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Posted (edited)

Please post opinions. I don't care if you have to be harsh. I just want opinions on the crit. But nice comments are good too XD

I'll be adding more levels and upgrades inbetween the two levels already there. I first want to know what people think. There will probably be levels over the platinum ranked soldier too. I just have to think of them.[/size]

Overall-I'd like to create a new type of crit for GG. Ideas and comments are welcomed to help improve the creature. I would like to improve the descriptions. Honostly I believe init is a powerful stat especially when combined with high attack. Which is what I'm trying to do here.

Toy Soldier
des-A half sized human-like machine equiped with nothing but its bare metal hands. Make it look colorful though. Maybe faded paint on it and a uniform you would expect a toy soldier to have. XD
game des-This machine probes the beaches of GG mindlessly searching for forms of life. It will attack anything it finds and has a new type of attack that could be useful to you if you train it well. It can be used in strategic rituals for deadly effect and will destroy any single creature that wanders in its path.

Attack- Attack x2 (will attack 2 times and can attack the same creature until it uses up its attacks for the round)
Target-Single (random slot)
Tin Paladin
des-It is sleeker and smoother but it is less shiny than the platinum warrior. It is painted and looks newer than its former self. Hm... lets see. It should have a sword too.
game des-This creature looks somewhat like a child's toy. A lost machine from an unknown place in the GG island. Searching now for more than targets it seeks out a master to replace perhaps the child that once used it. It is still not loyal to you yet.

Attack- Attack x2 (will attack 3 times and can attack the same creature until it uses up its attacks for the round)
Target-Single (random slot)
Metallic Bauble Soldier
des-Shiny and sleek. It holds a sword and a shield. It has a full suit of armor making it look like a real warrior despite it being a machine.
game des-This machine takes on the form of a knight in shining armor. It is powerful and its life force can be felt by you and your enemies as it fights. It can be used against enemies with high initiative and speed for quick fights and striking down your enemies with deadly blows. It will grow stronger from here.
Aura-solder line aura (has a 50% chance of going first no matter what the init)
Machine Clutter-The creature will get in the way of other toy soldier levels and will take down the soldier line aura and cut the init in half with a 25% chance of attacking the other soldier in friendly creature slots. .
Lone entity-Will go out in battle without other friendly creatures if the soldier line aura kicks in. The remaining friendly creatures will go on according to their own init along with yours.

attack x 2 (attacks 2 times in a random slot)

Combat moves:
Platinum Plated Warrior
des-A more sleek version of the former level. It carries two swords now instead of shield. It is supposed to look much more powerful
game des-This machine is now much more powerful. It will only seek out your enemies and is under your command. It can attack multiple times. Its life force within the suit of armor glows as it fights for you and can attack many more times with higher effectiveness. Its growth is complete.
Solder Line aura-This creature has a 51% chance of going first no matter what the init unless higher levels of this creature are present. It is very fast.
Machine Clutter-The creature will get in the way of other toy soldier levels and will take down the soldier line aura (if used to attack) and cut the init in half with a 25% chance of attacking the other soldier in friendly creature slots.
Morale-Gives a 50% init boost to all friendly creatures
Lone entity-Will go out in battle without other friendly creatures if the soldier line aura kicks in. The remaining friendly creatures will go on according to their own init along with yours

Attack- Attackx3 (will attack 3 times any random enemy slot. May target the same slot more than once. Will not attack further if it kills a creautre.)
Target-Single (random slot)
init-25 (this init stat is for the 50% chance it doesn't go first. It is still very fast without the aura.

Combat moves:

I have [size="6"]another crit idea[/size] in the necro section of the forum. I would like you all to take a look there as well.

Thank you Death ray. And simply posting here and showing their approval of this creature would help a lot. But posting why is even better. :D

Thank you guy for your comments. I edited them a bit. I will come up with a few more levels by tomorrow.

Alright Jester. I think the platinum should be the last level... Hm... I weakened it a bit. Though I think it should be powerful. I agree that 7 attacks and 110 attack would be too much as well.

Edited by adiomino
Posted (edited)

The second level can potentially hit 20 times in a single round? That seems increadibly overpowered Adiomino. Also, you say target single, what kind of single? Is the target random? Is it strong critters? Is it weak? Dying? Attackx5 hits 7 times?

Edited by Guybrush Threepwood

This is MASSIVELY overpowered. Try thinking about the ideas for creatures and what they would do before you post them.

Posted (edited)

I think finished adding levels for now :D Yay hooray. So now that I edited it (from 7 attacks to 3 on the max level XD) It simply acts like a multi hitter with high init. But it has a chance of hitting 1 creature 3 times. Oh and if you set this creature as a single against another single the toy soldier (or any upgrade) would destroy any single crit ritual. lol

[size="5"]If anyone can draw picture of this creature I'll be your friend forever. :D:D:D[/size]

I can still edit them if people find problems in it. But now I want people's approval for the creature and why. That would be great :D

Thank you guy for your comment :D I can just imagine the picture and it in battle.

Ewww Jester I forgot about tokens completely. ARGH! Lets see how I can change it if I can
(update) I edited it. Lowered not just the stats but the amount of times the creatures can attack. The max level can attack 3 times. They attack was lowered by 80. I'm not sure but it could potentially still be overpowered with tokens and stuff like that but eh. The main purpose of this crit is to make a powerful attacker that would be fast enough to take the first hit. Is it any better?

Edited by adiomino

I like it. Target all already hits 6 critters. This in it's final form can hit 5 crits, or one crit multiple times. Against a single critter it'd hit it 5 times. It's very low attack value seems to keep it balanced when compared to, say, an adult knator who can only hit up to 4 critters and with a chance to do nothing against rits with less than 4 critters. The attack first no matter what might be a bit much, but at the same time makes it worse for some situations.


Look, its not the stats that are too powerful. Its the fact that it would essentially multiply any stats or tokens you had x5, and also attack first. Having a ritual with 6 of them and a claw 2 on them would essentially be claw damage x30, and they also attack first? This would almost single-handedly ruin combat in a way even tokens hasn't done yet.

Posted (edited)

[size="2"]So here are the special highlights of the maxed level:
init-35 (very high for a creature)
Soldier Line aura- 50% chance of going first no matter what the init (much more fair now I believe)
Attack x3-Can attack 3 times in a single round and may attack the same creature more than once.[/size]

Ok so yay hooray! I hope I am done with editing the stats. Now I can focus on names of the crits (I love the names already but they could be changed I suppose if people don't like them) and the descriptions (those could definitely be added to and changed around). :D:D:D

Any comments are welcome. I don't care if you have to be harsh. But if you really want to be nice to me you could post in this format (don't have to obviously)

Like this creature-No/Yes
Good Idea-No/Yes
Further Comments-The stats should be changed or the descriptions should be changed in this way... etc :D

Added something new called Machine Clutter. The ability interfere with other toy soldier levels in friendly creature slots with a big impact and effect. Making more than 1 soldier much worse than just using one.
Please check the top frequently to see any changes to creatures.

They are changed and tweaked fairly often.
Oh yes a cap. Thank you awiiya. There will be a cap that doesn't allow the creature to attack further if it kills a creature.

Oh yeah and death bell, the toy soldier levels will not affect the order of the other creatures. It will act on its own if the soldier line kicks in (50% chance of doing so). I lowered the init so that people don't take advantage of the high init. I really don't want that XD

What do you guys think of adding an aura to the max level that gives a 50% init boost to all friendly creatures. I mean... The imp gives a 70% init boost to friendly creatures and I like the idea of letting it help other creatures. I added it.

Oh yes and the last two levels can martyr nowx3. Imagine that XD And with that you can use more than one and not have to worry about using more than two and have them attacking each other. You can use 5 to martyr. And with the soldier line aura you can protect and sort of prepare yourself for the enemies attack before they actually do it. And with the init boost well... That is makes everything better doesn't it? XD

I suppose the names can be changed. Suggestions would help as well. I will start.

Lol dst we have hot water AND the wheel XD Just look around at all the pubs with coffee and the broken wheels scattered around and the wagons that certain merchants drive around MD XD Plastic... Yeah we haven't invented that yet. But I'm pretty sure WE invented both hot water and wheels a long time ago. :D

[size="4"]Oh yes and don't forget to check out my other creature idea for necro. The link is on the top post. Comments there are more than welcome.[/size]

Edited by adiomino

It's getting there, but can we add another caviat to the attack so it's not absolutely ridiculously overpowered (which it still could be)

If an attack kills a creature, it stops attacking. That will limit it to killing only one creature per round, and so it won't totally obliterate an army. Can you imagine, two of these things, killing an entire army? No, I think it should only attack 3 times if it didn't kill anything during the first two attacks.

Besides that, I like it.



i want to know if even one f our creatures have high inti all our creatures attack first? If so then people can just use this for the high inti they have and use other strong creatures todo much more damage since they will be hitting first.


Death Bell, you should read you logs, critters go in order of initiative. It's not like all of one person's critters go, then the others. Also, notice an attack all critter with a claw II token hits 6 critters each time. As it is, one hit from a person's claw II will wipe out an enemy rit in one blow. This critter would have an advantage against rits with less than 5 people for sure. Also the fact that it could hit the same critter multiple times could give it an advantage. So attack all with Claw II is pretty muchly 36*claw II if you got six and they do too.


Toy soldier? Plastic? In MD? O_O WE haven't even invented hot water or the wheal in MD,yet you want plastic?
I didn't even read more. So I suggest as a start a complete change of names.


[quote name='dst' date='14 July 2009 - 11:33 AM' timestamp='1247564027' post='36991']
Toy soldier? Plastic? In MD? O_O WE haven't even invented hot water or the wheal in MD,yet you want plastic?
I didn't even read more. So I suggest as a start a complete change of names.
We've got coffee, last I checked that required hot water. And there's wheels and gears too, but no plastic. ;)
Maybe a tin soldier? Tin hasn't got that high a melting point, you can melt it with an open flame, whereas steel and other materials can require complicated forges. Bronze, wood, stone...


[quote name='dst' date='14 July 2009 - 02:33 AM' timestamp='1247564027' post='36991']
Toy soldier? Plastic? In MD? O_O WE haven't even invented hot water or the wheal in MD,yet you want plastic?
I didn't even read more. So I suggest as a start a complete change of names.
road of battle or clash of ages has a broken wagon wheel if i remember,,,,


Please close topic. I shall make a fresh one with the updated levels and powers with a pole on it. That will make everything easier I believe.

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