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Sparring Grounds


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If a community prodject cannot stand on its own feet (operate without the help of another) then it is no point trying to prop up something that doesnt work in the first place

I also doubted that MRD would allow it, but i dont think that it should survive only because if you attack there, you will lose GGG rights. It just seems like it may only work, because its being held up by a different working community prodject

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I dont see it as relying on another project.

Its more of a matter of respect.

Its called working together.

The SG is a good project that will benefit the newbies who in turn will make the MD experience a better one.

All will benefit from it.

As a community, if a project is under attack, its only normal for another project to show their support by making enemies of another project as their own.

We call it a community project, then allow the MD community to help.

I dont see it as weakness, but strength and respect as a community as a whole.

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im no pro, but i helped several new players ease into the new playstyle... still i stay away from dojo.. cos as a weak MP5 i allready have too many losses. i fear to get more. If somehow you could be idle there without beeing atacked i would leave my char there and chek in on it more often...
could you have flags on people. ("ok you ca attck", "plz dont attack me?")
also the only thing right now you cannot farm are voctories.. this builds up to new MP5-s if not an alt of a former veteran haveing tooo much lost fights, and not beeing active.. fearing to atack people and loose.

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ok here we go *turns rant on*

Many people who play now a days don't remember this, but once upon a time everyone didn't sit idle for days at a time. Used to after you were done playing you logged off, or you "slept" in a sanctuary. A main reason the Defensive Quarter, and Wind's Sanctuary were always such busy places.

Batilla saying you as a fresh MP5 with too many losses is pure and simply your own fault. Most MP5s when we first turn over can't hardly attack anyone due to the honor issue of being so much more balanced then the vets. With the recent months of the vets crawling out of their 1000 loss balance to a couple hundred, this isn't near the issue it was when I first changed into an MP5. I heard an MP4 complaining the other day about needing several hundred victories, and was asking for free ones. This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard of. This goes down to the "Victory Ground" and its absurdity. MP3's and MP4's, I understand the GGG changed play a little since I was there, but you are for the most part around the same age ranges. If you have that much problem with creatures and battling, I suggest you work more on your RP!!!! skills. Become a likeable person so less attacks occur, and you really get into it when you start RPing with alliance big wigs who will watch out for you.

The Dojo was a training place yes, but most of the time there were few idle people compared to the active people who were rping, and asking each other for battles. ALMOST LIKE DUELING OR SOMETHING!!!! Instead of attacking sleeping people. I think a lot of the issues with the Dojo at the end, and now the Sparring Grounds is exactly that, its less actual dueling and more attacking idle players who have the same ritual set 1,00000 times or creatures with 10 ve that give you 100 xp in the win.

*rant off*

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there is no point in deying that loss-problems are completely self-made problems, but most people are not capable of undoing their mistakes that easily...

When did being a likeable person save you from the attacks of fighters? It might have helped against the socalled roleplayers, but those are not interested in fighting either way, they sit out at GGG or hide in a sanctuary, as Phan already elaborated.

When no weak prey is left, what should people do? Ask evil fighters for victories and hope that they don't feel like smashing them right away? Or ask selfrighteous roleplayers, who'd rather see them dead than help them, even when they take advantage of fighters-knowledge all day long themselves?

There are no Gargants and Glaistigs and Sagewomen on the playground anymore, all that is left is Sparrhawks, Dayredeemers and Clock Masters who will gladly help anytime, but at the same time take what they need from the poor soul asking for help.

You are in a position to not care for balance anymore, for you are one of those who never fights either way, and as long as nobody comes to demolish your balance deliberately, you won't ever get into troubles. Others do, simply because they didn't know that they'd be screwed when they got too many losses, and are too weak to make up for them. There is no flashlight pointing you to the 1000-mark and telling you that the game is over when you reach it, and anybody who hasn't been there to see what happened when it was implemented will probably never know until it's too late

call it RPG as much as you wish, 20% of the people play a fighting game here, and 'duel' with the GGG-alts as long as you wish, there are some who feel like actually fighting, and lose in the process. A place for those should exist, instead of one where people 'train' without the blood sweat and tears of fighting.

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"When did being a likeable person save you from the attacks of fighters? It might have helped against the socalled roleplayers, but those are not interested in fighting either way, they sit out at GGG or hide in a sanctuary, as Phan already elaborated."

You kiddin me? Zeiphenier was a perfect example of that. Most people never thought about attacking him because he was liked by so many. Fighters and RPers alike. Compared to Jim Bob, who would have 50 times the losses Z would have if he just idled in an attackable area.

"You are in a position to not care for balance anymore, for you are one of those who never fights either way, and as long as nobody comes to demolish your balance deliberately, you won't ever get into troubles. Others do, simply because they didn't know that they'd be screwed when they got too many losses, and are too weak to make up for them. There is no flashlight pointing you to the 1000-mark and telling you that the game is over when you reach it, and anybody who hasn't been there to see what happened when it was implemented will probably never know until it's too late"

I was there same as you Burns, though a lot younger, and I remember the masses of tree rituals the same. You can't tell me most victories aren't based on the age of the character. from the MP3 that has a max elemental, to the MP5 who has 8 GG drachorns from when they were actually still being produced. As you have seen, the "flashlight at -1000" is pointing twards that for many players. Vets and all having to hide from the barbarians who take only the pleasure in fighting anything they touch in this game. People hell bent on nothing but attacking people without emotions or freindship to gain stats. A "Mobsters Player" as some would say.

Duels you say. I haven't many of those. Either you have the GGGer, the idler, or the demolisher...how long did you say rounds last for you?

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' date='09 January 2010 - 05:22 AM' timestamp='1263036161' post='52283']
Well, the protective part I once had, was simple for me. Just get so strong that you usually don't lose the fights, or don't mind losing. Perhaps that is due to some arrogance that i built up from almost never getting attacked anymore, but I tend to believe it's possible at least to improve to the point where you can withstand some of the strongest people.

Setting a simple, strong ritual that can even beat the crap out of drachorn rituals often enough is easy. Requires one claw3 creature and some more birds. Or just go and adapt the BP method, though that won't work against drachorns.

I even added a rule that the helpers were supposed to be protected to a certain degree, but that didn't work out well.

As for mp5, I can understand why people want to be protected from attacks..but in the end, isn't it also that MP5 is the "veteran" stage or should be if you asked me, and once people wish a truly safe haven they could go to sancs? And..if people really were to wish that, why did I meet so little resistance?

I can understand them being frustrated and all, but if the old dojo staff would have protested in unison, and gathered support I would understand it and may not have attempted to take over. But..they didn't do much.

Calxy of Isis was the Dojo Mistress and I was her apprentice. The system was not perfect however it was community based training area and it worked well. When Calyx left I took over and more postings were made for the dojo. It seemed, to my way of seeing things, that as soon as it was revealed that the Dojo staff had a Ban Spell, that frequent dojo abusers could be punished, steps were taken to take the dojo and the spell away. Contrary to what Chewett believes, I was not given adequate time to respond to the take over due to medical issues.

On top of that, it was "decided" by senior veteran players that Mp5's were experienced and on their say so, any mp5 could be attacked viciously there. It does no good, as Firsanthalas explained, to try and help new players and up and coming Mp4 players if we are constantly and maliciously attacked every 30 min. That is why I resigned as Dojo Mistress. It is only over time that Shadowseeker has seen for him self it is not an easy job.

As for spells for LHO. Not one of the many great players who were dojo staff, abused their spells as Live Help Operators. Calyx of Isis and I made sure when we took on dojo staff that they were to repeat a passage:

"As Dojo Staff I realize I have a responsibility to the community of Magic Duel and I will not abuse my spells in or outside the Dojo in Marind Bell Park."

Not only would .Jonn the Inquisitor not tolerate it, I know for a fact that Grido would come down hard on any LHO who abused their spells. We have a responsibility to Magic Duel, to Mur, and to the new players and current ones of this Game.

Do changes need to be made? Certainly. Should the Sparring Grounds be moved out of the main traffic area? In my opinion, it should be moved in an area that Mp3 and Mp4 frequent the most but still out of the way of frequent traffic.

I'v had my 2 silver coins worth to say and will get off my soap box now.

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The point is Dojo had people revolt (including myself) due to the poor attitudes and actions of staff. We've gone over this a million times no need to try to defend it again and again and again. Sparring grounds was a move to new management and a change in style. There have always been issues with enforcing the rules as there still are, and the more people willing to enforce them the more people will resepct them...thats how it is enforced by the community. Not by moaning that nothing is being done but by actively getting involved yourself to help enforce the rules you want to be there.

Shadow has done a good job with what he does, if you've ever seen him respond to a complaint about someone in SG you will know what I mean. The fact that people seem to think its all his responsibility and that people cant even be bothered to message him when there is an issue but then complain it isnt dealt with makes me laugh. Think of it this way - the buck stops with you. If that's too much responsibility for the vast majority of players, then you obviously don't want this SG/Dojo that much. If you do want it that much, then support the concept you seem to so want to work. There will always be people who don't follow your rules, and you will always have to defend the SG/Dojo way of life - that's community enforcement.


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One possibility (first suggested a loooong time ago) was to make the path to the left of Marind's Marble Stairs the entrance to the official dojo. There was even a background image which was contracted and made.

For those who would like to see what it was supposed to look like, I have added the location in the MB astral plane. If you who don't know how to enter the astral plane, go to the gazebo of equilibrium, click the talking rock and choose the "enter the astral plane" link.

Then just go to the Marind's Marble Stairs and go left.



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