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A Request For Help

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Yesterday I tried to ask Akasha a question, as she has a LHO message tag I thought she was LHO.

*From: .Akasha. (ID:1148)
*sent 8 hours and 33 minutes ago Read later

Original message:
Akasha, Do you know why your attack is not in my battle log anymore? My last ten fights are, but not that one. I'll ask around. Thank you Priestess Orchid

Original message
RE:Battle Log
=))) you really need to calm down..ask around but it is not me cheating ask about 1 word : burst =)) geeejjjzzz u have PROBLEMS !

*From: .Akasha. (ID:1148)
*sent 8 hours and 31 minutes ago Read later

Original message:
Akasha, Do you know why your attack is not in my battle log anymore? My last ten fights are, but not that one. I'll ask around. Thank you Priestess Orchid


Original message
RE:Battle Log
i tell you what: LEARN TO PLAY and after that come to me :P



Your reply to this message:
Aren't you a LHO? I was asking because I thought you were. I feel hurt that you call me those things. This game would be better if people would help each other out. bye

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I am out of words.

Did you use the burst? That erases all won fights. Anyway, sometimes battles dissapear. That happens to me a lot. I really dont know if that is a bug or what.
I wish I could give you more info on that :P

K Edited by Kriskah Arcanu
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[quote name='Chewett' post='33047' date='Jun 8 2009, 11:27 AM']hmm seems nice and friendly.

Yes when a burst is used fights are erased from the system. From both sides. So logs dont appear after someone has used a burst.[/quote]

Thank you Chewett. I wasn't aware it was erased on _both_ sides until today. See, I learn something new everyday.
In return I teach what I learn - It makes this realm all that much richer when there's cooperation.

*scrambles off to go tell more secrets to the spruce planted at Old Man's Road.*

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First, you forgot about your mesage :) don't worry i have it:

*From: Phantom Orchid (ID:141255)
*sent 10 hours and 44 minutes ago Read later
Battle Log

Do you know why your attack is not in my battle log anymore? My last ten fights are, but not that one. I'll ask around.

Thank you
Priestess Orchid

Second, this is like what? 3-4rd time you come to mie like i have done something wrong?

oh you don't remem,ber, let's think back : Heads...you were suddenly kicked out of Golemus and came bitching at me because of that. I answered you nice ...came again, ansewred again but this time explained there is no rule who to send out and why. It wasn't me to do that anyway..

Now, i know you are pissed at me, i know i have messed some plans in Loreroot, messed plans but trying to show just 1 part , innocent one it is not fair and i think you should really apologize for what you do.

[b]Btw: Stop harrazing me by pm's please. I am not cheating nor trying to beat you to death in battles and hide that.Stop bitching at me.

Yeah, i am LHO since LHO was invented in this game :)) what 2 years...so, if it was a LHO question and first one ...but after few harrazing and threatends that you wil find out who *cough*supposedly me*cough* come again, with another thing to harras me ? [/b]

PS: i can digg to pm's with unappropriated behavior of yours on me...those with 'no shit' and things like that u sent to me ....and he chat logs we had...i advise you to calm down and appologize for accusing me all the time...or let's say using the acusation tone..sounds better?

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Jfc Akasha, Do you have anything better to do with yourself?
Your in a LHO position, if you dont' want it- Tell Mur to get you out of it.

Things happen on the site that newer players do not understand, that doesn't mean people are 'harassing you' via PM.
Thats BEYOND childish of you especially considering the position you hold in the MD world.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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[quote]First, you forgot about your mesage :)) don't worry i have it:[/quote]

If you actually read what I posted you will see it's there.

[quote]Second, this is like what? 3-4rd time you come to mie like i have done something wrong?[/quote]

I fail to see where my question assumed anything about you or your intentions.

[quote][b]Btw: Stop harrazing me by pm's please. I am not cheating nor trying to beat you to death in battles and hide that.Stop bitching at me.[/quote]

If asking for help is 'bitching,' then I promise you I will ask no more - unless you change your message tag to LHB

[quote]i advise you to calm down and appologize for accusing me all the time...or let's say using the acusation tone..sounds better?[/quote]

What exactly have I accused you of?

Have a beautiful day
May you be blessed with 10,000 smiles
Priestess Orchid

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i guess Akasha was trying to be sarcastic, which is in most cases an epic fail in a community where most people don't have the forums-language as first language... you had that message twice, and i already wondered what that would be about XD

and then, Akasha is being bitchy sometimes, but almost never without a reason, so i'd like to hear what the other messages you sent her sound like... i know how the usual mechanics questions start like, in the ways of 'hey stupid jerk, why d'ya cheat? i had a fight with you in which [insert common game mechanics, like losing vp, losing xp, forgetting fights...] happened, and if you do it again i'll tell mur about it and you'll be banned!!?!?!!'

truth be told, if you get enough such messages, you will get bitchy :))

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And hear we go again.

It wouls appear that all people want to do thies days is bitch and moan!

This is not productive to the MD world or the forums.
I would suggest if you are not happy with how something is handeled then go
to the one in charge of the section.

For this particular issue you should have reported this to Grido as this is i beleve now
his responisablity. This approact would have been far more prefered than having another
flaiming session on the forums. dont you think we have had enough of thies?

Look it is simple. If you dont know about something or have a question on a game mechanic
and the answer you get you are not happy with. then go to another quoating the first answer
and asking for clarity. This is not a difficult thing to do.

Remember we are all human and we all have our off days, weeks, months. I know for sure that beeing asked the same thing day in and day out can cause one to respond to PM's in way that others dont like. You the people need to understand this. Esp, thoues that have been playing long enough to have a better understanding of the system.

I would also like to point out that this may (I could be wrong here) be another attempt to discredit Akasha. I have heard roumer that stuff like this is planed to get her into trouble. I can assure you of this if it is found to be true there will be big trouble.

Also for most of the questions asked there is an answer on the forum if you look.

The real issues here is that people have come to but heads BIG time here and it is getting out
of hand. This needs to STOP and i meen it needs to STOP NOW!.

You all seem to think Akasha hold some great power withing the system because of her connection
to Mur. Well i can tell you this she does not. Akasha has the position because of how her character is played and how long she has been here.

There are plenty of players withing the realm that have been here long enough to know why some people are in the position they are in and yes maybe something need to be written to document this so others know but that is off topic here.

The one that are in the positions they are in meening RPC's LHO, PWR's and the like are there for a reasion and they showed great skill and ablity. But it is starting to show that maybe some of the people prometed should not be were they are. Yes i am refering to the newer group's.

The issue have started more so now since the lates batch and this is causeing great stress to the realm and to MD.

I had better stop at this point or i never will.
Just come on people pull it together. If you dont like someone fine just avoid them
or at least have your flaming session off the realm unless it is a RP sesson.


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I just have a question for Akasha do you have a personal thing against Phantom Orchid?

From what ive read I cannot understand your responses.. I would hate to think that if new people asked questions they would get replies like this from LHO's


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This is my last answer to this post.

Phantom has something with me, the questions she put were not questions, but more acusations.
A new player is a mp2/mp3. The LHO questions are not like: 'i will find out you know...' 'why you take me out of the island, i will find out who did this (not quoting swears and bad language)'.

I know what a new player ask, I was doing this job before LHO was invented. At first it was me, Mur and Vali wondering around in an empty MD. New players stated to appear so me and Mur were helping them in Paper Cabin..

First, her questions are not questions, are acusations and/or threats . When someone come's to you acusing several times, you start not to be nice.

Phantom is on my ignore list, i am sorry but i don't like accusation tone and threats and i treat that player how she/he deserves. If you come with a sword at me more times in a raw, i will reply with my sword in the end.

Have fun bitching about me, i plan to have fun playing

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[quote name='Burns' post='33081' date='Jun 9 2009, 08:21 AM']... you had that message twice, and i already wondered what that would be about XD

and then, Akasha is being bitchy sometimes, but almost never without a reason, so i'd like to hear what the other messages you sent her sound like...[/quote]

I also wondered about that myself, and I think Burns is correct; We are missing a lot of information and it seems very odd to me to post those messages on the forum. In addition to what Burns said about this particular thread of messages we are also missing other information, such as what has happened before with interactions. Also, saying you messaged her because she is an LHO seems a bit misleading to me when it's a personal question about a personal creature battle between yourself and Akasha, it isn't worded in an "Im asking an LHO a question" kind of way. I won't go on - the point is, something doesn't gel here.

[quote name='Yrthilian' post='33083' date='Jun 9 2009, 09:03 AM']I would suggest if you are not happy with how something is handeled then go
to the one in charge of the section.

For this particular issue you should have reported this to Grido as this is i beleve now
his responisablity.[/quote]

Quite right.

[quote name='Yrthilian' post='33083' date='Jun 9 2009, 09:03 AM']I have heard roumer that stuff like this is planed to get her into trouble. I can assure you of this if it is found to be true there will be big trouble.[/quote]

I just thought that was worth repeating, I won't comment, for now.


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Guys, as already has been stated. Not everyone speaks English as their first language. Therefore, people can pick things up wrong. Sarcasm also doesnt come across too well in the written form.
Why, do we have this constant need to be putting msgs or extracts from chats on the forums?
Bits of information equals bits of a bigger picture.
Lastly, I'm tired of what seems to be some eternal feud between people within Loreroot and people outside it like Akasha. Seriously guys enough already.
Intentional or not, its starting to look like a concerted effort to pillory Akasha in particular. Its not serving any purpose other than to create a feeling of bad blood and division. Enough with the Akasha or anyone else bashing.
If you want to have mickey fits at each other do it in privacy and stop dragging it onto the forums.
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