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Mp6 And Heat


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Would it be bad if Heat Transfer get enabled on mp6 as well? It's just that all spells available at mp6 only have 20 casts per day, so most of the time, i got my erolin device shining with 4400 heat in it(while all 6 little ones already filled :P ) So, while serving my fellow worshipers and adepts when they need it, i think the extra heat should be able to be turn into something useful like Loyalty points(since it's needed when we want to buy stuff in mdshop).or perhaps, make it that all mp6 automatically worship Mur and can send him all the extra heat?? :D

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Why that won't work: There is a massive possibility for abuse. Imagine an mp6 with a lot of worshipers, and you have a lot of heat. That mp6 could gain so much loyalty without too much effort. It'd be even worse if mp6's could pray to each other, because then they could just bounce the heat back and forth, with an extra worshiper helping to counter-act the natural decay of heat. In short, mp6s would be able to gain far too much loyalty far too quickly.


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yeah, nice point awiiya.since i get 500+ heat each step i take, i overlooked about the fact where worshipper sending heat can actually boost the heat gathering process(though, isnt that what worshippers do?since they're clicked the button "Accept and Obey"? :P). And while the exchange rate for mp5+ is 500 sent=250 received, still you're right about the bouncing heat transfer between mp6s, that's why i add the suggestion that mp6 automatically worship Mur instead, since he's mp7(or perhaps other mp7??). and the part you said about mp6 will gain too much loyalty far too quickly, errr, that's why i made this topic anyway, so i can do that :D (since i dont think having high loyalty will hurt someone else)

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Having such high loyalty available would mess with Alliance Leadership, being able to gain loyalty so fast would essentially prevent MP6 from joining alliances unless they were already its leader (since no-one wants to have their alliance taken over, even by accident :P)

It would also make leaders more paranoid about who they invited into alliances, in case the player had previously been an MP6 and gained a ridiculous amount of loyalty.

Most of the items that cost loyalty cost less than or upto 100 loyalty, which you can get in a fairly short time anyway if you know how.

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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as for "It would also make leaders more paranoid about who they invited into alliances, in case the player had previously been an MP6 and gained a ridiculous amount of loyalty." part, even if i have 20K loyalty and someone invite me into an alliance with the leader's point at 10K, my loyalty will automatically cut down to less than 10K.(still the possibility to "accidentally" take over the alliance still high, just stating that unless it's really a plan to take over the ally in the first place, it doesnt matter if you're mp6 or not, we all saw how "someone" took over an ally, twice while she's a mp5). i dont know about other mp6, but if you ask me, i dont have any agenda of taking any alliance or something like it, it's purely about turning my excess heat into something profitable for myself, and hopefully for other mp6 as well :D though, your opinion is highly appreciated kyphis :P

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How about these reasons:
MP6 are protectors, not those-in-need-of-protection, and therefore they don't need to pray to anybody.
MP6 have full heat by default, it's no work for them, so the protectors wouldn't even appreciate the sacrifice of heat, and therefore you can't do it.
MP6 don't accept to work for any other protector because they have the same powers.


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Lose exp off the cap. And then fight. You being a leader, and mp6 at the same time is your choice..and you knew being mp6 will make you get less loyalty.

You gained spells, but if you really feel that your leadership is under trouble, then you shouldn't have gone to mp6.

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mp6 cant lose xp by rituals... so its not unlimited process, how ever you try to drop the xp.

mp6s have too much weaknesses. You cant fight non ally mp5s, you cant drop xp via rituals, you cant pray for loyalty, and the spells (except no multi and freeze that are great no matter who is the oposition) have good effect only on mp3s and young mp4s (lets say jester with who knows how much VE, would surely use my 4000 VE heal, a?)

so basically, mp6 is a LHO-for-mp3s-level

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@*Burns*: your points are good for a MP6->MP6 situation, that's why i suggest MP6 can channel their heat to higher being?(in this case, Mur. and who knows, it might be you later on when you're raised to MP7 for being among the most outstanding vet/player? :D )

@Shadowseeker: MP6 arent gods, so i dont have any counter-argument for your statement :P I dont know about mythology, but there should be someone higher than zeus and odin, right? if that so, they both also need to obey that someone, right? (but if there arent anything greater than zeus and odin, once again, i raise the white flag :D )

@Rhaegar: hehe, guess there's no way we can farm loyalty while being a protector :D

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Like it or leave it?
You know, it's really that simple...

If you wish to be a big powerful spellcaster, you don't have endless opportunities to train.
If you want to be a big strong fighter, you don't have prot-spells.

There is no mix of the two, it's either-or. Some like MP6 better, some prefer MP5.

uh, we managed to post at the same time... xD
So, MP7 isn't the bigger MP6, it's the illusion stage.
Illusionists don't need heat -> no praying to them =P

[color=purple]I dont want to spam, so i'll just add here - Shhh Burns, dont tell people not to pray to MP7s, they should! it's fun! - Grido[/color]

Edited by Grido
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[quote name='Burns' date='20 April 2010 - 12:29 PM' timestamp='1271759389' post='58266']

If you wish to be a big powerful spellcaster, you don't have endless opportunities to train.
If you want to be a big strong fighter, you don't have prot-spells.


ok, that's ok.

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As for protectors..the way the descriptions sounds when you choose one, it's as if you decide to follow a god..or godlike being, which now holds power over you. I haven't seen that implemented for real, being obviously there would be a LOT less worshippers around then.

Offtopic: Gods..in their own pantheon, Odin or Zeus are the highest. If you follow the norse or the greek mythology, you'd claim there was no higher being. If you follow one of the monotheistic ones, then "your" God obviously is the only true one, and everyone else's religion is heresy by standard...though nowadays religions aren't so strict about that anymore.

Some claim each god is an aspect of the "god principle" or so, which would be the true god, just us having failed to grasp it. The sum of all past, current and future gods would be that then...

And how would a god worship it? That would deny the own godlikeness, due to saying I am not god, he is, and then undermine the own position...


Isn't it just simply your choice whether you go to mp6 or not? As it was said, it's an experimental stage, and not many reach it, and even less hold it for a very long time.

About next MP Level
The next stage is a special gamestage. Not all players reach it. [...] As a protector you will not have many oponents to fight with but you will be more involved with group play. In MP6 your creatures or millitary progress is no longer important, but your popularity is. [...] MP6 is a temporary level. [...] MP6 is not the last level, but its a different level.

See? Loyalty points to be gained on mp5 fall under the fighting aspect. Aside from one or two shop potions there aren't many any other ways I could think of...ultimately heat and allymember fighting fall into.....well, fighting.

That above is the text you are supposed to read when aiming to become mp6 as a mp5 btw. I took some parts out due to no relevance.

If you want loyalty points, DO NOT TURN MP6, or simply fight getting EXP reduce, no matter how.

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