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Chatting Bug


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Testing performed:

Multiple consecutive instances increase the duration of text mutation (ie two consecutive inputs of same persons stats results in the next two inputs being that persons "highlight". Have yet to test with other peoples stats, players weren't co-operative...)

Duration only exists for as long as the stats are on screen, once the stat leaves the Chat log the result is removed (ie if you build up a full 14 entries, then begin counting from 1 up, when you type 7 all will be highlighted, but when you type 8 both seven and eight will be normal, then once you type 9, 6-9 will be normal, etc)

It doesn't require 100% of your stats be posted, and the actual values appears to be irrelevant (but my coulor is an oddity that can be produced by other things, so that isn't conclusive)

NOTE: This is [i]different[/i] to the ( :)) )( :D )( :) )( -_- )( -_- )( -_- ) effect (reported to me as discovered by Fawe, credit to him), which only changes the next text to grey, and doesn't stack.
However, different does not mean unrelated.
EDIT: Further testing has shown that it IS related!

UPDATE: I tested this with both Death Ring's.Marvolo.'s stats, and the output color was still my normal highlight. I suspect that the color is not linked to stats, but profile.

UPDATE: The effect only occurs if the last value that the chat log accepts is an open bracket, and there is additional information put into the input bar that is not displayed.

I have also observed that if the open bracket is at the beginning of the line in it's first post, the persons name goes on the same line, after the bracket and highlighted, and this effect continues for each subsequent post (ie only the first input needs the open bracket on the first position of a new line, in each consecutive post it just needs to be identical information)

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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[quote name='Prince Marvolo' date='03 August 2009 - 02:14 AM' timestamp='1249226065' post='38555']
@ Kyphis... I managed to get 4 different colors, with different stats it worked for me

Also, IE and FF dont show the same color always

I have been performing tests with the Pips, and have observed the change in color that different browsers present. The transition is instant, and you can have the screens next to each other and have different colors visible in the chat.

I suspect this is due to the way the code is handled by the different browsers...

Did you get different colors on the same account each time, and if not what did you change? Please tell me the colors, as well.

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[quote name='Prince Marvolo' date='03 August 2009 - 06:13 PM' timestamp='1249283604' post='38583']
I used other stats and was able to get at least 4 colors...

How did you vary the codes?
(ie which part did the code terminate, where did it come from, and did it end in an open bracket situation? Anything else you can think of, as well)

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[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='03 August 2009 - 09:15 AM' timestamp='1249283714' post='38584']
How did you vary the codes?
(ie which part did the code terminate, where did it come from, and did it end in an open bracket situation? Anything else you can think of, as well)

Not all stats appear in chat, I just made another stat number end the line...

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hmm i think i got it wot it is.... when ya use your stats ya copy in input this...

Liberty: Regeneration: 419 (367.96 51.51) Energetic immunity: 438 (376.89 56.53 5) Trade sense: 187 (187.81) Briskness: 387 (<Liberty: Regeneration: 419 (367.96 51.51) Energetic immunity: 438 (376.89

but here is wot sys sees

in chat will appear this

Liberty: Regeneration: 419 (367.96 51.51) Energetic immunity: 438 (376.89 56.53 5) Trade sense: 187 (187.81) Briskness: 387 (

while other part... <Liberty: Regeneration: 419 (367.96 51.51) Energetic immunity: 438 (376.89

will be treated as html tag :rolleyes: and in source it will look like this...

<liberty: (376.89="" 438="" immunity:="" energetic="" 51.51)="" (367.96="" 419="" regeneration:=""/>

so non existed tag which will be named with your name will get its stats as html attributes...

this will be in your browser treated as hidden html tag and thereafore wont be displayed but thing that messed it all up are 2 not closed brackets yea 2, the one in front of <liberty and other one in there where it says (367.96=""

now... why that purple color... idk fully yet

edit: or said on other word idk why browser when this is sent sees it in source after bracket as this

<font color="#8000d0" chatlistitem=""><strong><a href="../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MDMwODExODMyODk=" target="userdetails"><font color="#7e5132">Liberty</font></a>: </strong>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</font></div>

Edited by Liberty4life
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[quote name='Prince Marvolo' date='03 August 2009 - 07:10 PM' timestamp='1249287025' post='38587']
Not all stats appear in chat, I just made another stat number end the line...

Would you be able to PM me the code that appears in the chat log plus the first character excluded, and the colour it produced for you?
Also tell me which browser your using, please.

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oke so thing is chat is showing up only 125 chars in chat everything else that got inputed is put in "second line" which doesnt displays properly it shows up as hidden html element but..... in our case we have unclosed font tag...

<div class="chatlistitem">
<a href="../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MDMwODExODMyODk=" target="userdetails">
<font color="#7e5132">Liberty</font></a>: </strong>Liberty: Regeneration: 419 (
<font color="#888888"><i>367.96 51.51</i></font>) Energetic immunity: 438 (
<font color="#888888"><i>376.89 56.53 5</i></font>) Trade sense: 187 (
<font color="#888888"><i>187.81</i></font>) Briskness: 387 (
<font color="#8000d0" chatlistitem="">
<a href="../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MDMwODExODMyODk=" target="userdetails">
<font color="#7e5132">Liberty</font></a>: </strong>a</font></div>

as you see.. so... for some reason closing part of font tag gets into that second line... which becomes valid on second entry we input and then for some reason displays it all under same div tag... which should be separated for each chat entry... so basically your second input is in same chat line as your last one :rolleyes: but it is still mystery to me why last font tag has always defined color attribute as 8000d0..... idk where it is getting it

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I think its just the last color in your stats that can fit in the text box that changes the color. So if the last one is affected by territory, then the text will be blue, alliance would be green, etc.

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[quote name='Jester' date='04 August 2009 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1249305044' post='38603']
I think its just the last color in your stats that can fit in the text box that changes the color. So if the last one is affected by territory, then the text will be blue, alliance would be green, etc.
Doesn't appear that way to me, I have seen many colors that aren't in those stats.

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nice jester, it makes sense too, it has connection, so the alliance illusion etc... has something to do with itwell we need to tryhehe,nice thing i found out, like me, if ill start the high light with regen,it will give purple color, if ill start at energetic immunity, it gives other color and also other color using other stat as a beginning of the high light.hehe hope u understand my post

Edited by Liberty4life
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no jester that was first thing i tried... umm i will see eigger when i get time, btw no need for double post use edit

edit: i tried testing wot eigger said, but it didnt worked so i tried again normal way, and not even purple worked for me anymore, anyone has it still working?

Edited by Liberty4life
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