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Alliance Situation

Guybrush Threepwood

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The majority of MP5s are alliance members, and there really aren't that many people on anymore. Now, I checked through the new ideas and didn't really find anything, except for perhaps treehill's (the link was broken though). For those of us not in alliances, there are a great many pains, and for them as well.

Firstly (and I find this incredibly strange) I can't become permabalanced as I am not in an alliance. That's a royal pain in the butt really, but isn't too helpful with the second issue.

Honor. If you're not in an alliance and you're balanced, you're screwed on honor. The whole concept of honor is supposed to be me getting honor for attacking stronger players and losing it for attacking weaker players. There are a lot of MP4s who come up to MP5 and give a lot of honor that are pushovers in the MP5 world. I'm not the strongest MP5 by far, but I can only get honor off of a couple of people. The honor system does not work as intended and makes no sense. Something needs to be done about it. Honor was the original cause of problems. What does that have to do with alliances? Alliance members can gain honor for attacking other alliance members (even allied ones). Us non-allied people are just screwed.

Finally. Cooldown. There are not a lot of MP5s, almost all of them are alliance, especially now with these new alliances. I understand that MP4s can have serious issues with being pounded by stronger people, but MP5s should not have problems with MP4s and MP3s. If they do they are likely not a person who cares overmuch about fighting. Why do MP5s need a 40 minute cool down on being attacked? It's unreasonable.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the unreasonably short battles. I think the adjective says it all...

Edited by Guybrush Threepwood
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yea i agree something needs to be done about this

btw as for honor, its becoz of win/vict/lose/def system, it should have been for all mp levels same rules as it is for mp3s, although that isnt perfect either, but it is MUCH better than current system, current system only has sense for heads contest nothing else, but in mp5 nobody competes anymore and if they do they wouldnt be able to gain heads since they are new mp5s and weak and will get killed in round 0 before any of theirs creats even gets a chance to attack, thats due to tokens, powerful rituals such as full drach rit, high stats combined with high ve

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Hmm...I always have said: being in an alliance is not a right but a privilege. That is why alliance members have some advantages. On the other hand I can tell you that sometimes being out of an ally is better than being inside one. As an example: I stayed without an ally for a long time. Why? Simply because I had more advantages this way. And to be honest...now i struggle to adapt to the new situation :).
I only agree when you talk about permabalance. That should be allowed to non ally members. But for the others there are always solutions.

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I'm not in an alliance due to the cursed downsides. However, the fact that the attack cooldown is 40 minutes doesn't help alliance members and hurt non-allies, it hurts everyone. That is the main reason that I don't want to be in an alliance, I WANT to be attacked every 8 minutes. And as I said, almost all MP5s are in an alliance. It may be that it's a privilege and not a right, but if that's the case it's a privilege everyone and their alt appear to have. (Though a lot of alts aren't in as that would defeat their purpose.) As for the honor deal. It serves no purpose other than to annoy people. Should alliances have advantages? Sure, better stats, people to work with, RP purposes. They have advantages.

Oh, and one more thing. Alliance members can't attack each other. That makes alliance training rather difficult. But they can attack allied alliances. I understand that loyalty/honor issues would come up if members of an alliance are able to attack each other. It doesn't make sense for allies to get honor/loyalty for attacking each other. Unless you say that training with a fellow warrior is both honorable and loyal (which it kind of is). But lets face it, walking isn't terribly loyal. Neither is attacking allied alliance members, or atttacking non enemy alliance members for training. Heck, I'd call that dishonorable and unloyal from a realism standpoint, that's how wars start, and frankly, attacking a member of another alliance unprovoked. (Ok, clearly that's not the way things work here. But let's face it it's certainly not loyal or honorable either.)

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In my opinion I like things the way they are, there are downsides to being in an alliance such as the long regeneration time so it is only fitting that there is upsides to being in the alliance though the cooldown I believe should be removed during heads and perhaps regen shortened to compensate that would be the only thing i would change. alliance fights do not result in a gain/loss of honor as far as im aware.

Edited by Sparrhawk
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Hmmm... Probably you only read the first post Sparr? Or perhaps you disagree that not being able to be attacked often is a bad thing. Heck, if it's a benefit, I'd like to be able to opt out. As for the honor, you get honor equal to double the loyalty you receive from alliance battles.

Edited by Guybrush Threepwood
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which isnt alot i think the most loyalty ive recieved from a battle is 15 its not alot really, and I do like not being able to be attacked that often my balance is bad and id like to try and work on it this helps me a bit.

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the 40 mins and the shorter fights DO help ally-members a lot, that way you don't get too many losses when people who are stronger than you are around XD

apart from that... i guess it must be a real pain when you want to do insane amounts of fights, but grinding is not what the game is about, as you yourself have occasionally dropped into conversations...
and i agree, NOW grinding is not part of the game anymore, so we'll all have to put up with it :(

and it's easy to have perma-balance out of ally, too, you just wait 6 months until everybody has it... or not, 'cause nobody seems to care for stat-gains anymore :/

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uhm... did you assume training was meant to be as easy as it used to be when you started? LOL

you shouldn't get the wins for all your critters in a day or two, it should take about as long as the age requirement intentionally [it goes without saying that you should only get your xp and wins in that time when you fight 6 hours a day] ;)

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Of course it should be just as easy, I'm exceptionally lazy and impatient. Going to the GGG you find about 4 alliance members and 3 non allies. It's a pain in the butt that we get hit every 8 minutes and can only hit back every 40 minutes. And with the perma balance of alliance members, incoming attacks really shouldn't be a problem. Frankly having no targets for anyone is just annoying for everyone.

Edited by Guybrush Threepwood
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[quote name='Burns' date='07 July 2009 - 09:50 AM' timestamp='1246949417' post='36426']
NOW grinding is not part of the game anymore, so we'll all have to put up with it ;)

Why do I feel the need not to agree with you? :D
For a grinder there are always ways. As long as there will be battles in which stats count (ok...nowadays principles count) there will ALWAYS (Coca-Cola :D) and I say ALWAYS be griders.

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i use to make a difference between the persons grinders and the hardcore-stat-farming grinding ;)
for the mindless fighting machines and stat-gainers(*cough* eigger *cough*), the easy time is over, but what grinders stand for [in fact, rather what dst stands for, the term was created for her in this game] is something else: it's the ability to adapt to situations and make the best of them, while the not-grinders are constantly complaining about something that doesn't fit their own plans...

so, i agree, the grinders are still there, but the grinding-business where everybody could participate, that is over

oh, and don't misunderstand that: the best Role-Players are grinders, people who can take what they have and improve it in every aspect, instead of making up horrendous things just to have an easier time with their role =)

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