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I looked at darkside the alliance and it comes up with all this froum stuff. I tried putting it in as a website but it just said id not valid. I see it has 2 members but nothing seems to be happening with it. Whats going on?
ps sorry if this is a stupid question i was just curios


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Dark Side

Briskness = 10 / 10
Attack = 20 / 20
Defence = 20 / 20

2 / 10 members

Score: 0

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/app-housing/details.php on line 101

Im sorry its not forum stuff. Im not sure what it is or what it means. It doesnt display this for any other alliance page. Could someone tell me what this means.


You checked that in the Wind Sanctuary in Marind's Bell right? (in the alliance's thingy inside the sanctuary).

That is an old, inactive alliance (it has no members and it hasn't been used in more than one year- the time I started playing). It was created when alliances were first tested. I don't know for which reason it stayed there although it should have ben removed.


Ok thx dst. But why does it say it has 2 members? And if its inactive maybe someone should get it going again. These are just my points of views and questions.


I haven't seen any players with the Darkside alliance logo which makes me think of 2 things: either the members are long gone (stopped playing) either they are well hidden (ready to appear when time will come or whatever). I am inclined to choose the first option (sustained by the fact that you get the errors which means something is not right in there).
And there is no point in reviving it since it was used for tests (this assuming again first option is the correct one). Nowadays to start an alliance requires lots and lots of hard work (look at CoE and the pirates alliance -which is not even now a full alliance with logo and everything).

To summarize: let it go for the moment. Consider it as a left over from long gone tests.


yea thats all errors showing up, 2 members, thats some error/bug with deserted alliances, some have 0 members some have 1 some have 2 while they all actually have none members.... and darkside alliance, or better said any alliance that is oriented to dark wont ever appear in marind bell for sure


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