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The Savelites [Not Active]


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yes he is only one semi active savelite from old order, if i am not mistaken it was his idea about church in first place, that topic can be found somewhere on this forum, morquor posted it, he is one of few players which i know from very start of game, i also know he doesnt have time to play actively but he logs in regularly, and he should be the one to do the job, maybe you grido and zleiph have good intentions, but lorerootians dont trust grido, and as much as i see never will, zleiph could do something... but on other hand for me this rebuilding of church, are just mere words, i dont see any plans on how it will be done, and nothing is going on right now, tank and rhaegar are capable for this job, so why getting involved? and as for kingy wingy, i dont know nothing about that, thats what i have to say about this

edit: look at this [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=2261&hl=morquor"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...&hl=morquor[/url]
just to remind ya what was it all about, and give real savelites to do the job or rebuilding church

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' post='28795' date='Apr 13 2009, 07:37 PM']forget it tankfans... they cant understand us "alts" >.<
i can take a lot of things, but someone calling me an alt... now thats just evil!!!![/quote]

That's part of what caused the whole mess, rhaegar. People jump to conclusions without knowing the whole thing, and sometimes without even thinking of clarifying it first. But I'm not about to start all over again on that here.

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[quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' post='28749' date='Apr 12 2009, 09:43 PM']Rhaegar....

I suggest you go and look at the forum topic on this in the alliances section. I am trusting Grido, perhaps I am wrong to but I don't think I am or I wouldn't do it, I am putting my reputation on the line for him to work with him so that you all can see he isn't just a Golemus man come to steal your alliance, and he is well aware of that fact - because I believe he does want what I want- to have a true, functional and united Savelite Church in Loreroot.[/quote]

To tell you the truth, we were already working on it...
It's just most of us was in Golemus... We need more time...

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Alright I was waiting for Grido to answer this but as he is not here I will say something in the interim until he can speak.

Grido had this alliance by the short and curleys. He could have destroyed it with a single click. He did not. You should be thanking him as far as that goes don't you think? Yes you have issues with his taking it, but it would seem, to me at least, that if he was able to take it with such low loyalty then the alliance wasn't very united and well structured anyway.

Taking the above into consideration it NEEDS outsiders to fix it as far as i am concerned. You need an objective point of view on the matter after all the mess. If you can't trust and talk to Grido, speak to me- even though Grido is deserving of at least some of your respect for not ending this alliance in the first place, even during a war, putting his reputation with Golemus on the choppig block potentially. Can you not see that?

Rhaegar and tankfans, you are both savelites yes? just without the badge. As far as I am concerned this should mean you care more about the alliance as a whole than throwing accusations around and making demands and statements on Forums. Have you both stopped to think perhaps this isnt war? That perhaps if you actually took the time to contact us and work with us you might find a pair of ears willing to listen, mouths willing to discuss, heads willing to think as long as you are similar in kind? Perhaps you would rather fight over the matter...I don't know...are you even aware that Grido has already spoken to Morquor?

@Lib - it has been 3 days. We are building our loyalty so that we can start inviting people in and discussing the matter. I have already set a structure in place to help the members stop their alliance being taken again so long as they have a viable leader. Then it will be down to who cares about the alliance, and who in fact only cares about themselves and just wants to be back in an alliance- and no, I will not lay it out word for word on this forum. It is a matter for the savelites to speak with me and Grido about, whoever they may be.

and Ud is right....making assumptions just makes an...im sure you know the expression.

I said it at the start in so many words and I will say it again. We will not cow tow to any demands and whinging. Come to us and speak to us or PM us with reason and logic, ready to have a discussion without losing your rag, we want you to succeed.

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i am in same position as tankfans
we will speak when i leave Golemus, i see no more purpose in fighting on forums

side note: i am willing to accept the reformation of the Church, but i cannot stand the feeling of GG influence, if that what you people say its true, if Grido's intentions are true, then you have my grace in rebuilding the Church altought i don't think you need or care of it

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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hey mates, you ever heard of sleep? yes, i do it too

and Rhaegar i have ~always~ had my suspicions about you being KB's alt, especially since when i pirated the alliance, and tankfans, i know you aren't an alt, you were amoung the "4" it was you, KB, BT, and ~possibly~ Rhaegar, there? happy?

Besides Rhaegar, you called me and my men "Pirate Scum" in a previous post, and you're offended by me calling you an alt? laughable, mate.

Also Z if i find my mate that was in there previously, I'll send him your way, and no, he won't invite me in, or anything silly like that, as long as the Savelites are on the up and up i have no desire in pirating their alliance again, I haven't backed out on my word yet.


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hint to Cryxus: KB is from USA, i am from Serbia, i hope that eliminates your doubts :)

and yes, i called you what i called you, and i don't need to justify it, you were invading us

if Savelites are going to be rebuild, i suggest that only true followers take part, and i think accepting Cryxus's spies isn't good thing to do, not that he will threat the stability, just as a symbol, his presence would be bad to the reputation of the Church
i personally had forgiven those Pirates, mostly cause no harm was done

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[center]mate im not getting dragged further than this, but i was wondering if you could do me a favor, who was that bloke that was just under me in loyalty when i took over? i dont recall his name off the top of my head :P i'll know it if i see it... and mate, i told you, i dont care about putting any of my "spies" in place, I actually wanna see the alliance prosper... I'm trying to put in the person i saw as a good example of a follower...

anyhow... i seriously don't know why you think im gonna backstab, i havent backstabbed anyone yet, and i live by my word... it makes me look bad if i go around bakstabbing people, and frankly i dont need that reputation



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loyalty system in MD isn't a sign of loyalty Cryx
and i dont think you will backstab Savelites, its just isnt right to have your spectators in alliance, symbolic i mean

edit: or anyone else

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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First off, could either Rhaegar Targaryen or tankfans explain to me, or to anyone for that matter, what the point of the Savelite Church alliance was? You both protest so much about it having been taken over and disbanded, yet you say nothing about why you feel that way. Is it simply because it was 'your alliance' and is no longer? Do you know the history of its founder? Do you know what he wanted? Can you tell anyone anything about this alliance [i]other[/i] than the fact that it was based in Loreroot and has been considered by many to be completely pointless?
You want to do something with this alliance? Perhaps you should prove to those who currently have the power that you actually know something about its purpose. Screaming about pirates and hidden enemies makes you look foolish and pathetic. Stop complaining and start doing.

Now (Zl-eye-f)-nea, how, exactly, should any previous member of this alliance be "grateful" to Grido for anything he has done? They should ‘be happy that he did not obliterate the alliance?’ Grido did not keep the alliance out of some altruistic desire to see it rebuilt; he kept it around because King Manu would have flayed him alive for such an act.
Furthermore, Grido's underhanded tactics are comparable to a stranger waltzing into a house, kicking out everyone who lives there, and then changing the locks so that none can re-enter. Should these people should be "grateful" that he chose to not burn the house down in the process?
Their anger and distrust of Grido, and Golemus Golemicarum by extension, is quite understandable. They have proven that they cannot be trusted and have no honor. "Even in war, there are rules." In a game such as this, one does not sneak into an alliance and rip it apart from the interior when conflict seems imminent. The Savelite Church was not the only target to this treachery. However, the Children of the Eclipse protected itself from such subversion.

In the end, what Grido did was despicable and dishonorable. The Savelite Church, whatever it was, whatever problems it may have been experiencing, has been treated with the utmost of disrespect. He can justify it how he wishes, but the fact remains that, during a time of potential conflict, he infiltrated an opposing alliance and dismantled it for no other reason than to eliminate a potential source of opposition.
The previous members wish to rebuild or remake the Savelite Church and they should be allowed, without the interference of outsiders, without their rules or regulations.
I certainly cannot blame former members if they do not wish to abide those who unjustly occupy their previous residence.

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I respect your opinion Watcher, and I can see how you see your points, valid or not.

Firstly: Do not speak for what Mur would or wouldn't do. He can speak for himself, using his name so flippantly as a power tool against Grido, for me, is unacceptable - Unless you are Mur himself or have an actual quote from him saying he will do something, you cannot say what he would or wouldn't do.

Secondly: For one thing, as far as im concerned war is war, unjust occupation? I think not. For another, those that were in the alliance allowed it to end up like this - the blame can be laid on no other I'm afraid, im sorry Savelites...but it can't be any other way, decisions you guys made let this happen as far as I can see. It was already the subject of mockery well before Grido. I, for one, don't want to see it go to rack and ruin, as such, Im trying to help to fix it and help them manage things more efficiently and with better security, which it's obvious they could do with a hand with.

Lastly: Please don't call tankfans and Rhaegar foolish and pathetic. Flinging insults isnt going to help anyone and will only enrage matters further - is that in fact your aim? Whether I agree or not, by your own statement, they have every right to be upset - people act out when they are upset - If you choose to set foot on this thread and state your opinion, blatantly flaming Grido with use of deliberately emotive phrasiology - then I would suggest you deal with their emotional state. One which you claim to understand.

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Good job (till now) Z. If you do the cards, you can borrow my money (please!)

If you need another technomage unable to fix a bike I'm yours.

(not exactly) Out of topic: What if my boss would be democratic elected?

& more: who's getting me outa GG when Yrt is not and Grido is Savinglights?

Edited by GgSeverin
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[i][b]The Savelites Church[/b][/i]

Faith can make a warrior invincible, and bring wisdom if it is placed in the right cause. Lone and poor souls are given life, strength and purpose, in a church deep within the heart of the forest of Loreroot. It is within this church that the presence of the Great Ghost Savelfuser is evident, who will guide and protect his worshippers at any cost.

The Savelites church is an alliance that wants to rediscover the wealth and treasures that are hidden in this world. It is a peaceful alliance, yearning for the peace in this world. Wars are the worst enemy of relics and knowledge, as they get buried and forgotten in the winds of time. We want to rediscover these relics and use them to bring order to this world. We also want to give back to the world, so we will teach and assist fellow adventurers in need of help and advice.

The chruch is divided in two groups, the Church Officials and the acolytes. The church officials will lead the church into prosperity. They will drive the church efforts to bring peace, gather knowledge and relics, and maintain healthy relationship with the other alliances. The acolytes will carry out tasks to find and seek relics and help the church prosper, actively seeking and assuming new roles.

Being in the heart of loreroot, we will also protect the forest from any harm. We are allied with the guardians of the root and have a non-attacking and cooperation agreement at all times. We also have a non-attacking agreement with Golemus Guerilla only during times of war.

EDIT: This is our original mission/vision.

Edited by tankfans
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I feel the need for at least a semi-epic post, with lots of direct quoting, the reason i havent already done this is because i spent most of yesterday travelling and thus without internet, and have only recently got my wireless connected again.

right, on with the quotage [quote name='Watcher']Now (Zl-eye-f)-nea, how, exactly, should any previous member of this alliance be "grateful" to Grido for anything he has done? They should ‘be happy that he did not obliterate the alliance?’ Grido did not keep the alliance out of some altruistic desire to see it rebuilt; he kept it around because King Manu would have flayed him alive for such an act.[/quote] [quote name='Zleip']Firstly: Do not speak for what Mur would or wouldn't do. He can speak for himself, using his name so flippantly as a power tool against Grido, for me, is unacceptable - Unless you are Mur himself or have an actual quote from him saying he will do something, you cannot say what he would or wouldn't do.[/quote] you see, i now can say what Mur would or wouldn't do ;)

Mur quotage on YIM

Well that point at least is well and truly clarified.

[quote name='Watcher']They have proven that they cannot be trusted and have no honor. "Even in war, there are rules." In a game such as this, one does not sneak into an alliance and rip it apart from the interior when conflict seems imminent.[/quote] where did you even get that quote from? i have another ''All is fair in love and war''
cannot be trusted? i have proved that time and time again with various people, aparently not with you, but ask anyone that i actually talk to in game, you aparently like to hide behind your forum name so we cant contact you in game.
''one'' doesn't do that? any and all methods of fighting in war time are accepted, have you never heard of spies and espionage? i'm sure if i looked i can find an example in real life of some similar situation occuring.

[quote name='Watcher']He can justify it how he wishes, but the fact remains that, during a time of potential conflict, he infiltrated an opposing alliance and dismantled it for no other reason than to eliminate a potential source of opposition.[/quote] ''for no other reason''? i have stated my main reason as it being a point of the war, and it being defunct
''opposition'' the alliance had 5 members in it, all of which could likely find happy homes in one of the other two Lorerootian alliances if they wanted, so it wouldnt have been a good job if i had been trying to get rid of opposition would it now?

[quote name='Watcher']The previous members wish to rebuild or remake the Savelite Church and they should be allowed, without the interference of outsiders, without their rules or regulations.[/quote] We are trying make it as it once was, the previous members can apply to rejoin, but the fear is that if we just give it back to them, the alliance will go back into the state that it was.

hope this clears up some matters
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  • 2 weeks later...

Although many may not visibly understand this, for those that do I am placing this note - I feel I have helped Grido in whatever way was possible with this now, and have done my duty by Bob, I am going to leave the rest in Grido's capable hands.

I wish you all the best Grido and Savelites, whoever you may be :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, me again. I know, I know, my questioning gets tiresome. However, for one who has not been here long this is quite confusing, perhaps the issues involved could be clarified?

Grido took the alliance and kicked everyone out, why? Because he wanted to fix it, that's what he says. Others say that this was done in order to aid in the process of the war. Grido has made a good point that if anyone in the alliance had wanted to be involved they could have easily hopped in on another alliance. Of course the overall point of the war was to get Raven to step down because of poor leadership. GG claimed Lore root to be fragmented and disorganized. Certainly Grido having done what he did made it look even more so, hurting Raven in the eyes of the public. Also, Grido considered entirely disbanding the group, perhaps though, to get rid of what he considered a group that had stagnated and no longer served a purpose.

It would seem that the church contained very few members, and, according to Cryxus was not accepting members that really should have been involved. Of course, there appears to have been a conflict in the past between the pirates and the church, so it can't be said that passing his advice was entirely unreasonable. Not to say that I agree, Cryxus, as far as I am concerned, is an honest fellow. He's not the sort to sidle up all friendly and sneak a knife between your ribs. He may sneak in and rob you blind, but he won't lie in doing so.

Grido has mentioned that the condition the church was in is shown by the fact that he was able to do this, but, as has previously been mentioned, loyalty in the game has less than nothing to do with loyalty. Perhaps for us who don't know quite so much we could have explained in more detail what the church was initially, what dreadful thing it apparently became, and what it is that you mean to do with it Grido. This topic is after all "The Savelites". Perhaps an explanation of what it is you plan to do with it, in more detail, would assuage the animosity of some individuals involved. My understanding is that this church is a religious one. Are you a believer in whatever this church stands for? Sure, you're an honest trustworthy fellow, but is that enough to make you the man for this job? Perhaps it is, I'm just curious. You may have the best of intentions in mind, and perhaps I am just being silly and this is all explained elsewhere, but it may be helpful to explain yourself further.

I beg pardon if what I have requested is readily available elsewhere, but it would seem that others are also bereft of this information, or perhaps just don't like it.

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Savel's Church was created to worship the Great Ghost Savelfuser...

long story short:
Savel was the first mp6 in the game, and used his abilities in the shade war, and once that war-thingy was done, he left the Guerilla and made a new role for himself, being the noble protector of the weak and such, and with the help of Morquor [and a few others, but Morquor was the leading figure back then] he formed a Church of people who prayed to him and got implemented as Guild because the idea was kinda nice.

nowadays, mp6 is not a privilege anymore [which has been proven by Jester and me], but a mere thing of activity and spamming people LOL
and Savelfuser, who was the great point of the Savelites, left.

in the same way as DS are pointless nowadays, the Church is nonexistant with nothing to pray to (leave me alone with praying in his absence, i know you can pray to things that are not there... but let's not start this fight on this level, please) and that's why it needs reformation.

The desolate system of the Church allowed people like Cryxus and KB to take over and use it as their private alliance, which must be prevented...
allies are there for a greater good and to serve some purpose, not for peoples private 'YAY, i'm cool and own an ally'-complex [right, i'm talking about the Creators or whatever they call themselves these days]

thanks for your attention, and please feel free to flame me all you want, i can take that ^^

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really short comment here :D

there *should* be a post up later today regarding accepting requests for invites, there will of course be stipulations, but the post will also outline what will happen with the alliance, thank you for your patience

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[quote name='Burns' post='30036' date='May 3 2009, 04:58 PM']allies are there for a greater good and to serve some purpose, not for peoples private 'YAY, i'm cool and own an ally'-complex [right, i'm talking about the Creators or whatever they call themselves these days][/quote]

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