Sparrhawk Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 All this submission is.. is attention seeking nothing more, i will not post here again nor will i go to this "Q and A" it is pointless. There is no guts for standing up for this and if you believe so your sorely mistaken it is attentions seeking only bob is not the issue here which is why i havnt mentioned him in any of my posts, The fact is Kamisha you are unknown and no one is going to trust you with this power even if you answer some questions its not hard to lie and there is no history of you no past events to go off to judge your character. this shouldnt be considered as a serious submission at all as its not.
Kamisha Posted October 16, 2009 Author Report Posted October 16, 2009 Even though the person above me is not looking at this post again I would like to assure everybody else that I am serious about this I will show up and weather you decide to show up or not is up to you. If this was an attention grab I would not bother on attempting to set up a Q and A. I would simply post here. I would have already gathered enough attention if that's all this was. Good night and cheers, Kamisha
Aeoshattr Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 3 words and three letters: *drops dead laughing* L O L erm.. you have 192 days and want to be KING of LR!?!?!
phantasm Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 ok clarifications here!! Kamisha is a wonderful RPer....fantastic in fact. Much better than a large part of the MD world. I have personally RPed with him many times. Age does not make a difference. A person with 100 days may very well run a land more effectivly than 10000. Not to say for sure because of course the longer here the more is retained about the world as a whole. Just saying some are good leaders naturally and some are not. My point I am making is that many of lorerootians are also Guardians of Bob. I just see a big conflict here. I am in no way downtrodding his abilities to be king, just the difference of which feelings are pulled.
(Zl-eye-f)-nea Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 I back Phantasm up 100% on everything he just said. Z Watcher 1
Kamisha Posted October 16, 2009 Author Report Posted October 16, 2009 Understood but the conflict still stands it will be one of the first topics I will be covering at the Q and A before any questions are asked im going to address anything in the forum followed by the live questions,
cryxus Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 My god... you guys can't drop the bob thing... in my eyes you guys are picking the most irrelevant issue and turning it into a point of contention. So what if he doesnt like bob? Don't get me wrong, I would personally defend bob at the drop of a hat, but it's like saying "John doesnt like mitsubishis, so John doesn't like any car ever made, and since John doesnt like any car ever made he cant be CEO of the car factory" your logic is severely flawed, in fact to me it appears for the most part to be misdirected and lacking. Stick to real issues like he isnt in touch with LR, or that he wishes to change things in a way you might not find suitable, or that he lacks, not just proper experience, but any experience in the matter at hand. I'm sorry it's annoying to see such rampant use of unfounded arguments as I have seen over these elections, I'm just making a plea for you all to please think before you speak, don't just say why you don't like someone, say why they are or are not ~appropriate~ for the situation. Just because I may not like someone, doesn't mean they aren't the best for the job (trust me im not saying he is, but im making a point). Now that my rant is over im just gonna step back for a minute, take a breather and try not have an anurysm. ~Cryxus
Firsanthalas Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 Not meaning to sound cruel or dissmisive but your arguments are severely flawed. First, you are not running alone, far from it. Second, Bob is not in Marinds Bell, he is in No mans land. Thirdly, he is not a seperate issue in that he is very much a concern for many Lorerootians like myself, people that you are claiming you wish to rule over. You seem wildly out of tune with your would-be-subjects and don't seem to be in full possession of fairly straightforward facts. With respect Cryxus, the Bob thing is relevant. Granted it is not relevent to all Lorerootians and perhaps not seen as a major issue for many, but to say its a seperate issue entirely I find quite flippant and insulting. To me it shows a lack of understanding or respect for the beliefs and attitude of some and perhaps most of the people of Loreroot. Personal opinion here of course.
cryxus Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 I dunno how you all take bob as a matter of LR, but that's fine, if you do and find it as an insulting offense to the ~welfare of Loreroot~ then fine, it is a founded argument, but i simply don't see how it would affect LR as a whole that someone doesnt like 1 tree.
(Zl-eye-f)-nea Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 I would say the logic is closer to this actually: John wants to destroy this Misubishi, To us Mishubishis on the whole are a valuable part of the car industry we are a part of, Someone who will manage the car industry well should therefore not be going around destroying any Misubishis. Its counter-intuitive to happily give the responsibility of managing something, to someone who has in the past proven that they want to destroy something associated with it. It's a bit like saying...lets give the management of the cattery to this young man who once drowned one cat in a bag instead of someone who never has. Z Watcher and SageWoman 1 1
Firsanthalas Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 I think Z summed that up nicely. Its not that Bob is a Loreroot issue, I never said that, but it is an issue for people in Loreroot. A perhaps subtle, but nonetheless important difference.
cryxus Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 maybe John felt mitsubishis were a misrepresentation of what a car should be, and maybe he felt as though it's image distracted people from the bigger view of the car industry, so he wished to remove the distracting factor. does that mean he doesnt care about cars? no. Maybe he is in love with Lambourghinis (god i love lambo's) and his actions may actually serve to better Lamboughinis as a whole, though without the proper chanels he has yet to prove his mettle. My point here is that it isn't as though John (Kamisha) is trying to hurt Lamboughinis (Loreroot) with his actions, but you are taking as a ~personal~ offense because you like Mitsubishi's (Bob) and not looking at the whole picture, which in this argument is the future of the Lambourghini company (Loreroot).
The Truthspeaker Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 Wow, i didnt know MD was full of heartless bastards Really now, I support this guy because he has stood up for something that he believes in, He knows the odds are against him yet you all act like he has no chance. He has a lower chance than someone who has played MD for longer but still has a chance @Kamisha - Please dont listen to these guys, im really sorry about them, They are what is typically wrong about MD, They ASSUME, and assume wrongly that a newer person cannot do as well as an older person. I personally prefere you to be voted King more than Sagewoman, no matter how many active Days she has, she is not a leader @anyone who made sarcastic comments - This is the reason MD is failing, YOU, you people assume that only old people can do things, WRONG, you need to re-learn the main principles of the game "anyone can do anything" and then grow up. Watcher 1
Death Bell Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 ok i will tell you guys the reason why you should never assume anything like the guy above me has stated.. Its because you will make a ASS out of U and ME = ASS-U-ME always wanted to post this up Watcher and Lifeline 1 1
Kamisha Posted October 16, 2009 Author Report Posted October 16, 2009 [quote name='Death Bell' date='16 October 2009 - 11:45 AM' timestamp='1255711527' post='44862'] ok i will tell you guys the reason why you should never assume anything like the guy above me has stated.. Its because you will make a ASS out of U and ME = ASS-U-ME always wanted to post this up [/quote] Nice I love this death bell lol and thanks for the support from well one of you it is a apritated but net really needed it is needless to say I am not at the top of the chain here though I do fight for what I believe in. In fact some people have already adopted my campaign as there own which means in a seance I have achieved what I have set out to do. Now I guess since some of you aren't going to be present ill tell what im going to answer at the beginning. First of all some people are not taking me seriously and think this is a cry for attention. If this was I wouldn't have submitted here and second of all I would not submit it to mur directly ether. Mur may be kind as times but his wrath is something that I would not like to endure I once upset a GM in another game and I was suspended for 2 months. Next the tree since we name bob seems to be an issue that is of great difficulty though I don't see why. I would like to stress that I hate the tree and only the tree not the protectors or anybody who supports the thing it is simply a tree that i don't like because I personally although many people disagree see it as a simble of the maridbell nation like a marker a living monument. It just gets me a bit upset that loreroot has not achieved such a status to have a monument. Also the exspierance issue. I am an exsperanced leader and I have learned this game mechanics quickly and have been around for years though my activity did decline during university and during a lack of features. What are there several many 10 000 of accounts and my ID has 4 numbers and starts with a 3 that means im one of the first 4000 of people to join so drop that as I have followed the process of this creation. Lastly and most importantly I want you to keep an open mind everybody here. I mean seriously most of you are very close minded. This game was built for people with IQ's between 120-130 (at least that's what the newspaper article said.) and I thought you would be open to new ideas. If your focus is around a tree that I vividly dislike than that's thinking of one thing. I mean process the entire picture people. Now finally my most important point is that I am tired of explaining the same issues over and over this is the last time I am going to address that in this forum. From now on if it one of the same questions im just going to quote my self. Cheers though I am pissed off, Kamisha P.S. Yes I E&#(ing hate bob what ever. Peace, Jubaris and Sparrhawk 1 2
Yoshi Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 Hmmm... well I have 44 active days within... 44 days of being here (im addicted ) so I'm not sure if I will be able to participate in this election. Anyways, I met Kamisha at the broken gazebo puzzle as I was trying to solve it one day (man that puzzle was annoying...). Kamisha told me that almost all of MD players hated him because of an event that occurred at Bob. Being new at the time and seeing as how I knew a little about Bob already, I was curious as to what happened. Kamisha told me that he hated Bob and that when he once tried to harm Bob, many people came to defend Bob. After hearing what had happened, I have to admit, I disliked Kamisha somewhat but other than that he was an OK guy. I don't fully understand what's wrong with hating Bob because yes, he DOES stand for something, although it's not Marind Bell as Kamisha thinks it is. Bob stands as a silent reminder to keep standing through all the hardships and troubles, and to never give up. Bob is loved by a lot of the community, and the others seem to hate Bob for their own personal reasons. I respect that. I WILL however stand up for Bob as long as I have breath but Kamisha to me was nice to me and was friendly. I have not met Firsanthalas so much as seeing him around so I do not know much of him or his character for myself. Sagewoman I have seen and heard but I think she is too social to be Queen. Princ Rhaegar I have seen and talked to somewhat and it seems he has a smart head on his shoulders. I have not been here long but I think Kamisha is a very good example of an underdog in an election. If he does become king, I don't think he's going to wage war on Bob, but he will make logical decisions based on the peoples voice. He lacks experience sure, he lacks active days (although he has been around since near the beginning), he may lack a lot of qualities but he does have the potential to further LR in a positive direction. Him hating Bob for being a living icon for Marind Bell and saying LR has no living icon is the downfall on his part. LR itself is a living icon. If you just sit in LR and listen for a bit ( so I'm told as I have not been there yet ) the trees have a voice, the wind has a voice, all of nature has a voice. LR is in-itself the greatest icon of icons. The fact that Kamisha overlooked this because of his hate for Bob discourages his vote. When he is elected, what's stopping him from hating someone and acting foolishly towards them and messing up in a big way? In conclusion, Kamisha has a great personality, (his rping is phenomenal or so I've been told), It seems like he has alot of great ideas to further LR, and frankly, he's nice. BUT until he can put away his hate for Bob, and his hate in general, and not let his hate shroud his vision, I see no point in voting for him.
Kamisha Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Posted October 17, 2009 Good morning or good night to all of you. Yesterday I stood as a visionary but today I wake a politician. I have come to the great realization that no matter what I will be doing I will be turning back on one of my promises which was to unify lore root. That is why effective immediately I am choosing to forfeit my right to be involved in the race for kingship and re-instating my right to vote. I don't want to be like yalithan and be only approved by just over 50% of his population in Novocron. Though I do have a few things to say before I hang it up. First of all though the alliance leaders are running I fail to see any direction to them. I believe that they want you to do all the work and ideas. I simply see that in order for somebody to deserve to win they have to have a plan and a list of ideas. Thats why my vote is being handed off to sage women do to here steller service at the inn and likely having the longest running time in lore root. It is because of this I beleve she will be a great leader since she knows the people and has intentions to serve them. So I resign that's it. I wish the winner the best of luck and maybe ill see you if there is another kingship election. Cheers, Kamisha
cryxus Posted October 17, 2009 Report Posted October 17, 2009 Indeed a noble move mate, just goes to ~prove~ that a lot of people were wrong that just because of your dislike of bob that you truly are looking for the ~betterment of LR~, which is what this election is truly about, just further proving how irrelevant that argument was. I personally find this refreshing to see someone who cares enough, and is smart enough to withdraw a nigh-impossible bid for election that would draw votes from other, more viable canidates. So with that I personally commend you, you are a true gentleman, and I hope others give you your due respect, may your days pass without too much troubles... but remember *narrows his eyes* if you come after Bob I'll be on you like Captain Ahab on Moby Dick... you have been suffenciently commended and warned, fare well good sir. ~Captain Cryxus X'hal (Zl-eye-f)-nea and Death Bell 1 1
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