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Paper Shaper Contest


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Presenting the first Paper Shaper contest.
This contest is aimed at new players and its purpose is to encourage both writing personal papers and roleplay. It is based on the idea in [topic="4199"]this topic[/topic]. If you have any remarks, please post them there, as this thread is only intended for sign-up purposes.

- First place 5 MD silver coins and an aged elemental.
- Second place 5 MD silver coins.
- Third place 2 MD silver coins.
Additional rewards may be given, depending on circumstances.

[u][size=3]How to sign up?[/size][/u]
Either post in this forum topic, or send a private message to [b]one[/b] of the jury members.**

[u][size=3]Contest Rules:[/size][/u]
- The deadline for applications is June 14 at 23h Server time.
- All participants have to have an active day count within the [10, 100] range at June 14.
- Only main accounts are allowed.
- A character can only enter this contest once, regardless of active day count.
- All characters that wish to partake in this contest, are required to have their public profile visible.*** Failure to do so by June 14, will disqualify the character from both this contest and future editions.
- Papers will be reviewed by the jury members** starting from june 14, 23h server time. The top 5 will be publicized on the forum, the other participants will be sent their individual scores by private mail.
- The scoring method is outlined below.*
- Only the comments on self and the hate list will be reviewed. Not the alliance papers, the military ways and believes or any others. This is to make the contest as fair as possible: everybody gets the same amount of paper.
- The words of the jury members are final.
- Participants are encouraged to have their papers proofread by other players or ask advise both on story writing, the MD realm, html and javascript... However, during the contest jury members will not help anyone with their papers.
- Should a participant be the adept of one of the jury members, said jury member will be replaced by the average of the other 3 jury members' scores.
- Any attempts at bribery will result in disqualification and expulsion from future contests.

[u]*Scoring method:[/u]
1. Each of the following Criteria will be given a rating from 1 to 5, by each of the jury members, for a total of 80 points maximum:

1.1 Literary skills, style, presentation
[indent]How well is your character presented? Grammar, punctuation, use of paragraphs and maybe some eye candy make papers fun to look at. Clever word use, rhyme schemes and your own literary style make them worth reading.[/indent]
1.2 Originality
[indent]Memorable characters are the ones that stand out, that are more unique than others. Be it an unsuspected twist on an old tale, a complicated scheme or something we've never heard before.[/indent]
1.3 Character balance and integration with MD
[indent]We can't all be number one, in fact most people are average. (If you don't believe this, google Normal distribution.) You might be better at some things, but you'll be worse at others. MD does not have stat buy like d&d has and even if you were to "translate" all characters into that system, not all of them would have started with 32 points. Some people like to have powerful characters, others have fun with 'gimped' characters, but no one likes to play with a godmodder. You should also keep in mind that Magic Duel is not a game of elves and dwarves nuking each other with fireball spells. The game mechanics only let a small amount of people cast spells. Your character might work to one day mastering one or two very powerful spells, but no one starts with them.
1.4 Roleplay, character adaptability and purpose
[indent]Staying in character is very important for a roleplay game! And so is having a character that can grow and adapt. You don't want to get bored of your character once he/she/it has done everything you've planned to do. New challenges should keep you occupied and they should come natural. Debts you've made while working towards your primary goal, new information that spiked your character's curiosity. How will your character deal with these, or with boredom? Your character's ideals and purpose are a key factor in determining it's future and interaction with others.[/indent]
2. Aside from this, each jury member can give an additional 2 bonus points or subtract two malus points, at his or her own discretion.

[u]**Jury members:[/u]
Awiiya, Intrigue, Kafuuka and Willem Redbeard

[u][size=3]List of participants[/size][/u]
[url="http://magicduel.com/players/blackwood%20forest"]Blackwood Forest[/url]
[url="http://magicduel.com/players/Feanor%20Xalazian"]Feanor Xalazian[/url]
[url="http://magicduel.com/players/Phantom%20Orchid"]Priestess Phantom Orchid[/url]
[url="http://magicduel.com/players/Kyphis"]Kyphis The Bard[/url]
[url="http://magicduel.com/players/King%20Daimon"]King Daimon[/url]
[url="http://magicduel.com/players/Death%20Ray"]Death Ray[/url]
[url="http://magicduel.com/players/Talos%20Salvitore"]Talos salvitore[/url]
[url="http://magicduel.com/players/Eman%20Emaul"]Eman Emaul[/url]
(i'll try to update this as often as possible)

*** To make the public profile visible again, open your personal page in HTML mode, remove everything, including breaks and white spaces, and save it in hmtl mode. If you have no idea what we're talking about then you never edited it and thus it's still working perfect. [b]You can verify yours and other participant's profiles by looking at the links in the list of participants. Also we will [u]try[/u] to verify if anything has gone wrong and look for a solution. [/b] With different browsers and a mix of scripts you never know, but the emphasis of this contest is not knowledge of browsers at all.

[right]We wish you all the best of luck,
The Paper Shaper Jury[/right]

Edited by Kafuuka
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[quote name='septumus' post='32717' date='Jun 4 2009, 03:37 PM']Awesome! Finally a reason to sit down and actually write out a character background. One question though, where are we supposed to submit our entry to? In the PM or in this thread?[/quote]

It is enough to write here and tell you want to perticipate. Don´t be offendend but for me it is sad to hear you only want to envolve a character story because of the reasons above, some rewards. But at least you WILL create a story! :good:

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[quote name='Blackwoodforest' post='32718' date='Jun 4 2009, 08:56 AM']It is enough to write here and tell you want to perticipate. Don´t be offendend but for me it is sad to hear you only want to envolve a character story because of the reasons above, some rewards. But at least you WILL create a story! :good:[/quote]

Don't take my statement above the wrong way. I've been in the works of developing my character but as opposed to taking a month to write out the background lazily, I'll be doing it in the next 10 days :P Not to mention I'm still trying to get a feel for the realm here. Despite being rich in lore and archives it is still like a huge puzzle to me LOL!

I've been RPing since I first discovered P&P games as a kid, developing a character is half the fun of playing the game!

That and I was wondering how to submit the story, I've heard talk of papers before but still don't know what they are or how to get them.

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sept, personal papers can be found in the archives, head north of Winds Sanctuary and continue North, when you get to the main Archive building, enter it and take the corridor on the left, clic on the man in that room at the desk, you can get your papers off him

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[quote name='Grido' post='32720' date='Jun 4 2009, 09:13 AM']sept, personal papers can be found in the archives, head north of Winds Sanctuary and continue North, when you get to the main Archive building, enter it and take the corridor on the left, clic on the man in that room at the desk, you can get your papers off him[/quote]

Many thanks, found it and got my papers!

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[quote name='septumus' post='32719' date='Jun 4 2009, 04:06 PM']Don't take my statement above the wrong way. I've been in the works of developing my character but as opposed to taking a month to write out the background lazily, I'll be doing it in the next 10 days :P Not to mention I'm still trying to get a feel for the realm here. Despite being rich in lore and archives it is still like a huge puzzle to me LOL!

I've been RPing since I first discovered P&P games as a kid, developing a character is half the fun of playing the game!

That and I was wondering how to submit the story, I've heard talk of papers before but still don't know what they are or how to get them.[/quote]

You are right, it is hard to involve your characters into the MD world if you don´t know anything at the beginning. Good luck for you! P&P rule! :good:

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[quote name='Kafuuka' date='Jun 4 2009, 03:44 PM' post='32711']
[u][size=3]How to sign up?[/size][/u]
Either post in this forum topic, or send a private message to [b]one[/b] of the jury members.**

Well why not ? I'm in

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Kriskah! Your Brilliant!

Windy and I have always directed new Mp3 and Mp4's to the Librarian in the Index Room to get their papers. It is hard to role play with someone when you don't know who they appear to be.

Some suggestions.

They should try not to take characters from the real world. If they do, they had better study up. Someone is always more informed and will show them the errors of their ways.

Papers do not have to match their names. If you came into MagicDuel as a noob with the name...say CandyMan, they don't have to BE a CandyMan or Eye candy or whatever. Coming in you were blind, now your eyes are open and you see how things can be.

I hope to see less Mp3 and Mp4 running around paperless. We need pedigrees! X D

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[quote name='SageWoman' post='32740' date='Jun 4 2009, 11:09 AM']Some suggestions.

They should try not to take characters from the real world. If they do, they had better study up. Someone is always more informed and will show them the errors of their ways.[/quote]

Thank you Sage *hugs*
I disagree with you, remember I am a merchant, and I never had too much criticism about my papers. I believe we need a bit more "real" characters on MD. (that is just my opinion)

Anyway, this post is for people to enter the contest so if its needed we can open a different one to talk about papers and roll playing on MD.


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[quote name='Kriskah Arcanu' post='32747' date='Jun 4 2009, 09:59 AM']Thank you Sage *hugs*
I disagree with you, remember I am a merchant, and I never had too much criticism about my papers. I believe we need a bit more "real" characters on MD. (that is just my opinion)

Anyway, this post is for people to enter the contest so if its needed we can open a different one to talk about papers and roll playing on MD.


Not to get too off topic on this, but I think Sage means, don't play someone called "Gandalf" and actually try to be Gandalf. Being a Merchant is a role, but not a specific known character that exists outside of MagicDuel.

Oh, and I'm really looking forward to this, it should be a lot of a fun.

P.S. I've told lots of people already, but just so everyone knows: I will be away from this Saturday (June 6) until the following Saturday. In case anyone wonders where I've suddenly disappeared to.

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[quote name='King Daimon' post='32797' date='Jun 5 2009, 01:45 PM']hello,i would like to participate too.. :rolleyes: is anything more required except to post here?[/quote]

Nope, you're all set Daimon.

Also, some people have asked me if it is alright to copy their comments on self into their personal paper instead of using the automatically generated profile. The idea behind using the profile is to be able to see your papers even if you are not online (idle). (timezones...)
That said, I see no harm in copying your comments on self into the profile. [b]However[/b] I do not think this is an advantage in this contest, since having two papers instead of one, makes the layout a lot easier. What we are evaluating is your comments on self and your hate list. (we also try to look at your roleplaying and in case there is any doubt: having a hate list is not mandatory.) To do this, we use the profile which contains a copy of each of your papers. If you wish to forfeit the advantage of having two separate papers...

I've also noticed a couple of broken links to pictures and in one occasion a combination of scripts seems to slow down browsers a lot. We'll do our best to verify your papers when we suspect Murphy has been troubling you, but it is infinitely better to check things yourself.

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[quote name='King Manu' post='32829' date='Jun 5 2009, 07:09 PM']I am backing up the MD Silver Coins rewards. Consider them double, and may i sugest increasing the top positions to 5 if there are more than 25 contestants?[/quote]

Mur, the prizes where higer but people advice me to make them smaller to avoid alts to enter. Anyway, the market funds can cover it.

Thank you for supporting our contest :rolleyes:


ps. Hmmm what type item would Berek the Cattleherd want?...perhaps a metal marker for cattle... what is the word for that?

Edited by Kriskah Arcanu
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[quote name='Kriskah Arcanu' post='32831' date='Jun 5 2009, 08:45 PM']ps. Hmmm what type item would Berek the Cattleherd want?...perhaps a metal marker for cattle... what is the word for that?[/quote]

A branding iron.

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Well I got sent a message about this contest and decided to try it out. I mean I joined this game because of the great roleplaying aspect of it (I love the beginning story by the way :D.

But one thing I'm not exactly sure about. I'm totally new to the concepts of MD. Ive played for a while now I guess and I know the magic concepts, but can you maybe summarize an introduction of the land and where our characters fit in. The stories don't exactly match up with the game plot. What exactly are our characters? ghosts from another world? gods? We don't seem to be the creatures.

Maybe a good link will do since I can't seem to find a background on the site. (It's probably right in front of me, but I don't notice it)(Heh) sorry for being troublesome. :unsure:

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that is for you to decide/learn for your self, it's the question not the answer that is important. but check around the forum you'll find some of what you want, the Kelle'tha Order holds much of it

Edited by stormrunner
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