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The Quest for Nature's Sword


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Today I have found and odd looking journal under ther rocks of the tunnel. It seems to glow in light green aura.It also contains maps, directions and some strange writting. Could those be riddles? Tests to reach something?

With these thoughts I would like to start gathering those that will help me understand the mysterious book and its secrets.

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I would like to join the expedition. My knowledge of flora and fauna may be useful.
My strengths are in science and logic, and I may help the party keep their sanity.

As for battle, I am at my best against swarms of weaklings, against which many powerful warriors would eventually fall.

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Looking for fine blades, and I involved myself in Loreroot a lot..and continue doing so. Even if I do get the sword, I may be interested in keeping it, just like with Khalazdad's sword, Tainted.

A warrior who likes to craft theories..why not me? I like secrets and have my own.

EDIT: Oh, on a sidenote: I was interested in it ages ago, when Rex introduced the myth of it first. That's the main reason why I want to participate.

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Looking to dissiminate the "Wood's Comprehension" and "Totems" to every living thing,making them able to call forth upon the power of the forest and earth through their spirits and elementals.

By the way I am a good at persuading,wisdow and know lots about flora and very perceptive mind to either surrounds to inner beasts and struggles.[/center][/color][/b][/i]

Obs.:Not very good with rits,not coz i dont know how to make but coz im lazy,i dont mind losing but when i want win i could always make ghost....XD but since that was prohibited just forget that,can still do fatty grasan.

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Druid, currently applying for Children of the Eclipse and Guardians of the Root, affinity with nature. very good at defence. i have an earth sword, so it could help... i guess.I also have the ability to join my mind with another. also cook in the Root of the Matter Inn.

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[color="#800080"][i]I am Lady Renata,the Muse of Love,at your service.I want to help Loreroot in anyway I can.
I can heal the ones who are wounded and I can help them recover fast.
My weapons are my two identical blades called "The Twins".
I can also control water,but I do not use this power unless I really need it.

I am glad that I can help Loreroot,because Loreroot helped me many times before.[/i][/color]

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Kadrim is ready to help and my spear is as sharp as always. I will be glad to help.

I am the Watchmaker of MD world. I need to understand time by itself and all the rules that it is complying. I am wise, but i look for perfection. Strong ally in those dangerous time. New tasks that i am trying too look for will help me and all the others around to polish their souls and keep perfecting their beings. I will look for other people in the group back and take care for not taking too much time in the situations we don't have time to spare. I am not the greatest fighter so don't give me position like that. I am the one that looks for others and is able to heal simple wounds. Specialist in time manipulation. I love to feel time threads between my fingers and to wave it the way it helps others.


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I would be honored to join any group who gets put togheter.

And this adventure looks to be a great one =)

Why i should be one of the groups members ^^. ?

well am am agile and cunning
I luv to help others and would do my best to keep evryone safe and calm
as well as i would try and make evryone feel comfortable with laughter :P

also ,doesnt evry group need a hunter

i´d use my *cough* skilled and awesome sences to make sure nothing gets passed us or gets a chance to startle us

* a hand places gently on ilias shoulder*

^_^ eeeep!´

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I Vladamere, would be most honored to be allowed to accompany such a prestigious group as this. A great warrior, I may not be, but I am steady of heart and keen of mind. A quest such as this might well make use of one such as I, who is particularly attuned to the forest. I lend my staff and Onyx's (my falcon) keen eyes. being a man of moderation, I will strive to provide a sense of balance for a group that seems to have brains and brawn covered.

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