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Announcement - Election, Speaker of the Law

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The election to replace the Speaker of the Law will be open in one half-hour, 0800 Server time, Day 137, and will remain open for 48 hours, that is until 0800 Server Time, Day 139.

The nominees:
[*] Gremlin
[*] Mya Celestia
[*] Siala Lone Wolf
[*] Lady Renata
[*] Sparrhawk
Please send all votes to Karak via PM. [u]TITLE[/u] your PM "LOREROOT ELECTION - SPEAKER OF THE LAW". Make sure it is clear who you are and for whom you are voting.

I have removed Windy from the list of nominees as she has resigned from the Guardians of the Root.

This voting is open to ALL residents of the land of Loreroot, including the neutral Crafters if they desire to cast their votes*. To those not yet affiliated with a land, I offer encouragement to submit your name to one of our Censors, Mya Celestia or Gremlin, and indicate your desire to vote in this election. If you have another homeland, I humbly request that you refrain from voting.

Thank you for your co-operation.

*As neutrals, the Crafters are under no obligation whatsoever with respect to the inter-alliance organisation represented by the High Council.

Edited by Tarquinus
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"Please send all votes to .Pamplemousse. via PM. [u]TITLE[/u] your PM "LOREROOT ELECTION - SPEAKER OF THE LAW".

When I was approached to count these votes, I agreed to do so as an impartial organizer and ticker of pm's sent to me. However, based on the circumstances of the past Council elections, as well as recent events, I have re-thought my decision and I must ask this: why can't this, and why wasn't the previous election, open to the public?

What makes someone a Lorerootian? Perhaps there are those with an attachment to the land and a desire for its movement back to a viable, thriving land, yet are not in the alliance. Do they not have a say?

I do not wish to complicate the matters currently at hand within the Loreroot alliance, but I feel that a private voting without evaluation and lacking in supervision from a neutral source is not fair to the Land of Loreroot, nor the people who would have a say in its restoration and reemergence as a whole and dynamic land.

Myself, and others, neutral in our loyalty, land affiliation and dedication, would be more than willing to facilitate another voting process, one that is open to all those who wish to contribute. If you wish me to participate and to use my neutrality as a tool to aid your elections and your land, I will, as I would do for any land that asked that of me, as well. However, I will only do so if the elections are re-held to allow those who wish to vote the opportunity to do so.

You may ask what gives me the right to ask these questions and put forth these conditions; my assistance has now been requested twice by seperate Loreroot members. If you do not wish outsiders to inquire about your endeavors, then perhaps outside help should not have been solicited. Elections should be open to the public and evaluated by neutral, diverse and fair sources from across the land, not just myself and not just Lorerootians.

Reason for edit:can't figure out how to quote someone

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I'm neither condemning nor condoning what is being done with this election. I am simply curious. I don't want this thread to turn into another flame fest.

Loreroot seems to me (my opinion, not necessarily fact) to want to run this election for their people, by their people. What does the rest of the realm have to do with who is in what position?

It is my understanding (again opinion, not fact) that the rest of the realm has little to do with what goes on in other lands, such as GG or Necro (just examples, not specifically that there is anything wrong or right with them). Yet... when power changes hands, or people are assigned specific roles within the way that land is run, it isn't brought in as a public debate (not saying it should be, just stating it as an example).

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Oh my, I certainly do not wish this to be an accusatory or derisive post, I am not impuigning or rebuking anyone for their actions.

Like I said, I am asking these questions because I (not a Lorerootian) have been asked to assist in the Lorerootian elections. They do not necessarily need to be anwsered, either.

It is not my decision, nor should it be, to decide how or why a certain land assigns power or how to govern themselves, but it is in my interest to know why and how if I am to be a part of it.

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Dearest Pamplemousse,

Your question:

[quote]What makes someone a Lorerootian? Perhaps there are those with an attachment to the land and a desire for its movement back to a viable, thriving land, yet are not in the alliance. Do they not have a say?[/quote]

Tarquinus, from the [i]original [/i]post:

[quote]This voting is open to ALL residents of the land of Loreroot, including the neutral Crafters if they desire to cast their votes*. To those not yet affiliated with a land, I offer encouragement to submit your name to one of our Censors, Mya Celestia or Gremlin, and indicate your desire to vote in this election. If you have another homeland, I humbly request that you refrain from voting.[/quote]

Yes! there are indeed Lorerootians not registered in any alliance, and they too have been encouraged from the start to vote in this election.

Phantom Orchid
Priestess of the CoE

Edited by Phantom Orchid
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The people of Loreroot have spoken, and think almost unanimously that this election should be a matter for people of Loreroot. My guidelines posted above stand: if you wish to vote in the election but have no homeland, please notify Gremlin or Mya Celestia.

All votes should be submitted to Karak. If you sent a vote to Pamplemousse, worry not, for she has given to Karak the few votes she received.

On behalf of the inter-alliance cooperation of Loreroot, I offer heartfelt thanks to Pamplemousse for her offer to moderate and her honest criticism and recommendations. Let no one question her integrity or her neutrality, for she is a model of both. I cannot emphasise strongly enough that Pamplemousse is neither an ally nor a puppet of Loreroot in any way, but a dignified and independent neutral.

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altought atm i am not in any Loreroot alliance, i always was and always be a Lorerootian...
the voting... hm... i wont participate in voting for i do not know much about the candidates
i know you will all chose right

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1.Why suddenly Pamplemousse is no longer wanted in your elections? What is wrong with what she requested?

2. [quote name='Tarquinus' post='31366' date='May 18 2009, 07:01 AM']The nominees:

[b] * Gremlin
* Mya Celestia[/b]
* Siala Lone Wolf
* Lady Renata
* Sparrhawk

To those not yet affiliated with a land, I offer encouragement to submit your name to one of our Censors, [b]Mya Celestia or Gremlin[/b][/quote]

Why persons that should be voted are gathering votes?

3. What neutral party decided that those 4 should be voted?

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1. This question has been answered already.

2. Censors determine the size and constituency of the electorate, and do not collect votes. The process of vote collection is simple, and has been explicitly stated.

3. Neutral parties do not name nominees. Does Japan nominate candidates for office in Romania? These nominees - and there are five, not four - were named by Lorerootians.

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[quote]Why persons that should be voted are gathering votes?[/quote]

[quote post='31469' date='May 18 2009, 11:06 PM']All votes should be submitted to Karak. If you sent a vote to Pamplemousse, worry not, for she has given to Karak the few votes she received.[/quote]

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