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Mercenaries Wanted


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This post is tangential to the story quest thread over [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7184-mya-celestia-is-dead/page__view__findpost__p__60778"]yonder[/url].

I need groups of fighters to loan to various interested parties for the "conflict" phase of this story, and some people to just be brigands ("what? questing for Mya? Have a drachorn sandwich with death sauce!").

If you're interested, post here. I will do a light screen of applicants, meaning pretty much everybody is welcome to sign up. Wages are 1 silver just for signing up (if I accept you), with more silver offered for time spent and bonuses available for people who cause major chaos, fight epic battles, etc. Though this is a roleplaying quest, I want people who use the system for fighting - [u]no "roleplayed fights", please[/u]. People who can fight well without tokens or rare creatures will be given priority.

Do keep in mind that I want mercenaries - people whose loyalty can be bought. Questers can request mercs from me or put together their own retinues.

Chaos awaits.

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lovely :D
if the event lasts longer (like a week or two, and doesnt end by the end of this week anyway) I would like to be part of this :)

finally some use for my offensive mp6 spells :)

edit: btw, no need for silver, I'll find my own way to one side. :)

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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Since your intentions are to cause havoc, i take it that i can interfere with your parties without being in one of them at the start?

I do want to take part in that stage (i personally found the first quite boring, honestly, it was clear who, how, when and where, and the motives are of no matter to me), but i have issues with selling myself and probably ending up in a situation/party i'm not comfortable with xD

oh, and i obviously don't wish to be paid for doing things my way, no worries ^^

Edited by Burns
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[quote]Do keep in mind that I want mercenaries - people whose loyalty can be bought.[/quote]

As far as I can see, it's not sure all mercenaries will be sent to "save" mya. Actually, seeing as there's several parties and a need for mercenaries I'd very much doubt it.

Therefore, you might want to rethink signing up as a mercenary.

Edited by lightsage
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I didn't quite get u if ur talking about attacking ppl, then count me in, if ur talking about sth to do with Mya (aka i have to know her...)... just tell me if there are any... requirments... for this...

(and for the mods, i tried sending this as a PM but it didn't work so don't accuse me of spamming!)

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I will gladly sign up as a mercenary, as it does not matter to me who I fight, or who I fight for.

I have no tokens or drachorns, yet won heads in 1st place.

Currently I am at the mp4 cap, so I am available to fight with total disregard to XP.
I intend to rise to mp5 soon, but if an mp4 mercenary is needed, I will delay this.

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Burns - Yes, you don't have to be "registered" to take part in the Conflict section of the "quest" - you can simply interfere. That's MagicDuel. I am hoping to get some mercenaries who will take direction, but we will cope with whatever happens. I'm sorry the setup was boring, even if it's not quite over, but the problem with using real events in MD is that one cannot really control them. You aren't the only person who likes to interfere, and managing multiple Player Characters even nominally working together can be difficult.

Seeker - I hope it starts fairly soon. I don't see this as a one-time event, but hopefully duels that take place over time. Right now I'm simply trying to get a feel for what I have to work with. Let me know what kind of "wage" you might want, as I doubt you are in it for the silver.

Marv, Mr. Mystery, apophys, Kamisha, Udgard, Nex, argos, Jtz Champion, asterdai, Mourn, tigerguardian - thanks. Consider yourselves hired. I'll be in touch.

argos - you don't have to know Mya or even care what happens. You only have to want to fight, and be willing to take a small bit of instruction in exchange for silver coins.

[b]I will edit this post as people respond affirmatively[/b]

Edited by Tarquinus
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[quote name='Metal Bunny' date='03 June 2010 - 01:46 PM' timestamp='1275590798' post='60898']
The Mercenary part of the GG Alliance, of which I represent 50%, is in deliberation and requires more time contemplating before any other choices or deals can be made.

So 50% of 50% of the alliance is considering joining this quest?

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I'll hop by and throw some frog and atklock spells, I guess..

edit: if there are mercenaries hired to wreak havoc, there should be some hired to give people breathing room, rite? >.>

Edited by Udgard
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I may be interested in this, pm me a timeframe and some more information, I'll see if I can make it, mp4 (weaker then my mp5 I can pm some details if you wish) and mp5 available as needed (though no payment is needed, just in it for the fun :( )

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i have an interesting set of creatures (high age and/or rare) if you have need of anything specific i could help.

Also i would like to offer myself as a position of strategy, if you wish to discuss more, i can speak with you personally

Edited by Asterdai
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If you wish to be considered for a reward, obey [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7184-mya-celestia-is-dead/page__view__findpost__p__61418"]the quest's fighting rules[/url] and mark yourself as a renegade. If, however, you merely wish to increase the chaos, you need do nothing at all. :P

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