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Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar

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[quote name='Chewett' date='10 June 2010 - 12:49 AM' timestamp='1276148973' post='61541']
Please name me 2 things every other king has done that Firsan hasnt. If you didnt realise all the kings have done prettymuch nothing (not that i blame them)
I do not post to take exception with Chewy's remark: I just want to say that the kings have done some things that people tend to overlook (for example, meeting and agreeing on how best to change the land bonuses for their respective realms).

I have found Firsanthalas to be an energetic, kindly, and fair ruler. If he has a bit of a temper, then he fits right in with MD, doesn't he? :D At no time have I found the accusation of treason against him very credible.

I am dismayed to see people I consider friends, in game and out, at each other's throats. From the standpoint of friendship, I say: please try to be respectful to each other. You will be happier in the end, guaranteed.

From the standpoint of a game designer, plot writer, and game player, I urge you, Rhaegar, to take this incarceration as a marvelous opportunity to develop your character's story. A writer friend of mine says: "Nothing turns pages faster than bad things happening to good people." Make the most of this! It may not be just, it may not be fair... but it IS interesting, and it is only, like the Maltese Falcon, such stuff as dreams are made of.

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[quote name='Tarquinus' date='10 June 2010 - 08:03 AM' timestamp='1276149819' post='61542']
From the standpoint of a game designer, plot writer, and game player, I urge you, Rhaegar, to take this incarceration as a marvelous opportunity to develop your character's story. A writer friend of mine says: "Nothing turns pages faster than bad things happening to good people." Make the most of this! It may not be just, it may not be fair... but it IS interesting, and it is only, like the Maltese Falcon, such stuff as dreams are made of.

heh I do plan to Tarquinus. :)) this is a game after all ^_^

and to chewett... I don't care about other kings. I'm talking about Firsanthalas, things that he didn't do, why should I compare him with other kings?

"Bush is not that bad... Look at XXXXXX in Zimbabwe, he's massacring his people every day, so Bush is not that bad, no reason to do anything a?" (I have no idea what is the situation in Zimbabwe for the record.)

those forums are old, inactive, and as you said, public. therefore they can't be used.
and about using this forums... I already spoke that in another topic. Look it up (Rangers of Loreroot, when Chewett mentioned everyone can make a hidden section here. In any case, Firsanthalas didn't do that, so don't know why are you pointing this to me? since he was supposed to make them, and by bringing the number of options, you just showed that he didn't use them, not me. If I did it instead of him... we would have this situation like for Rangers of Loreroot again.)

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 June 2010 - 12:16 PM' timestamp='1276164990' post='61552']

and to chewett... I don't care about other kings. I'm talking about Firsanthalas, things that he didn't do, why should I compare him with other kings?

"Bush is not that bad... Look at XXXXXX in Zimbabwe, he's massacring his people every day, so Bush is not that bad, no reason to do anything a?" (I have no idea what is the situation in Zimbabwe for the record.)

[/i][i][color="#2e8b57"]Compare apples with apples and not apples with bananas!!! [/color][/i][i] [/i]

[i][color="#2e8b57"]The political situation in the US is ENTIRELY different to the political situation in Zim or South Africa or Poland or Romania or whichever country you want to pick!! Which is ENTIRELY different to the political situation in MD. [/color][/i][i][color="#2e8b57"] -Im not gonna get started on Bush and Mugabe because I could write pages on their similiarities - [/color][/i]

[i][color="#2e8b57"]Each President (whether you deem him good or bad) does what he feels is appropriate for their country. Robert Mugabe (The Zimbabwean president -or should I say Authority - the political situation has changed somewhat- ) believes his plan  for his country is best, as does Obama, Jacob Zuma etc.  Yes the outside world may rant and rave, but at the end of the day the final decisions are made by the ruling party of that country. If the MAJORITY of the public dont like it, come election time, they vote and re-elect.   [/color][/i]

[i][color="#2e8b57"]If you are comparing presidents in terms of who is better, then you look at what they have accomplished for each country in terms of progress compared to the rest of the world, and how they fare when it comes to outside political pressures. [/color][/i]

[i][color="#2e8b57"]You asked why should you compare Firs to other kings?[/color][/i]

[i][color="#2e8b57"]Well, if you are looking at what he has accomplished in terms of progress for Loreroot in comparison to other MD lands and how he outside pressures etc; then yes you should compare him to other kings.  If you are looking at what he has accomplished as Ruler in Loreroot then you compare him to other rulers in Loreroot.[/color][/i]

[i][color="#2e8b57"]The forums that you referred to are, as Udgard said, inactive, and has nothing to do with Firsan's current abilities as a ruler. Why are you making such an issue out of it?[/color][/i]

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Since when does majority makes something right?

I said that I don't need to compare him with other kings - other lands have their own issues or not to take care of, it is up to one of their members to voice something is wrong if it is.
The fact that I think Loreroot could have been functioning better or that I want Firs to carry out what he said he will do doesn't need to be brought down just cause some else ruler (insert a proper name) is doing a much worse job. Cause that has nothing to do with us.

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 June 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1276187477' post='61575']
Since when does majority makes something right?

[color="#2e8b57"][i]Majority doesnt make something right, but it is the only time when action will take place.  There have been spikes in history where a group of few overcame many, but in a democracy majority rules. Which by the way was the same way that all the kings were elected.[/i][/color][color="#2e8b57"][i]
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 June 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1276187477' post='61575']
I said that I don't need to compare him with other kings - other lands have their own issues or not to take care of, it is up to one of their members to voice something is wrong if it is.
The fact that I think Loreroot could have been functioning better or that I want Firs to carry out what he said he will do doesn't need to be brought down just cause some else ruler (insert a proper name) is doing a much worse job. Cause that has nothing to do with us.

[i][color="#2e8b57"]The General LR population seem to be content with Firs.  Look I dont know what your gripes are with Firs, and I dont care, but I think you are being a tad unreasonable.  This whole discussion would have been avoided if you just spoke to him with the idea of Loreroot Rangers (which by the way I think was a grand one).  Put yourself in his shoes and consider the situation as it is, would you have reacted differently?[/color][/i]

(post edited to reduce spacing between quotes)

Edited by Sharazhad
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I'll just say one thing rhaegar. Since you respect the vets a lot, you might as well try to see things through the eyes of The ones who have been here throughout trying to make things work and not the ones who chose to leave LR in chaos. Please end this madness.

Reason for edit: grammar

Edited by Esmerelda
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well that is the problem, I wanted for things to work. If Firsanthalas isn't listening then I have to make him listen somehow.
Pardon me for not being a worshiper of democracy not to dare to question it's functioning.

I'm banished, so I don't have anything to end here, I am tho glad that my banishment made some Lorerootians asking for the ideas/basis of projects/ I made (I guess if I'm not there to make them, they seem much more attractive to you all)

edit: about you all calling this democracy.

for this to be democracy, votes need to be held annually with [u]Lorerootians[/u] voting [u]anonymously[/u].
If it is not anonymous, the whole point of democracy falls into the water.

what if you have in USA a president for permanent, well till someone makes a majority without voting, with president knowing who will NOT vote for him?
what would you expect that president will do (considering nobody is a perfect when it comes to honor)

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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