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Poisonous Blob

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This monster is something of a rival to the GG drachorns in the terms of potential power. It is incredibly powerful against strong rituals with lots of Vitality.

Concious Muk

A small puddle of slime that has gained conciousness due to over exposure to the Root.

Vital Energy 500/500
Attack 10
Defence 15
Initiative 0

Target: Random
Abilities: Life-Steal

Concious Muk II

As the Muk grows in it's earthly experience, so does it's size.

Vital Energy 1500/1500
Attack 40
Defence 75
Initiative 4

Target: Multi
Abilities: Damage, Acid*

Vivid Blob

In order to survive, the Vivid Blob now has to consume large ammounts of material to keep it's conciousness; living or dead.

Vital Energy 3500/3500
Attack 60
Defence 95
Initiative 3

Target: Multi
Abilities: Damage, Acid*

Vivid Blob II

Because of it's massive size, this beast has become a burden on it's habitat and has grown tired of lying in wait for it's prey.

Vital Energy 4500/4500
Attack 70
Defence 150
Initiative 3

Target: Multi
Abilities: Damage, Acid*

Gargantuan Blob

This massive blob leaves a trail of destruction in it's path. It is now so large it has gained a second conciousness in it's stomach.

Vital Energy 5500/5500
Attack 100
Defence 200
Initiative 4

Target: All
Abilities: Damage, Acid*

*Acid is a new ability that takes it's strength from the total ammount of vitality in the players ritual, and multiplies it by (.100(Defense)).

Edited by Fenrir Greycloth
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where is the limit for the acid effect?

if i used it in a single, it'd have 2000 attack, therefore aciding all enemies for all their vit x2 LOL
and a whole bunch of people out there are over 1000 by now ;-)

overall, it's nice but overpowered...
even as RPC reward...

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[quote]therefore aciding all enemies for all their vit x2[/quote]
i'm a little tired, so correct me if i misread it, but i think what burns meant is that hitting all enemies for double of their vit means instantly overkilling them in a single action.

[quote]Yes, it would be extremely powerful on the first attack, but the second... nothing[/quote]
right, the second attak would be something like "xxxx cant find enemy target" because they all died in the first attack ;P

ok, ok i'm pretty sure i misread it, but nonetheless burns made a point when asking for a damage cap of the effect. you compared it to the elemental, which is capped at 20% (and btw, you'll surely remember that a single elemental [b]can[/b] defeat a powerful rit by itself)

the idea itself [b]is[/b] nice though, it just needs a little tweaking ;)

[edit: (just something to note) not sure if its an unwritten law for creatures, but there is no creature with more than 5000 VE right now, so the blob would be the only/first]

Edited by Nex
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*Acid is a new ability that takes it's strength from the total ammount of vitality in the players ritual, and multiplies it by (.100(Defense)).

I am not sure if you guys missed that or not, but this would divide the total damage... oh wait. That is still WAY to high. Lol. Maybe .001 would be better?

I admit the idea still needs a lot of tweaking, but it is something I am willing to work on.

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  • 2 months later...

.1(defense) I'm pretty sure the difficulty lies in use having no idea what you mean by that. Is that .1*(my personal defense stat)*(Total Ve of the enemy's ritual? Cause that's clearly going to cause problems. Huge huge huge problems. Like, if I have 6 defense and the enemy is using 6 critters with roughly equally distributed Ve, I win in 2 rounds. Completely equal and it's a one round win. If you mean .001, that means a person needs 600 defense to do the same thing. Now, if it means the defense of your critter, then they only need 400, as the critter already has 200 defense. Of course, this has all been ignoring the opponents defense, I'm not sure, perhaps it does ignore the opponent's defense?

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