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changing, deleting, closing topics


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  • Root Admin

The moderators here are not paid, They do not gain any special benifits inside the game. They are voulenteer jobs only.

This being said, Most of them (aka me) will not take kindly to you asking them to close/move/edit a topic by saying "can you do X on [i]my topic[/i]"

If you are lucky, they will spend their time looking for the topic, and make a guess at what you want to be done, But if you wish them to do something for you it is merely courtesy to be clear about what you would like to be done, such as providing a link to the topic.

I cant tell you how many times iv had people asking to close "my topic" and "the new topic i made". If you are lucky i will waste my time searching for it but normally i will ask for clarification, making the process longer.

[b]TL;DR Include a link to the topic you would like fixed[/b]

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