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Impressions before A9

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  • Root Admin

I want to hear your objective and subjective opinions about how you see the evolution of MD, both technological and social evolution/involution.

Please take a look at first Alpha 8 entry in the newslog and see what steps have been made during A8.

I want you impression about declaring it as Alpha 9 and consider Alpha 8 a finished chapter of MD history.

As you all know i am very strict about jumping development stages names, chaning the name is more important than it seems, it means major functionality or social evolution changes took place and they are considered final and with the new stage, new features will be developed that will shake things even more.

Its not good to stay at one stage forever and its not good be hasty and declare endless version changes.

So , is the game the same without changes done in A8, can they be considered final? even if unfinished?

And speaking of names, means A10 = 1.0 Beta ? ;) will there be a FINAL version ever? i don't think so, but i want to hear what you think about it.

Declaring a new stage is like a new coat, it might protect from wind the same as the old coat, but it gives you a good fresh feeling and improved moral, are we ready for that, or do we need to adjust the current coat a bit more before accepting a new one.

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  • Root Admin

A08 has achieved a lot from my perspective

There has been
The creation of the MDNP, a paper run by MD people for MD people,
a short if unconclusive election of loreroot
Inner Necrovon opened up
The Prision!
Leadership of Archivests changed
Nature of Bug Finders
Public Stoneing
Second MD Festival

On the technical Side there has been
CTC - a big change
Tons of Items
Tokens that make creatures unique
MD Script (that needs some globals ;) )
Basic Look at AI

Overall these have been some pretty big changes that have effected How we interact with the world. I feel this is the time for a movement into the next "Stage" as some wonderful things have been achieved in This one.

[quote name='King Manu' post='29859' date='May 1 2009, 06:50 PM']And speaking of names, means A10 = 1.0 Beta ? ;) will there be a FINAL version ever? i don't think so, but i want to hear what you think about it.[/quote]

Magicduel is not likely to ever be Perfect. I think of the Stages more as time periods where you can see what things have happened. It will ever be changing but these changes will be defined in different changes.

Alpha 8 is for me the enhancement of the Role Playing System and a shift from simple grinding to something more in line with what (i think) you wanted.

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one of the things i like most at MD is constant developing, always looking for new ideas...
i'm just afraid of something bad happening, like nuclear strike that will wipe out server database or something(ok thats a bit extreme but you get the point xD)... who knows what.
may it last long, for centuries at least ;)

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Depends on what you call perfect Chewett. I am extremely happy with the direction this game has taken. The technical aspect of the game gets boring after awhile, but the social interactions with RPCs and PWRs make the game interesting. The introduction of new content every few days is quite fun as well.

As for Manu's post, I believe these updates definitely deserve a progress title, but I would like to see an update of most of the pages in MD first. There are many unfinished creature discriptions, several pages have outdated and misleading information as well. (Heads Contest page for instance) Nothing major but a general clean up would help set a proffesional view of the game as it nears its final stages. I understand if this can be put of until later, and I am okay with that. It is just something I feel needs to be addressed.

I think that there will be a final version, but that does not mean updates are not needed. Adjusting and adding new content is something that every game has to do, otherwise people will get bored and leave.

I will add some other stuff later...

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And I quote from the Developement page, which is out of date.

"Alpha 8 Illusions and MP2 start stage"

While that didn't happen, I do feel that Magic Duel is ready for Alpha 9. If you think about the prominent people from Alpha 7 and 8 (Renavoid, Nelya, Aqune, etc.) there is a strong shift in leadership and in participation as a whole. I think that this is the most important thing to note.

To me, and perhaps this will always be true, I see Alphas as generations, as in each Alpha a new batch of children are born, ready to be grown and eventually to take over their parent's jobs. Maybe that's just me.

Any way you look at it though, Alpha 8 included major changes in the way this "game" is played, and who plays it.

So I say, yes. Let's plow ahead. Alpha 9, here we come.


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  • Root Admin

while reading your posts i had an ideea ...what if we call alpha stages AGES... so we could call it that we are now in age 8. that will turn it from alpha to something else and will never end.

what do you think? its just a thought.

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Whether you wish to call them stages, Alphas, ages, or layers of a cake, the point is the same. This game, this place, and the people who play it all evolve together.

The real question is whether we have reached a new stage of development, not what to call it.

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hmm interesting thought, but then it could easily be misunderstood with how old game is.... and as watcher said, question is did we reached new level of development, and from third point of view development is going pretty much "random", mainly depending on your mood, not on how things you have planed to do or how do you want them, its like you put everything in one pot, both new ideas and planned ones and then you pick them depending how you fell what should be done next, or at least thats how i see it, exception to this is when community in realm makes some movement then you are kinda forced to do something third

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  • Root Admin

The game needs a definate time period that wont be confused with the game still being developed. Now people think the game isn't finished because it is alpha. This is not the case as we all know but appearance is a great thing to new players. Ages or Epoch's or whatever we call is needed to make the game seem solid or as if its finished to new people.

Surely factions will come later in the next "age" we have accomplished much in this time and factions will be a very big change that may span several "ages"

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[quote name='King Manu' post='29963' date='May 2 2009, 04:06 PM']while reading your posts i had an ideea ...what if we call alpha stages AGES... so we could call it that we are now in age 8. that will turn it from alpha to something else and will never end.

what do you think? its just a thought.[/quote]

i like the age thing and i think it would fit well with the game growth im all for it :good:

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