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Hello everyone.

I was looking at the picture that shows up in the background when you log in and noticed something:

You can clearly read West, North and South, but there something else where East should be, also, there seems to be some writings next to the word that “replaces” East. I wonder if that relates in any way to the Lands of the East, which is the most recently discovered land and still full of mysteries.

The connection to the Lands of the East is just a suggestion (I really hope I’m right because I’m specially interested in the Tribunal :)), I’d love to hear other ideas about it.

I hope it makes sense!


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I may be wrong here, but i believe it is not an image made for MD.

I seem to recall that when there was an issue with the Yog-Sohoth symbol on the Necro gate (now removed don't bother looking) that the symbol you referenced being from somewhere else was also raised, but also that it was publicly usable and not under copyrighted protection so was fine to use.

I reitterate that i may be wrong here, that info is from a while back in my head, but if it's right info then you might not want to read too much into it (it was ofc picked for a reason still, but the relatioship you state may be unlikely)

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