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What is good?
Without any context, I'll assume you mean morally good - to which I would say that any action is good if it does not interfere with or deny another's rights to life, liberty, and property. Unlike others in Western culture, I maintain that good is objective.

What is your best physical attribute?
My mind and therefore personality.

What is your best non-physical attribute?
Does such a thing exist?

What do you value most?

What is 2 + 2?
Five, though it really depends on which axiom(s) you accept.

What do you know?
My own limitations.

Edited by Malaikat Maut
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What is good?
nothing is good.

What is your best physical attribute?

What is your best non-physical attribute?
never give up altitude.

What do you value most?

What is 2 + 2?

What do you know?
I know what others don't know hehe.

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What is good? Life

What is your best physical attribute? My legs and big feet, excellent for kicking someone's face :P

What is your best non-physical attribute? My intelligence.

What do you value most? The truth.

What is 2 + 2? 22?

What do you know? I know what I know, but you know what I know? maybe not :P

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  • 3 months later...

What is good?
It's hard to answer that. There are, minimally, as many concepts of "good" as persons (And a lot more, since they may think of different concepts).
In my case, everything is good. It's simple. Whatever makes you "good", will do you "good", and whatever makes you "bad", which is the contrary of "good", will be "good" anyway, since it could be "worse".

What is your best physical attribute?
My face, and not because it's pretty. I find it ugly, and i like it, because, in my opinion, trustworthy people will be able to see beyond my face and into my being. Thus, my ugly face helps to avoid people who rely their judgments on people's physical appearance.

What is your best non-physical attribute?

What do you value most?
Existence, which implies self-consciousness. Through existence I'm able to experience and enjoy life.
If i didn't exist, i couldn't experiment all that i did experiment up to now... although... if i didn't exist, i would care about it... Hmm...

What is 2 + 2?
A Sum.
If you want to know what it is equal to, it's 4
Also, i remind you that the Identic value of 2 + 2 is 2 + 2.

What do you know?
I Know many things, albeit i can only be certain of only one thing: I Exist. If i didn't, i couldn't be asking myself if i do exist or not, thus i have no other answer to the question "Do i exist?".
The other things which i have knowledge of are uncertain, since everything is possible. And it is because it doesn't matter what i say, i can always question my knowledge up to the point that i can't answer what i know.

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[u]What is good?[/u]
to do things that help others.

[u]What is your best physical attribute?[/u]
my mouth for it lets me speak my thoughts.

[u]What is your best non-physical attribute?[/u]
my mind for it lets me think, one of the most important thigs.
but sometimes im to lazy to do so

[u]What do you value most?[/u]

[u]What is 2 + 2?[/u]

[u]What do you know? [/u]
I know what I have seen, but if it is the truth(if there is a thing as THE truth) well thats something else...

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What is good?
Following the Taoist precepts, Good only exists as a subjective value judgement in relation to Evil. Therefore what is good for one of us may not be good for another of us, and anything lodged in this multi-faceted web called Life has components that are both good and bad in the myriad of contexts in which it might be evaluated. A Good person considers the needs of, and impact on, others in everything they do. An Evil person deliberately acts contrary to the needs of others. Most of us carry on in an oblivious fashion.

What is your best physical attribute?
Let's face it, physically I am a wreck. I would trade my above-average strength for agility any day. My hearing, once measured as 5dB better than average, and my ability to hear the texture and pitch of sounds and the character of what made a particular sound is perhaps my best physical attribute.

What is your best non-physical attribute?
I live outside the box, with a grand big-picture view, always a different perspective, always striving to see how all the little bits of the world fit together, and am pretty "good" at that.

What do you value most?
The value of a thing depends on its uniqueness. That which is unique is of highest value. And the things that are most unique are the souls of individuals - except for those who are soul-less followers of fashion and the herd....

What is 2 + 2?
An arithmetic expression

What do you know?
I stink, therefore I am. (Seriously, the more seriously a person takes themselves, the more likely they are to be seriously wrong.)

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What is good?
A relative term, good for me may not be good for others...

What is your best physical attribute?

What is your best non-physical attribute?

What do you value most?
Trust and honesty

What is 2 + 2?
it could be 4, if you put ¨=¨ otherwise it could ment anything

What do you know?
Everything is relatively.

Edited by ERO
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[quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1304152692' post='83625']
i am thinking to make this in place of the registration form :)).. or mp level advancement requirement or so. It tells so much about someone.
I would really like to see how you would fill it out. ;D

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I meant to reply a while ago, but clearly I didn't.
These aren't THE answers, they're just my answers.

[b]What is good?[/b]
A four letter word.

[b]What is your best physical attribute?[/b]
A beauty spot central to the upper back of my left wrist.

[b]What is your best non-physical attribute?[/b]
Faith. In things, in people. I have faith in people until they give me a reason not to.

[b]What do you value most?[/b]

[b]What is 2 + 2?[/b]

[b]What do you know?[/b]
A clever man gives a clever answer, a wise man knows that the best answer has already been said before.
"All I know is that I know nothing, and I'm not even sure about that."

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