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Mobile Md'

Fenrir Greycloth

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I would like to see a mobile friendly version of md'. One that doesn't use flash. While I am on the go or somewhere without my laptop or at work when it isn't busy I would like to do a little bit of md'. As of now I canny view my creature list, I can't read my mail or even talk I'm chat. Fighting isn't a necessity but it would be nice aswell.

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this has been brought up before, and i believe everyone agreed it would be a nice idea

BUT, and that's a big but, it would require a lot of time to make a mobile compatible version, so if it does happen, it wont happen for a while

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no it would take a lot of effort,

First you have to build a seperate part of md

That involves building the scenes into html and such, chat already works without flash, Mur gave a link ages ago to it

THEN you have to continually upate both sides, Do you propose it all being re written? have you seen how many lines of html are visible? Not to mention all the server side code,

Flash is a nightmare, But it is more of a nightmare to make the flash into simple html

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Chewett. I am not proposing that Mur change the entire game into HTML, with all the graphics and what not. I would just like to see a mobile version where you can access the different menus, chat, and move around. The battle part is unneeded as it is not essential to the MD experience in my view. ;)

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I wouldn't mind a MD I could play easier on my mini more easily. The screen is so small that I can't close things half the time. All that would be needed is for the screen to not center on the pop up windows like battles and messages seeing as I can't get to the close button or the x. Sure, a fellow can use tab or refresh, but it's a bit annoying.

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