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[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1302420093' post='82277']
While I love your drawings, Mister Blackthorn, I do have to pop in one last critique...

For the Avy of ZenTao, you drew the upper body facing forward, while the lower half is twisted to be at say... a 45 degree angle. To me, when you have two different angles like that, it looks a bit abnormal-- Like... a puzzle piece that needs to be turned to fit properly, if that makes sense?

When I drew, I always faced that problem, and so I would always choose an angle, and stick with it. My suggestion, is to perhaps keep the face forward, but slightly to the left, while turning the torso in the direction of the legs a tad. It just seems unnatural that a person would be able to twist their body in two completely different angles, unless, they are a contortionist. : p

I hope this helps.

Your eye is much better than mine...I think it is in the feet that makes it look like that..I drew them before I finished drawing the armor and could have skewd it...to be honest this is the thing I struggle most with...I can't tell you how many avies wind up in the circular file for this very reason...I start with the shoulders and move up to the head...I agree that turning it to the left would have made it better. I drew the hips in line with the shoulders...but had intended something a little different for the legs than I finished with...Do you see the same problem with the attached unfinished pic? Cause I have to confess I don't really see it until the finished version and then only slightly and if I am lookin real hard...fortunately for me and my poor talents, the scale down size hides alot of my mistakes. And please don't call me mister...I am BlackThorn or BT. Thank you very much for your critique :)

Edited by Blackthorn
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[quote name='Blackthorn' timestamp='1302409762' post='82272']
Wow! That is very generous. Thank you indeed. It is proving to be a challenge....and in order to make the transparent aspect work I may need either some props like a table...or pose her floating in a setting...any additional suggestions?

Perhaps there is some way of shading the hair in lightly, and allowing it to flow behind her also? If not perhaps a small cavern with a burning torch could work. :)

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Whenever I try to do a funky pose like that, I look at myself in the mirror. While, for you it may be harder [because you don't have breasts and well. Breasts get in the way, and such..], but, if you look in the mirror and watch how the body is naturally curved, you can get a better idea of how it will look in said position.

I always have started from the head, so that way, I can kind of fiddle with how I want the body to be posed. The head can always be looking at a different direction than the body, however, the body is always leaning in some direction towards the head.

As for my 'eye,' drawing is like writing. You don't see the mistakes you write because it is something you have written, and to you it seems perfectly natural. It is until you either read it backwards to self edit, or get someone to look it over for you that you see the flaws and are able to correct it. I, honestly, am not that good at drawing, but I go on a realistic stand point of how I draw things, such as my mushroom, for example, and my hands. I always free draw those by using my own hand to work off of.

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i am RED i would request you to draw an avatar for me...and give my character a shape..an identity..
as we talked earlier , this is the formal request to you BT
i would be glad if you do this for me

i am RED regarding what i want you to draw for me..
here is the description...

and the name itself suggests i should look quite savage in my own ways!
a wizard...who looks very young and polishes!
wearing a long cloak...with mysterious symbols and languages written on it...
the collar of the cloak should be hard and semicircular...covering the neck
cloak should cover the hands till wrists...and myserious symbols all over the hands also
the hands...one should hold a magical orb.. like the one we see with the fortune tellers!
the other hand should be holding a magical staff...long one...and the upper tip should have a savage an mean looking skull on it..with horns and canines!!
my legs would be covered in cloak too i guess..
and shoes should be pointed and sharp...
now...my head...
my head/face must look yong...but my eyes should sparkle in a way as if they have seen it all...experienced...veteran eyes!!
my face will have the most deadly and vicous/cunning/wiked smile on it....
my overall body will be upright straight from spine...no bends..or stoops..
i will be holding the orb in left hand and staff in the other...
my position of the hands will be this...orb will be holded back and staff will be helf forward as if i am about to cast a magic spell...
my fingers long...and sharp nails....
i will be wearing a hat...a long wizard hat...or a magitian's hat...you decide what suits the best...

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[quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1301700601' post='81680']
I would like to ask wether you could draw me this:

A young lady, in a long flowing dress,the neck in the shape of a V and an hourglass pendent around her neck.She should have long hair which flows as her dress does, as if in water. To the right of her chest she holds, with both hands, a harp with a strange bone like appearence, though beautiful at the same time.

Here comes the part I think could become tricky.

The ghost should have an almost transparent look to it, as if you could see through to the other side. Also if possible she should be hovering a foot or so above the ground, a very faint shadow beneath her, like light passing through steam.

I would like all this whilst keeping all details of the Lady.

It would be amazing to see an artists depiciction of this description, and I hope you see it as a "challenge". :)


~Sasha Lilias~

Ok this is still pretty rough...lots left to do...but I need to know what you think.
still not done...just a little closer to finished
I hope this last one will work...let me know

Edited by Blackthorn
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[quote name='Blackthorn' timestamp='1302684472' post='82459']
Ok this is still pretty rough...lots left to do...but I need to know what you think.

I'm loving it so far :) only a few little things jumps to mind. If you could make the harp a little more....odd, a sort of distorted harp with an almost creepy look to it. Also the hair. If it were possible for it to be a little lighter then that would be brilliant! :)
I am loving what I am seeing and am very happy with it all!


~Sasha Lilias~

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[s]*sighs deeply* I'll edit this when I get an idea. :)[/s]

I have two ideas, and I'll share one of them here.

a man, even though he is statically standing or kneeling on one leg (up to you) seems like he could move with great speed at any second. He is fully covered with a light plate of armor, aside from his head, which only shows his hair. his facial features and expression could not be determined, but is that a grin?

in his left hand, he holds a spear with a large blade: a combination of a twin-headed axe and a standard arrowhead. he holds it near the blade, like he could make a one-handed thrust with it. and holds it at an angle with respect to the horizon.

in his right hand, he holds a gigantic bow, mechanical but streamlined in physical appearance. its shear size surpasses the whole width of the avatar (it's meant to be cut if you drew it horizontally) as it seems to be taller than the man at the length. It is also large enough to accommodate the spear he's holding.

And now for the important part: the spear, the bow and the armor he's wearing seems to be made of a black metal. because of this, aside from the edges of the spear and the bow, and other markings and details, all the non facial parts of the drawing are violently shaded black. also, there seem to be... wisps of trailing light that orbit the metal components. I'll send you a PM for some detail on the 'wisps'.

The other idea I withhold, it's for when all else fails *winks*. I hope you're up for this challenge. :)

Edited by Mith
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[quote name='savage' timestamp='1302607119' post='82405']
i am RED i would request you to draw an avatar for me...and give my character a shape..an identity..
as we talked earlier , this is the formal request to you BT
i would be glad if you do this for me

i am RED regarding what i want you to draw for me..
here is the description...

and the name itself suggests i should look quite savage in my own ways!
a wizard...who looks very young and polishes!
wearing a long cloak...with mysterious symbols and languages written on it...
the collar of the cloak should be hard and semicircular...covering the neck
cloak should cover the hands till wrists...and myserious symbols all over the hands also
the hands...one should hold a magical orb.. like the one we see with the fortune tellers!
the other hand should be holding a magical staff...long one...and the upper tip should have a savage an mean looking skull on it..with horns and canines!!
my legs would be covered in cloak too i guess..
and shoes should be pointed and sharp...
now...my head...
my head/face must look yong...but my eyes should sparkle in a way as if they have seen it all...experienced...veteran eyes!!
my face will have the most deadly and vicous/cunning/wiked smile on it....
my overall body will be upright straight from spine...no bends..or stoops..
i will be holding the orb in left hand and staff in the other...
my position of the hands will be this...orb will be holded back and staff will be helf forward as if i am about to cast a magic spell...
my fingers long...and sharp nails....
i will be wearing a hat...a long wizard hat...or a magitian's hat...you decide what suits the best...
Yeah sounds great...I am a little overpowered at the moment..so I hope you can be patient.

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I was impressed with your artwork and so I decided to ask you to draw my avatar for me. I'm afraid all I have to pay you is two silver, as I am a young player compared to many. Here is a description for you:

A man. He carries a wooden walking stick, wears a dark trench coat, and bears a fedora on his head. I would say he is a man in his earlier years, perhaps late twenties if you judge him by age. He wears boots but they do not rise too high. I am debating whether he will have any facial hair, so I believe I will leave that to your deciding. If I do not like the outcome of the hair, I will discuss it with you.

BLACKTHORN - EDIT: Could there be a small hole in the hat? Pample is a fiesty one.

Much appreciated,


Edited by Hedge Munos
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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Hedge Munos' timestamp='1303596216' post='83299']

I was impressed with your artwork and so I decided to ask you to draw my avatar for me. I'm afraid all I have to pay you is two silver, as I am a young player compared to many. Here is a description for you:

A man. He carries a wooden walking stick, wears a dark trench coat, and bears a fedora on his head. I would say he is a man in his earlier years, perhaps late twenties if you judge him by age. He wears boots but they do not rise too high. I am debating whether he will have any facial hair, so I believe I will leave that to your deciding. If I do not like the outcome of the hair, I will discuss it with you.

BLACKTHORN - EDIT: Could there be a small hole in the hat? Pample is a fiesty one.

Much appreciated,


I would be glad to. I've herd that about Pample. :)

My current list is pretty long so I hope you and everyone will understand that it does take some time for me to draw your requests. I am in game or drawing requests or both when I can. I appreciate both your patience and understanding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've Been away on a long vacation...I am back now but have alot of work to catch up on...I will be back drawing very soon...some of your commissions are almost ready...others I have barely started...Sorry if this delay has troubled any of you..I appreciate your patience

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello Blackthorn! I would like some artwork done to create my avatar (assuming you are taking requests). I'm sorry that I can't provide full details on what I imagine my character to look like, but we will both do our best and a result will come from it, hopefully.

My character's name is Ryan Delphus. He is of Golemus Golemicarum citizenship. He has nearly nothing to his name. As I think of him and become him, he is a writer and reads books a lot. He's quiet and always full of thought. He isn't the best at anything. I imagine he wears a cloak of some sort (lol... who wouldn't in this game) because he is quiet. underneath the cloak, I see he wears light-medium armor (equivalent to leather), with a chest piece and bracers visible within the ruffling cloak. I see the armor as some sort of steampunk style, reflecting Golemus' science and technological advances. I imagine a weapon could possibly be showed, of any sort really, but this isn't really needed since he is a writer. He is quiet, but he is firm in his beliefs and has a strong mind and heart. He is quiet and as a result tries his best to avoid conflict, and sometimes doesn't stand up for himself, but he will rise if he is truly against a cause or if pushed too far.

I wouldn't worry about showing a detailed face. Maybe a bored-thoughtful-sad kind of face, slightly hidden by a cloak, or from being turned away (since he doesn't want to be looked at!). Maybe you could show him holding a small book in his left hand.

Well that is the best description I can possibly think of right now, I think. I hope it provides great insight. Please feel free to stray from my directions. Treat them as your own ideas. As far as payment goes, I have two silver coins in my inventory, nothing more. I can however, gift you five MD shop credits if you so choose! This is all debatable, of course.

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