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  • Root Admin

As you all know , we are at alpha test 3 allready and at this point the game is complex enough to hold a player several days trying to find his way until the end of the story and defeat all what is to defeat. ... in other words the game is complex enogh right now to be playable until some point and beyond.

The problem right now...and its a big problem.... is that there are not enogh players in this community so that i can move on and develop things like alliance/guild systems, mass spells and other multiplayer features.

We are like a small group of loyal people that come every day and check the entire map for whoever is online if anyone.

I cant start advertising the game right now, its not big enough, it has to reach beta first, and advertising also costs a lot (2-3000$) and that means to stop developing it and to focus on advertising and its not the moment to do that right now...so we are stuck in the middle.

People that come to this game from time to time leave because it looks like deserted and no one is online usualy. There are like 150 accounts right now but you see only 1-2 people online from time to time, this is because playes login to the game to search for others to chat with an they find no one and those who are not active members of this community have the feeling its some dead project or something.

I am sure that if we could get more involved in this this whole thing it will be more stable and more players will be online at a regular basis.

I say "WE" because this is my _request_ to you, whoever can help with this, please do so. If you are on other games or have friends that like to play adventure games, or browserbased or so , tell them about this one. Try to make them use your referrer code it will be usefull for you, but dont mass message the link with the referer code, usualy people dont click those links. I dont want you to spam or things like that, just those of you who know other players or are part of other online gaming communities, can spread the word about this game too..it will be very helpfull indeed, especialy at this point where i cant advertise it yet and i cant test it right yet also because of the lack of players simultaneosly online.



I've been trying, and have gotten like 10-15 people to check it out, but I got them from strategy RPG's that I play, and this is more of an adventure RPG, so they mostly all left :P

  • Root Admin

adepts are kept forever because each adept holds the record of who invited him to the game, so i gues that is the onl thing that wont reset later on. Anyway if you notice now in alpha 3 that you lost some adept info let me know (it shouldn't happen but just in case)

Adepts will be used also in other places not only on the creature page, things like temples and shrines.

  • Root Admin

what you mean by lost?

adepts are counted as adepts as long as they are active, try asking one of them just to login back once and then on your next login you will see it as active adept.

The adept system might be a bit buggy because i tested it just with madeup accounts and its designed to go nice with real accounts where people are active or inactive on a more realistic pattern, so tell me about any oddities you find abot adept counting

  • 3 weeks later...

I have been taking to others about this site and game. Some are programers and ex-beta testers. I hope they will join up and help with the cause. I would like to get a whack at the game but I guess I will wait for beta version to come out. :)


Thanks a lot to adv, that brought me here! =))

I may say the only thing about adv now. You won't get much not english-speakin' players.

It'd be great, if we had some fan-sites about the game in "native" language (Deutsch, Francais, Russian... etc)

The Game rests too much on words, so we should help non english-speaking players some ways.

Hope once a day we'd be able to choose a language for interface, and, maybe, even for whole stuff we see now in english.

Dunno how serious multilanguage system will tell upon the load on server(s)

  • Root Admin

the game is designed from the beginning to support multiple languages ... ia m waiting for beta and after that i will give it for translation in a lot of languages :) hang on

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

here are some banners you could use to advertise this game.

If you put them anywhere let me know the link , i am curios :o

If you are putting them on a game related website, such as a directory or an other game, (as a owner of that site) , i can put you a banner back here on the first page (banner exchange)







  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

No they don't give attack/defence bonus or other bonuses!

each adept gets you 8% of vitality to your creatures so 10 adepts are 80% of vitality on just one click(action) ...BUT... 12adepts are 96% ...whatever comes over comes from nowhere. WIth maximum of 18 adepts you can get 144% vitality on just on click, and yes it will give to the creatures more vitaliy than you actualy have.

or at least it does so untill i will decide if to fix it or to consider it a feature:)

Please use the Search feature before you post something!

Thank you!


Hmmm...I think one of the reasons too why 'new' players leave is because they don't really have the chance to gain experience for their creatures. Strong players keep on attacking them. :( My way of helping though is by sacrificing my honor (through penalties) that will eventually give good wins and experience to their creatures and prioritizing the 'new' players at the moment. What I'm trying to say is... strong players let's be nice and a bit charitable, shall we? :( For the 'new' players out there, PM me when you see me and I'll help you gain good wins and experience.I'm constantly roaming in the game so just contact me. he he =(n.n)=

  • 4 weeks later...

Well I'm pretty new & I've been telling people in the other games i play, but they're mostly into war games so none of them have come here yet... but I'm gonna keep on telling people! This is without a doubt the kewlest game I've found on the net & I can't wait to see it get developed more... ;)

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

For those of you who's got a MySpace profile add this to your profile (if you want to). ;)

<style type="text/css">
border:none !important;
z-index:9 !important;

<a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vbWFnaWNkdWVsLmNvbS9yZWdpc3Rlci9yZWdpc3Rlci5waHA/cmVmZXJlcklEPTEyODI2" target="_blank"><img src="http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q271/Jonn-on-the-Run/magicduel/md_banner_star.png" class="banner" title="MagicDuel Adventures"</a>

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