keep night away forever, they would also stop the Moon from invading their day sky and reminding them of the Night they once had.

So theoretically, if you take away whatever stopped the Night, you would also bring back the Moon, because the Moon and Night are closely linked.

As for solar systems, currently I think it is irrelevant to discuss what kind of solar system exactly we are in. That is an investigation for another time and place, and something we might never know, seeing as the motions of our celestial bodies are not repetitive.

What does matter is that the Sun does not move, the Moon does not show, and Night does not exist. Something has stopped or is stopping it, and it has to do with the Pillars of Harmony.


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As I understand it, this is not a philosophical problem, but an astronomical problem.

[quote name='awiiya' post='23440' date='Jan 7 2009, 12:44 PM']As for solar systems, currently I think it is irrelevant to discuss what kind of solar system exactly we are in. That is an investigation for another time and place, and something we might never know, seeing as the motions of our celestial bodies are not repetitive.[/quote]
I only assume that the planet of MD orbits a single sun, and the moon orbits the planet. Everything else is irrelevant, yes.

Upon further thought, I can see a scenario in which the sun is actually stationary to viewers on the ground.
The axis of rotation is perpendicular to the direction to the sun, and the rotation of the planet is just enough so that the same side faces the sun at all points in its orbit (kind of like the Moon to Earth).
Viewers would see the sun in different places in the sky depending on their location on the planet.
The moon could be hidden from view by being in geosynchronous orbit, somewhere at the back of the planet.

Hmmm... kinda similar to MD...

Edit: Now that I reread the first post, I think this may in fact be the case of MD.
The measurements are the altitudes of the sun, which are the same in concentric circles around a central point on the equator.

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Humm, Humm, Some interesting Ideas some of you Have...

It fells a bit Taboo for me to Post here, but I can't help myself... I just have to Share some thoughts.

First I'd like to say I appreciate every Idea and Theory that people have posted here be it based in Philosophy, Imagination, or Astronomy. More than Likely a bit of all three Will be needed in the End.

Now I'd like to Share some Thoughts and Observations of my Own, though not Directly Related to my Current Quest, just Some General Food for thought.

To start, I'd like to go into a Bit of History.

Far back in Time, so much so That there many be None who live that can Recall it, Nightfall was a common Occurrence in MD as was the Appearance of a Moon. Of course we Cannot say for Certain if there Existed a Night/Day Cycle like the one We are all Accustomed, but I believe we can Say with much Certainty that there was Indeed such a Cycle. However, for some Unknown Reason and at some Unknown time, this Cycle was broken...

Now as Far back as Modern Records go (Not Quite two Years ago) we Find evidence that that Sun Never Moved. Indeed this was the Case when I first found myself in this Realm. It was During this Time that I published my first bit of Research entitled "The Sun that Never Sets" (You can find the Original copy here in the Forums, and a slightly Modified Version in the Archives). While I cannot be Certain that my Theories from that time still Ring true, I do still Believe that they Offered a good Explanation as to why the Sun behaved the way it did back then.

Even more Recently, just After Khal returned to us as the Grey and Wodin learned you do not have to battle a Shade to Weaken it, we Saw the Miracle of Movement from our Sun. It was not quite as We expected though... While the Sun does indeed Move across the Sky it never Sinks below the Horizon and this Eternal Daylight persists.

That is the Shape of the World now, as it Was when I first began to Notice these Odd Documents...

There are Still many Things we do not Know, and may Never know for Sure....

Is MD a Flat World with a Dome of the Heavens plopped Above it?
Do we Live in a Spacious Solar System? Is that System Centered on Us, the Sun, or Something Else?
Are the Heavens in MD ruled by Magic, Gods, or Physics?

All of these are Very Good Questions, and it may Well be that there are Specific answers to all of them. Personally though, I feel that these Questions tend to be Answered by Beliefs, by Bias, by What we are Familiar with, or by what Fills us with Wonder.

You will Undoubtedly Find that my own Beliefs lead me to think in Terms of Physics, a Sun Centered Solar System, and generally a Modern Astronomical Approach. However I feel that there are many ways to View the Same thing, and that Often there is not just one right way.

As long as you've Accounted for the Observed Facts any Theory is fine. It doesn't matter if you think there is a Giant ball of Super Heated Gas, Multiple Domes with different "Brightnesses", or Even just the Great big Beaming Smile of an Angian up there.

*Ahem* Sorry that went a bit Long, and feels like it got a bit Preachy towards the End, but maybe It inspired you a little. Tha'ts all I hope.

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we all seem to know we are in a dome ... we are seeing the sun ? or is it something that is set in the top of the dome and could we use the pillars to some how disrupt this false sun thus turning it off ? allowing the natural movements of the real sun and moon to be seen we have noticed some movement in the sun of late .........could the dome its self not be a dome ? could it be some sphere that its self rotates around the realm ?

ponder these things

added also there is one dome no one has mentioned that i have seen what of the champions dome does it play a role ? i think of the universe in a vastly larger universe thought with this what if the champions dome is a smaller version of what we are in already ? much like a certain tent .... that some have seen inside

this is my 2c

The Metal Mage

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Liberty, what are you reasons for why it is false? You never posted them...

All you said was that there was no evidence for a dome, however there is no evidence against it either. We cannot discount it, unless you can travel into the sky and prove that no dome exists, or by some other method.


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hmm i didn't realize that my theory resembled boote's theory as i have never read it just used my knowledge to make it off the top of my head..... and why do you think the pillers themselves control the settings when they may just be the channel for those settings, and if i remember my reading correctly wasn't the pillers damaged by the wizard summoning wodin?

perhaps in necro we should build a rocket? and travel into space as neither ren nor mur seem likely to lend us one.

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