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Staff Notices


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[b]Working with trainees[/b] :

Trainees should work in the Dojo's when an experienced Staff member is around. Staff members should be notified when a Trainee arrives and is ready for training.

[b]Staff members should let the Trainee respond to issues that arise. Staff are asked to refrain from answering these questions, unless the Trainee asks them to. If mistakes are made, corrections should be made gently.[/b]

Another thing that Trainees should do is go to Jonn and work on becoming LHO. It is not an absolute requirement, but it is something we desire our Staff to accomplish.

[b]Lists[/b] :

I'd like everyone, by suggestion of Ectremere, to start keeping their own lists of people and updating the one that will be posted here. I know something like this has been started before, but perhaps it will stick around longer this way.

These are the current lists I have, and I will post an a seperate Topic my complete lists :

[b]To Be Reported[/b] : The repeat offenders' names you must still report to a Staff member / Calyx

[b]Have Been Reported[/b] : The names of those you've reported already, and how many times

[b]To Be Messaged[/b] : Those that need to be sent the Standard Message (Which I have edited to include in the beginning : Please respond so that I may know you understand these rules - this is just something I added, but it is not necessary for you to do so as well.)

[b]Have Been Messaged [/b]: Those who you've sent the message to, how many times, and if they've responded/how they've responded if negatively

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[b]Staff training[/b] will be held at least twice a month. Each training will be held at at least two different times to enable more people to attend. Attendance of at least one session a month is [b]mandatory[/b]. If you cannot attend send a PM to Calyx or Jazira, or post here. Failure to attend one meeting a month will result in being reduced in rank or dropped from the dojo staff.

These will be general meetings to to make sure we are handling things in a uniform manner, to discuss problems and offenders. In addition there will be sessions covering the principles which guided the creation and development of the Dojo. It may not always be visible, but there is an ulterior motive to the Dojo. Training fighters is less important than enriching souls, teaching compassion, charity, cooperation, self mastery, and self restraint. While I will be teaching the Dao in the university, what I teach here will be focused on issues that arise in the dojo and service roles.

The first sessions will be on days 84 at 19:30 and day 85 at 07:00.

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  • 3 months later...

A couple of issues has arisen that needs to be addressed.

Several Dojo Staff attending the Dojo at once has made for confusion of who has the floor (or authority). From now on, when Staff members or trainees enter the Dojo ask out loud:

[b]Which Staff member present has the Floor?[/b]

Once that staff member is identified, all other Staff members are to be attentive but quiet. Several voices talking at once only confuses the players and causes Chaos. If you are addressed by name, then answer the question and only that person. If for example, XinHun is asked a question by a player, no one else is to interrupt until XinHun is finished. If you have something more to add, only then should you do so.

When you plan on working the Dojo, ask the above question (all staff and trainees are to write down who is a fellow member). When no one answers, introduce yourself to the players formerly:

[b]My name is King Bull. I am Dojo Staff and I will be your Host.[/b]

Once committed, do not leave the Dojo without giving notice to the players present. For example: Real life interference, inhabitant needs. If you need to leave and other Staff are present, ask a fellow Staff member by name if they will take over your duties. If no one is present, then briefly go over the rules again before leaving. If you have YIM, and staff are online, arrange ahead of time to be relieved.

With these guidelines, I hope there will be less confusion and a smoother running Dojo.

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[quote name='Jazira' date='Mar 20 2009, 05:07 AM' post='27500']
[b]Working with trainees[/b] :

Trainees should work in the Dojo's when an experienced Staff member is around. Staff members should be notified when a Trainee arrives and is ready for training.

[b]Staff members should let the Trainee respond to issues that arise. Staff are asked to refrain from answering these questions, unless the Trainee asks them to. If mistakes are made, corrections should be made gently.[/b]

Another thing that Trainees should do is go to Grido and work on becoming LHO. It is not an absolute requirement, but it is something we desire our Staff to accomplish.

i gave my respect about this..n i hope There will be right meaning about a 'trainees' and not just a tag,
btw..a dojo's trainee are also a ussual player that have a right to answer every questions n every favour from every player,even while there's the 'LHO' or a staff in the same place...
So, i hope there'll be no more arogant manner from some of LHO,n let us help u all..thank u..

Regards,Poppitz -

[color="purple"] come to me for lho, not Jonn anymore - Grido[/color]

Edited by Grido
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i gave my respect about this..n i hope There will be right meaning about a 'trainees' and not just a tag,
btw..a dojo's trainee are also a ussual player that have a right to answer every questions n every favour from every player,even while there's the 'LHO' or a staff in the same place...
So, i hope there'll be no more arogant manner from some of LHO,n let us help u all..thank u..

Regards,Poppitz -

[color="purple"] come to me for lho, not Jonn anymore - Grido[/color]

Let me be a bit clearer on this Poppitz. Staff have precedent over trainees. It has nothing to do with arrogance or being LHO. If Staff is on duty, let them answer questions unless you are asked to answer on your own. My point was that if there are 2 or more people are answering at the same time, it may confuse the player asking.

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