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[b]Reward:[/b] 3 wps, one each for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

[b]Submissions end:[/b] 1st of March 2010

[b]Task:[/b] Post here on this thread a photograph of art you find living in the real world. It cannot be a sculpture or a painting but it can be graffiti, it can be a vine wrapped around a fence, a leaf, a cracked pavement, a paper bag dancing in the wind...I hope these examples are explaination enough, if not please ask for further clarification.

You must include in the photo the letters "MD" on a piece of paper or on your hand to show it is an original. ( thanks to Akasha for that idea )
The purpose of your living art image should be to cause the viewer an emotive reaction.


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  • Root Admin

Because i took this picture when it snowed a week/ish ago, i have taken another one with the required "MD" in it. Hopefully you can see its from the same plant/location (in my backgarden)

Here is the one with MD in it

And here is my submission during the week it snowed. I was surprised that this plant still had this flaring red color wheras the rest of it had started to die.

EDIT: it seems these pictures are a little large, to view them properly it might be easier to save them and view on your comp.

Edited by Chewett
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Well here are two pictures. One about 5pm the other around 6pm. I choose these two because the first shows my lovely little hamlet that I live in, it is a beautiful place with alot of history behind it. The second I chose because loved the way the dying sunlight made the hills burst into a deep crimson colour. They are not brilliant pictures but I always think nature should be seen and enjoyed.

(You will want to change the screen size to 50% sorry :D)

Edited by Sasha Lilias
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Yes thats the sad part, especially for me, I am not the great pic-taker so this might not be my best fitting contest, sad sad sad cause I love Z´s creativity contest.

While searching old pics I found this one, for now more then 10 years old (me and the changed pic) - but already then, Tree in heart :P (PS: this might not affect the contest in any way, just to cheer up Z - but it made me think, so I thought it would fit in here anyhow. :D

Edited by Blackwoodforest
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  • Root Admin

[quote name='phantasm' date='17 January 2010 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1263763074' post='52910']
"You must include in the photo the letters "MD" on a piece of paper or on your hand to show it is an original."

Must be original photographs of something after this quest started. While a nice picture it will not count, because you didn't have the MD in it.

is that offical? because the first quoted line seems that you just have to prove its your own

And the second i havent read anywhere, have you talked to Z?

if so its a shame, but perhaps we can have a good photo topic? Since everyone posting old pictures here

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Phantasm is quite right - and this is how you should be aiming to win.

(If you wish to be really specific and split hairs though - I will say that Chew you are the exception that proves the rule so to speak and I will still count yours - however you must understand that what you did is a very rare case and is based entirely on whether I believe it truely is an original photo based on the evidence provided.)

Nice pic there Blackwood, you did indeed make me smile :D


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I cant photoshop MD into some nice pics i took myself? :/

What a shame if i cant, but i may be able to get a nice picture either way:o

Btw using photoshop to make your pics look extra "nice" is against the rules right? I dont want to submit a pic without using photoshop when everyone else is <.<

Edited by MRnegative6
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[quote name='MRnegative6' date='19 January 2010 - 01:39 PM' timestamp='1263908371' post='53025']
Btw using photoshop to make your pics look extra "nice" is against the rules right? I dont want to submit a pic without using photoshop when everyone else is <.<

If you cant take a nice picture without photoshop...

A good picture shouldnt need adjustment, Maybe a slight exposure change but apart from that photoshop can dramatically alter a picture... it because less nature and more art...

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[quote name='MRnegative6' date='19 January 2010 - 02:39 PM' timestamp='1263908371' post='53025']
I cant photoshop MD into some nice pics i took myself? :/

What a shame if i cant, but i may be able to get a nice picture either way:o

Btw using photoshop to make your pics look extra "nice" is against the rules right? I dont want to submit a pic without using photoshop when everyone else is <.<

I think so - the essence is to catch a moment in life, not to edit this moment somehow.

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Ok i'm starting to get somewhat aggravated now...14 posts other than mine and only one of them is a relevant submission.

This isnt a dumping ground for random photos you like. Its a contest. There is a photo gallery if you want to display images you feel are beautiful or want approval over - and Talenclaws if you want to make your own mini contest then i'd appreciate it if you didn't paracite off someone else's contest (no matter how easy the question is).

This is a living art contest, it isnt about special effects or camera capabilities either, which is WHY it is very simple to put MD in the picture. Either you get it...or you don't apparently. You may think you do, but you don't.

If its too difficult to understand, then its quite simple, I will pull the contest as I've been known to do before.

Let me know if that is the case.


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Took the freedom to delete some offtopic posts here..if I see any more, I'll delete and add warn status accordingly. Even though this was not requested by the creator of this topic, I assume this'll help lessen spam.

And yes, you may now stone me now for being offtopic with this post.

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I guess ill take a shot at this its a bit hard to find pictures labeled other than white out in winnipeg weather but snow and minus 40 is a good combination as the snow crystallizes to cause a cristalic structure. I will let you be the judge of that anyway. I got 2 photos here. I only stopped because any longer and I would be using Voice recognition tech in order to make this message.

I used photo bucket cause HD photos are huge in a word.

Oh ya by the way the second one I would like to think of as bob after im done with him:P .



Edited by Kamisha
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[quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' date='22 January 2010 - 10:34 PM' timestamp='1264199691' post='53264']
Ok i'm starting to get somewhat aggravated now...14 posts other than mine and only one of them is a relevant submission.
I was wondering if mine is counted or not?
If not then I will delete it and place something else.

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You said graffiti too right? this is a living (art) dragon on my wall.. working progress i gues... but from time to time it tells me how it should look next

by the way the picture i took with my phone so please excuse bad quality
hope you like it

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Wil be putting my submission here soon. ;) just trying to work a way to get it from an old camera to the comp >.<.

You made that yourself?. If so, can it be considered since your the one who made it.

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another adventurer trying to get into Loreroot....


...and he returns defeated...


i could only use my cell phone for this =.= so... quality sucks...sorry ddidint have a good camera T_T

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  • 2 weeks later...


1 silver to anyone who correctly guesses what this is.

EDIT: post in a separate thread: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6583-guess-the-pic/

Edited by apophys
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Heres mine :)
Snow was a bit thick so couldnt get closer, but i think you can see the last leaf hanging on :)
Looks like the Liberty Statue(statue of liberty)

And there ya go xD

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Did this pic from my mobile phone camera, while standing in a traffic jam with my car on a rainy day, so no chance to include MD, cause this was spontaneous. Maybe this will make it not count, I don't care then, but this was the saddest tree sculpture I have ever seen.

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