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Just Realised I Never Said "hi"

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[font="Lucida Sans Unicode"]So, I was reading the forums in order to learn more about the world of MD and sudenly I came to realization that I have never said "Hi" to you all here. So, well, a bit late but from the heart regardless, here is my "Hello!" to the fine people in this community.

But I would also like to use this oportunity to say few things to those that wonder/are interested in and so on, regarding my two characters Lady Dawn and Lady Dusk, in order to calm your spirits just a little bit.

First let me assure you, that with Dawn and Dusk I am not trying to unbalance anything in the lovely world of MD. That is one of the reasons why there is not just Dawn but also Dusk. I have a fairly worked out concept of these two characters and that concept is in no way coliding with the concept of MD, its history, its inhabitants etc. It is independant one and has no more effect on the world that was created before I made them as if they would be named Lady Kylie and Lady Eilyk, if you understand my point. The concept of them both shall be explained sometime in the future when I will deem it right to be told. But both of them shall have its own story also (about their so-called previous life, out of the MD world), wich will explain why they act as they are. Nothing that they say or do is without a reason [i](rp-wise, that is)[/i]. So with a little bit of patience, I will explain everything regarding them.

I am very grateful that Lady Dawn was welcomed as she was. But now there is also Lady Dusk, wich, at this time looks more like a random character acting "stupid". I have a plea for you: give her time. Take into account that you know almost nothing of her, yet.
She "droped" into this world with only one single objective in her mind: hunting down her sister and destroying her. But as much she hates her, she is also completly lost in this world, not knowing where to turn, who to trust as she knows that her sister (Dawn of course) came to MD sooner.
Lady Dusk is at this time scared, confused and blinded by hate [i](there is a good reason for her hate also as you will be able to learn a bit later on her personal pages)[/i]. She walks the roads that she doesnt know, she find herself in a world that she, at this point, dont understand. She feels that she "landed" in enemy territory where the rules of other world [i](from wich she came)[/i]apply.
So her acting may appear random, hostile and so on. But that is not how I plan her to stay. She is in her metamorfosis stage, so to speak, and even if it doesnt seem so, she learns a bit more of the world with each passing day. In order to change, to grow, she must learn.
I understand if you find this to be odd way of doing it, but please do keep an open mind for a while and let her to complete her transformation into what I plann her to be.
If you have any doubts or questions, please fell free to contact me.

Thank you very much. :)


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As far as I am concerned, you should ignore people who assail your roleplaying or dismiss it as "stupid" -- even if it were true, saying that to a player of MagicDuel would be a bit like handing out speeding tickets at a race. This community has roleplayers of all degrees of experience, skill, and level of interest, from none to considerable. I find that most people are supportive and welcoming of new players, even if many, with good reasons, express doubts about secondary or tertiary characters (alts).

I offer but one word of advice, and that is to attempt to be considerate. If you wander into a scene where nobody is speaking in-character, don't force your RP on them (unless you deliberately wish to be viewed as obnoxious). Those of us, such as myself, who value good roleplay, have reason to hope that our courtesy will be returned by those who do not share our values.

Enjoy your time in MagicDuel, and don't be shy about asking for assistance.

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Character development takes time and hard work. Sometimes it can be a brilliant work and sometimes you just have to crumble up the scroll, throw it over your shoulder and start from scratch.

As Tarquinus stated, be true to your self and don't worry about what others may say. You have already met new friends in your adventuring here in Magic Duel and every day is a learning process.

I have 4 notebooks that are full of information, scripts, names of characters who don't play anymore, and secrets that are no longer secret. You might want to get yourself a notebook too and keep jotting stuff down. Dates and sever times are very important for some things as well. One of these days I am going to have to go through them and make files of what I want to keep!

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Indeed, it takes time and effort to shape your character, not all of the current players here have back stories and such, neither do I yet. The more effort you put into your characters, the better they will be some time in the future. I personally love your concept about your characters due to their unique style, and I believe you will go far, your god-given abilities seems to transcends boundaries.

Anyhow, welcome to our realm, I wish you the best and I hope you are fully enjoying your stay in here.

PS: You're lucky Sage didn't bug you for your papers. lol

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[quote name='Tarquinus' date='11 January 2010 - 03:24 AM' timestamp='1263180291' post='52477']

As far as I am concerned, you should ignore people who assail your roleplaying or dismiss it as "stupid" -- even if it were true, saying that to a player of MagicDuel would be a bit like handing out speeding tickets at a race. This community has roleplayers of all degrees of experience, skill, and level of interest, from none to considerable. I find that most people are supportive and welcoming of new players, even if many, with good reasons, express doubts about secondary or tertiary characters (alts).

I offer but one word of advice, and that is to attempt to be considerate. If you wander into a scene where nobody is speaking in-character, don't force your RP on them (unless you deliberately wish to be viewed as obnoxious). Those of us, such as myself, who value good roleplay, have reason to hope that our courtesy will be returned by those who do not share our values.

Enjoy your time in MagicDuel, and don't be shy about asking for assistance.

[font="Garamond"]Thank you very much.

Well, nobody actualy said anything negative to me but I am well aware that somebody could if there wouldnt be a sense of curtesy in this comunity in general, but I am also well aware that I am no "rp super star", if I may say so. I need to expand my vocabulary and work on my grammar and quite a bit of other things on the way also.
As for the comunity in general, well, I have nothing at all to complain about because it is exactly like you said.
I can quite understand why the doubts about alts arise, but again, nobody here said anything to me about them also and I just wanted to explain few things regarding that. Lets say, that I go for "preventive before curative".

I shall most certanly take the advice you offered to heart; as for assistence, I might be asking for some quite soon.

Again, thank you.[/font]

[quote name='SageWoman' date='11 January 2010 - 03:49 AM' timestamp='1263181778' post='52481']
Character development takes time and hard work. Sometimes it can be a brilliant work and sometimes you just have to crumble up the scroll, throw it over your shoulder and start from scratch.

As Tarquinus stated, be true to your self and don't worry about what others may say. You have already met new friends in your adventuring here in Magic Duel and every day is a learning process.

I have 4 notebooks that are full of information, scripts, names of characters who don't play anymore, and secrets that are no longer secret. You might want to get yourself a notebook too and keep jotting stuff down. Dates and sever times are very important for some things as well. One of these days I am going to have to go through them and make files of what I want to keep!

[font="Garamond"]Hm, tell me about it... To write a name of character is the easy work, to mold it is quite another chapter. But as my rp skills need quite a lot of improvement, the character making is not so foreign to me even if I am not some expert in that area either. But... practice makes a master and not the other way around. I understand what you mean.

Indeed, we learn every day... but only as long as we want to learn.

I can not believe, that I didnt thought about it myself. I usualy scrible down even the most unimportant things... Thank you for suggesting the notebook, it will save me from quite few headaches.
I am quite sure, that your notes would be quite an interesting reading. So if I might offer a little advice myself to you, dont realy throw anything away because you never know when you will suddenly need it. It happened to me once, regarding some non-internet thing, and I regreted throwing what at the time I thought is obsolete since on later date I needed it.

Anyhow, thank you very much for the advice and kindness.[/font]

[quote name='Lazarus' date='11 January 2010 - 04:06 AM' timestamp='1263182796' post='52485']
Indeed, it takes time and effort to shape your character, not all of the current players here have back stories and such, neither do I yet. The more effort you put into your characters, the better they will be some time in the future. I personally love your concept about your characters due to their unique style, and I believe you will go far, your god-given abilities seems to transcends boundaries.

Anyhow, welcome to our realm, I wish you the best and I hope you are fully enjoying your stay in here.

PS: You're lucky Sage didn't bug you for your papers. lol

[font="Garamond"]I said "thanks" to you so many times in these past days, that I am sure it will not hurt, if I say it again, so: Thank you.
Well, you did had some more insight into it than anybody else, I just hope, that things will go as I wish them to go... But knowing Murphys Laws... well, there shall be obstacles, I am sure, of one sort or another.
And thank you for trusting in me. I can promisse only that I will do my best to do the best.

And let me tell you, that I am enjoying my stay here quite a lot. If I wouldnt... well, then I wouldnt be here at all.

So, yet again, thank you all for good advices, kindness and ofering the helping hand. I realy apreciate it.

I will just add here that I am always opened for constructive criticisem.[/font]


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  • 3 weeks later...

Luckily for you, I have welcomed you with open arms and you joined THE SISTERHOOD. I have also encountered your alt as well. Only one of you can join. Some other entity must take her into their fold. Welcome and continue to grow as we all have.[img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img]

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[quote name='flamewarrior' date='26 January 2010 - 09:13 PM' timestamp='1264540427' post='53453']
Welcome welcome welcome. I hope you enjoy the game and make wonderful friends. I like to be short and sweet, nothing more, nothing less. Enjoy the cupcakes of MD. X3

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I do enjoy myself and I believe I did make some most wonderful friends here and am of course looking forward to make some more. :)

[quote name='Windy' date='28 January 2010 - 01:37 PM' timestamp='1264685821' post='53524']
Luckily for you, I have welcomed you with open arms and you joined THE SISTERHOOD. I have also encountered your alt as well. Only one of you can join. Some other entity must take her into their fold. Welcome and continue to grow as we all have.[img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img]

Indeed you did. Of course, it makes sense, and I do have to say, that I wasnt expecting Dusk to join THE SISTERHOOD. :) Thank you very much for your welcoming! ;)

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