Lifeline Posted April 24, 2010 Report Posted April 24, 2010 New management in Marind Bell Many of u probably noticed that I am much less active than I was before the beginning of this year. Real life has become really busy for me and I find little time to fully interact with MD lately. I am online yes but always distracted with work, studies or other matters. But let’s come to what I wanted to say namely the situation in Marind Bell: I have reduced my work to laying the foundations for a prosperous land. I started by getting KoB back from the grasp of Necrovion after the lost war and making it a full Marind Bell alliance again. Then I thought a long time about the future of the two Marind Bell alliances and came to the conclusion that it would be best to change the seats around because SoE is a niche and KoB is the alliance with the potential for a main land alliance. After the change got finally made and accepted I defined the alliances again with new alliance statements and hoped for somebody who could help me in the recruiting process. I sadly never found anybody and thought I could do it myself but I obviously didn’t have enough time for that. So I kept focusing only on the very foundation of Marind Bell and suggested the land regeneration timer to get more balanced. My hope was that with a much better regeneration timer more people would be interested in actually joining a land that had a bad timer before. So I calculated new regeneration timer and managed to get all other kings to agree on them. Next step was to get more activity into Marind Bell and Cutler helped me greatly by setting up a private Marind Bell land chat outside of Winds Sanctuary. Currently the kings are planning new housing stats and alliance stats. But as u can see from all that I am merely building the foundation of something that should become great but do not make it grow. I do recruit new citizen but I don’t do enough getting them really integrated into Marind Bell. I wish I could but I lag the time for it. That is why I am looking for a new management team in Marind Bell. I cannot do everything myself and on top of that I am not an entertainer or organizer of quests/events. But what is most needed to get the foundations to actually grow into a real building is interaction with citizen of Marind Bell through events and other means. So I ask everybody who is interested in Marind Bell and wants the land to prosper to help it grow. I will reward anybody that does and if teamwork with me isn’t wished then they can work completely independent and on their own. Right now I am basically doing everything myself or ask Emerald Arcanix for help with new recruits. Since there is no alliance leader that commits his time fully to the alliance I am even willing to give an alliance of Marind Bell in the hand of a new management. I know that I am late in announcing this, I always hoped I would manage to but I finally realized that it is impossible for me to lead two alliances, recruit new citizen, attend all the king meetings, do the political stuff and also very important organize public events. So please everybody that wants the best for Marind Bell come and talk to me. Let’s see what we can work out. Marind Bell shouldn’t be about one single person ruling the land but about its entire citizen. I said a long time ago that I want Marind Bell to be about potential. Potential however doesn’t glow or is written over ur face. U only see it if u really talk with the people. So if u think u can rule and manage Marind Bell in a better way approach me. I already said that I wish to give leading positions to other people than myself. I don’t even believe in monarchies, I think the person WITHIN the land with the highest potential and achievements should be its ruler. I hope for a board of leaders and not a single king so if u are motivated, have initiative and potential come and become a member of that board. Council is the word I used in my application for kingship but the seats were never taken, they are still there for u to claim. I believe in initiative so I want people to ask for a seat in the council and claim it. I am no omnipotent being that sees everybody for what he/she could be so I am waiting for people to take control of their fate and claim what they yearn for. For a leading position it is most important that u have the courage to take all the necessary steps to reach ur goal. I won’t make ur life easy and simply serve everything on a golden plate. I especially want a future leader or even king to know what he truly is and become that with his own power. So if u care for Marind Bell, want it to grow and develop, and be part of it in form of a leader talk to me and show me that u can realize it. U will then get a seat in the council, and if u still want to engrave more of ur character into Marind Bell all that is left to do is winning the most council members for urself and kingship shall be passed to u. I am not saying that I want to resign I just want to make Marind Bell into a land where a peasant can grab for the stars and claim the throne with his/her own abilities. A place where u can take control of ur own destiny - and govern the direction ur thread of fate is heading into. So come and voice clearly the position u want to be in and start following that path until u get where u want to be. What Marind Bell needs the most are creative players with ideas they are willing to push through. I will play and obey to the rules I have set and am willing to bestow ur earned position to u - even if that is kingship itself. I am looking for worthy players to whom I pass on my title in the future anyway. And please remember: the spokesperson of the land might be the king but the citizens are the real life-force of the land. U give the land its face and form its identity so become active and imprint the land with ur actions and personality. PS: don’t let the topic die as it always happens with my topics about Marind Bell. Talk in here, state ur opinion, attack me or whatever but don’t just be inactive and stay silent. PPS: and one more thing, I want especially Marind Bell alliance members or citizen to post in here (or contact me privately) and state what role they would like in MB. For example: Knight protecting the land in case of war, knight teacher teaching new squires, event organizer, alliance recruiter, or any other job u can think of. If u don’t want to do anything then that is sad but also fine. Phantom Orchid, Watcher and nadrolski 2 1
Root Admin Chewett Posted April 24, 2010 Root Admin Report Posted April 24, 2010 (edited) I feel it is Time to Reformat SoE, And if the King is ready i will start doing so. Page 472 [2009-05-18 05:32:40 - The Traveler] Apparently without any relation to what happened in Necrovion, Liberty and Chewett gather in a secret meeting at Angien's Shrine. Something is going on with the Egg, or maybe new plans start to be made, few know. Some with a wilder imagination already see the similarities between a floating egg that has been there since the beginning of time and a mysterious floating orb in Necrovion, but is it just foggy thoughts, or is it really something related... Page 473 [2009-05-19 02:27:49 - The Traveler] The egg becomes darker and darker and also heavier or at least looks so because its closer to the ground than before. With a strange feeling of admiration Liberty kneels in front of the Egg. Chewett consideres the scene a bit disgusting as the slime on the egg starts to drop on the ground, but slowly a powerfull respect feeling floods his heart and makes him see the egg with different eyes. Plans were made that night, And until now only a few knew of them. SoE will be reformed into the ideology that was planned there that night. Of course, this will only take place if the King agrees to it. Edited April 24, 2010 by Chewett
emerald arcanix Posted April 24, 2010 Report Posted April 24, 2010 i am ready to take a more active stand for Marind Bell myself. no name for the role i seek is found so far, the one of a scholar(a heretic scholar) is my goal in game, but as a member of The Seekers of Enlightenment, a responsibility exists allready and so the path to a role. I am ready to take up the duty as a mentor of sorts for all those who wish to became Marind Bell citizens and help them discover REASONS for choosing Marind Bell citizenship. I allready proven i can do this and more and can focus on more then one side. i will help Marind Bell grow in any way i can,from making quests, event to encouraging cooperation between citizens, but more then all i strive for making a distinct land personality for Marind Bell, one personality in witch citizens of Marind Bell can find themsels in, and so the land will help us grow just as much as we will help it. if a coucil will be implemented in Marind Bell,i am ready to take the responsibility of a seat
Lifeline Posted April 24, 2010 Author Report Posted April 24, 2010 (edited) Chewett I am glad that u want to bring those plans back to life. When Liberty and me tried to push these plans during the east AL and didnt succeed I gave up on them. If they do come to life it would make SoE a really great alliance and would be damn awesome. And I fully support what Emerald Arcanix just stated. (But I will discuss the rest with the 2 of u on messenger and only state the final result here) Edited April 24, 2010 by Lifeline Watcher and emerald arcanix 1 1
Lifeline Posted April 24, 2010 Author Report Posted April 24, 2010 I will give Liberty full command over Marind Bell businesses starting right now until the end of 10 days. This agreement will stand true unless there are some serious conflicts of ideas/interests, so the next major changes will be thanks to him. I am happy to see Liberty back in action in Marind Bell; he will rejoin SoE and take a council seat. His actions are sanctioned so please comply with them. (other changes will be discussed in the following days and stated soon)
Lifeline Posted April 28, 2010 Author Report Posted April 28, 2010 Chewett is the new real leader of the Seekers of Enlightenment and will start reforming the alliance this weekend. Emerald Arcanix will help me with the recruting of new citizen and will guide them in Marind Bell. U can approach him or me in the future for inner land affairs and the like. i trust in his judgement and believe he will do greatly. Council seats and the like will be decided after the 10days agreement with Liberty.
Lifeline Posted May 9, 2010 Author Report Posted May 9, 2010 Liberty seems to have deceided to stay retired afterall. So for now council seats go to Chewett and Emerald Arcanix.
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