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Things Are You Doing In Story Mode ?


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Hi guy's and others,
For a second day i am advancing in story mode and it appears that this will be all that i will do in the next couple days and the others(as i am now MP4 and i (think) know how long it will take me to replay the story again aaaand...the other).
I have used the time to make a registration here, for reading, trying to understand the concept and for others.
As i am running out of keywords (for searching and others)and others i am asking you and the others:
What + "Topic Tittle", because my mind is going to "Topic Description". ;)

Please post only keywords (for searching and others') and no others.

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  • Root Admin

I would recommend looking at [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/10-archives-on-magic-and-secret-stuff/"]these (click here)[/url] topics for some intresting posts, specifically the closed (red) posts by Mur.

But any of the more read topics or older topics are interesting

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