SageWoman Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 I am Sagewoman, Elder and protector of the forest of Loreroot. It is my intention to become the First Queen of this Sacred Forest and her Peoples. As an MP4 I was invited to join the Guardians of the Root during Nelya Setesh’s Leadership. When Raven took over for Nelya in her absence after I evolved to Mp5, I was voted and invited to join the now defunct High Council. During Amoran’s Leadership I learned hard lessons about loyalty to friends and loyalty to ones Land. Of these three Leaderships, I am one of the one of the few remaining Guardians of the Root. Loreroot is my homeland and I will defend the Root at all costs. The Root of the Matter Inn is within Defense Quarters and as PWR (Player with Role) I became the Inn’s Hostess. All of Magic Duel is welcomed who enter Loreroot and walk into the Defensive Quarters. Within this building role-playing became a larger part of the Loreroot experience and I like to think that the Inn is a community center of the Realm. Through listening and watching others diplomacy has developed and as Hostess I see what people do, say, and know their likes and dislikes. As the former apprentice Dojo Mistress and currently as Live Help Operator, there too, I learned how to interact with players of all mind powers. A Monarch would be foolish to try and rule with out guidance from Elders older and wiser. When I become Queen, I will set up a council of people who best represent what Loreroot is. By royal decree, it will comprise of 4 members; one of each of the Alliances/Guilds. The 4th member will be a representative of Magic Duel. One who is not currently been in an Alliance and is an active and veteran player. No Ruler is above the People and hearing what the People have to say is paramount. However, the final decision will be the Queen’s, even if it goes against the council. Loreroot before All. You, the people of Magic Duel have the true power; the power of the Vote. Listen to your own heart and vote Sagewoman for the First Queen of Loreroot. May Mur have mercy on my Soul. Jubaris and Metal Bunny 1 1
dst Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 Who's the 4th member? Also why is a council needed when you say this at the end: [quote]However, the final decision will be the Queen’s, even if it goes against the council.[/quote]
Udgard Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 (edited) Sage, queen? xD This is what came to my mind: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] disclaimer: although I'm sure this is pretty okay, don't click the button if you're disturbed by such (EDIT: NSFW - I dunno what that means though, ask buns xD)pics. Edited October 16, 2009 by Udgard dst, Burns, Death Bell and 3 others 3 3
Metal Bunny Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 Udgard, at least put in what kind of pic it is. No one knows what you mean with 'those kinds of pics'. Say it's at least NSFW.
The Truthspeaker Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 A council is pointless when the queen can over-rule it, Since when they agree it will be to what the queen wants, and when they dont, it will be what the queen wants Also, is it really a good idea to have a queen that is involved in... need i be descrete and say no so private "intimate" conversations, Really? is that a good position (pardon the pun) for a queen to be in? And really? Didnt loreroot prove that a council didnt work? So why have anotehr one with even less power. Also, you failed to run the Dojo effectively, And that was a very small organisation, Who says you will run a whole land effectively with wars and such things? I dont think you are the person, and also wonder why you are so far up the "leaderboard" in Gotr atm.
Udgard Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 Truthspeaker, LR council did work fine, and for a very long time. What caused the problem was people kept getting false information from who-know-what-source about the council and loreroot, and learnt to accept it as truth without ever trying to confirm it.
Kamisha Posted October 16, 2009 Report Posted October 16, 2009 (edited) I may be running against her but I actually like this it fits in terms almost the same as mine except she has a decent amount of experience. If I am to lose which is likely I think I would prefer sage to win as appose to somebody else. I wish you good luck and may the best candidate win. [quote name='The Truthspeaker' date='16 October 2009 - 10:49 AM' timestamp='1255708148' post='44852'] A council is pointless when the queen can over-rule it, Since when they agree it will be to what the queen wants, and when they dont, it will be what the queen wants Also, is it really a good idea to have a queen that is involved in... need i be descrete and say no so private "intimate" conversations, Really? is that a good position (pardon the pun) for a queen to be in? And really? Didnt loreroot prove that a council didnt work? So why have anotehr one with even less power. Also, you failed to run the Dojo effectively, And that was a very small organisation, Who says you will run a whole land effectively with wars and such things? I dont think you are the person, and also wonder why you are so far up the "leaderboard" in Gotr atm. [/quote] Sry since im going to lose im going to field this question. I am in no way affiliated but I can understand this as I have a similar campaign. The perpous that the council serves in order to give a voice even after votes and elections. The fact of the matter is that a council is an imperfect idea and it does take time in order to come to a reasonable consensus. Things happen quickly and require an immediate motion in some cases. In these cases in order to defend the land or not require immediate action. The fact of the matter is action is needed in some cases. I believe that the only time the council will be neglected is during a situation that requires action or there is too much conflict in order to make a good decision. [color=purple]you know that button at the bottom of your posts? the one marked "Edit"? USE IT!! Merged - Grido[/color] Edited October 16, 2009 by Grido Jubaris, SageWoman and Sparrhawk 1 2
SageWoman Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Posted October 17, 2009 [quote name='Udgard' date='16 October 2009 - 08:48 AM' timestamp='1255700884' post='44835'] Sage, queen? xD This is what came to my mind: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] disclaimer: although I'm sure this is pretty okay, don't click the button if you're disturbed by such (EDIT: NSFW - I dunno what that means though, ask buns xD)pics. [/quote] Ugard, are you the blond or the brunette? I could have sworn you were a guy! Your coming out should be on another thread, not this one.
phantasm Posted October 17, 2009 Report Posted October 17, 2009 [quote name='Udgard' date='16 October 2009 - 09:48 AM' timestamp='1255700884' post='44835'] Sage, queen? xD This is what came to my mind: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] disclaimer: although I'm sure this is pretty okay, don't click the button if you're disturbed by such (EDIT: NSFW - I dunno what that means though, ask buns xD)pics. [/quote] I don't know about yall but that right there makes me want to vote for sage:D
GgSeverin Posted October 17, 2009 Report Posted October 17, 2009 Sage is taking her self very serious. Sage is closer to people. An old player who care the new ones. This is rare! This are the reasons i vote Sage
Pipstickz Posted October 17, 2009 Report Posted October 17, 2009 Very rare? Look at any LHO :/ Jubaris and Lady Renata 1 1
phantasm Posted October 17, 2009 Report Posted October 17, 2009 he doesn't just mean in the LHO routine Pip. LHOs care about new people and instruct them on the basics of the game. Sagewoman not only preforms her LHO duties well, but she also RPs extensivly with any of the new people who chose to. I don't care who debates what the essence of this game is the RP. There are millions of fighting games out there if someone wants a place to fight with creatures. Good RP has been something fast dwindling in this game, and I think a cause to the downfall in activity on MD overall. Sagewoman is an excellent, though eccentric, RPer who is more than willing to make newcomers feel at home. Any person who defeated the loreroot guardians and walks into the Defensive Quarters for the first time, while sage is on, will tell you that. She is also a long time player, who has had her root in Loreroot for as long as most can remember. I know long before I came around. She not only has an extensive history with loreroot, but has played roles in countless activities within MD. One of the most famous is her interactions with Khalazdad, and her helping him. This is not a biased opion, I am sure many will agree with what I say. Yes she is my in-game wife, and all around torturer of my times in this land, but she is also a very integrated and wonderful person that makes this game what it is. Master Chief of Caretakers, Phantasm
dst Posted October 17, 2009 Report Posted October 17, 2009 A good RP-er does not mean a good king/queen. From my point of view it's like this: a fighter will easily learn to RP (if he/she doesn't know how to do it already -this is another issue) then a RP-er will learn to fight. It's easier to throw some blue text on the screen (hey! we RP since we are kids - we play princesses/princes roles or what other things kids play - so it's a thing that we don't really have to learn but to remember) then setting up a good rit to defeat an enemy. I do feel that a king/queen should be good (ok...not the best cause that it's not possible) in all aspects of the game. A good king/queen should have enough experience with as many sides of MD as possible. Conclusion: saying someone is a good RP-er and that's the main reason for he/she to be king is BS for me. insults my intelligence. So, no! I will not vote for a good RP-er but for a complex player. Jester, Jubaris, Death Bell and 4 others 5 2
Kamisha Posted October 18, 2009 Report Posted October 18, 2009 [quote name='dst' date='17 October 2009 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1255812997' post='44973'] A good RP-er does not mean a good king/queen. From my point of view it's like this: a fighter will easily learn to RP (if he/she doesn't know how to do it already -this is another issue) then a RP-er will learn to fight. It's easier to throw some blue text on the screen (hey! we RP since we are kids - we play princesses/princes roles or what other things kids play - so it's a thing that we don't really have to learn but to remember) then setting up a good rit to defeat an enemy. I do feel that a king/queen should be good (ok...not the best cause that it's not possible) in all aspects of the game. A good king/queen should have enough experience with as many sides of MD as possible. Conclusion: saying someone is a good RP-er and that's the main reason for he/she to be king is BS for me. insults my intelligence. So, no! I will not vote for a good RP-er but for a complex player. [/quote] The main thing is not RP here its interaction. She knows what people want because she interacts with them often. She also spent enough time inside lore root to know what is going on and what has worked and what hasn't. As soon as anybody presses live help or enters lore root they know who she is.
dst Posted October 18, 2009 Report Posted October 18, 2009 Sorry but the main idea in Phantasm's post IS about RP. And I expect new players to know who she is since she is a LHO for god's sake and since she usually has a big mouth then it's natural for her to be known. It's LHOs job to interact.IAB is also you get my point here. And another thing: [quote]She also spent enough time inside lore root to know what is going on and what has worked and what hasn't.[/quote] NOTHING happens in Lore (except some things that I cannot mention in here). Lore is dull (and mostly un-populated). At least for me.
phantasm Posted October 18, 2009 Report Posted October 18, 2009 sounds like someone has a dislike for sage:P
Pipstickz Posted October 18, 2009 Report Posted October 18, 2009 Yeah, Phanties, lots of people Watcher 1
dst Posted October 18, 2009 Report Posted October 18, 2009 Phantasm, I like very few players in MD and I never hid that so don't be surprised: if I am given the chance I will state my opinion even if somebody will be hurt by it.
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