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I hope you are aware of the irony in that post Burns.

There's two questions asked in this topic:
Was what happened an offense against the GGG rules? Yes.
Can/will anything be done to track the perpetrator? Apparently not.

For those who think the answer to the first is 'no' or 'yes, but not in this case because ...' You are questioning the GGG policy and issues about mp3s and alts. Which is reasonable, but you have to separate those from the question that was asked and refrain from comments ala 'You deserved what happened'. I'm going to quote Tolkien here: 'Many that live deserve to die and many that died deserve to live.'You are never going to get rid of all the 'bad' mp3s and save the real mp3s from harm at this rate. Arbitrarily picking off one 'bad' mp3 and then cheering doesn't sound productive to me and I doubt I am the only one who thinks that is what is encouraged now.

Personally I doubt GGG was meant to exist at any mp, so saying that it should not exist at mp3 but is ok at mp4 is a difficult position to defend.

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[quote name='Burns' date='23 February 2010 - 06:57 AM' timestamp='1266929847' post='55012']
Ah, nice double standards, huh?

Any jerk can come, take newbie-stage and crash it with some well-aged crits, a bit of experience and a lot of sparetime, and face no consequences, but when we come and stop them, it's evil and against the rules?

You say that what's possible can be done, but when somebody else plays by your rules you get whiny, very interesting...

Who is destroying MD? The people who scare newbies off, or the vets who assassinate the scarecrows?
You may judge for yourself, but i'm confident that the major part of the community knows which side is less wrong

"Assassinating a scarecrow" would be commendable OUTSIDE of the GGG, where there are no rules whatever. INSIDE the GGG, however, it is a GGG violation, and that takes precedence.

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Ok...let's suppose you find the "criminal". What would you do against him/her?

I have 2 theories about this:
1)It's a noob who did not know what he/she was doing so the incident will probably never repeat itself.
2)It's a vet that knows how to clear his/her tracks. And even if he/she is discovered he/she has the tools to escape your punishment (whatever that is.

Right now there is nothing to do about it. There are risks involved when you leave your char idle. Don't assume that everybody has good faith and follow rules. This is MD :P. Rules are a different concept here, if I may say so.
It may be a regrettable incident but it also might not. It all depends on which of the 2 theories apply.

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